Re: read this
ShadeBlack said:
super-massive black holes,
the sun burning out,
solar flares (big enough to take out the atmosphere),
gamma ray bursts from star systems (by the time we'd see it, we'd be dead)
it's all fun stuff.
but take this into consideration… the earth has survived for over 4.5 billion years. it's inhabitants haven't been on the earth for as long as that obviously, but it makes you think. All this time and hardly any of these “planet Killers” have happened so incredibly rarely, that it's literally about a 1% chance or even less for these things to happen.
Rest assured, the Earth itself is safe (for now). It's inhabitants, however, are a virus, infecting the Earth with thier meaningless existance. What we should be more worried about is what we, as a race are raping the planet of it's natural resources to live. In doing so, we are quickly killing the planet. It'll only be a matter of time before the planet takes action against the 'infection'.
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