Re: Let’s Talk
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KILLER369 said:
Fact: britain started world war 2, america ended it.
Fact: in compulsory education you do not learn in depth about the germans other than “the final solution” in history lessons……
were we the good guys?…… or were they?
now im not a nazi or anything, just if your thinking that, i just wonder. the biggest war in history… we won…. yet its not a main topic in history lessons… strange.
you fact about britain starting world war two i think you should brush up on your history skills since if anythink america started it by funding germany for people who dont know this is what happened after world war one and between world war 2
1919 Leauge of nations was set up it was basicaly the .U.N of that time it was a american president wilson woodrow althought it was a american idea they did not join the cause of america not joining is that they was affraid of lose trades with other countries since the leauge war punishment is first they give the attacking country a warning to stop war secondly (the one america was scared of) they stop rading with the country and thridly they lend troops to the defending army
so what youve just read is that america was scared of basically losing a trade and giving money away by not joining the leauge of nations
now the punishment the leauge gave to germany after world war 1 was that their army was cut to 100,000 men and that their navy was cut down to just 6 battleships and nothing else (america and france had a VERY Big role in this) and that also germany has to pay 6.6Billion to britian france and america for war damages (reasource found that germany would of been paying this debt of untill 1984)
now germany has nothing how could they start another war it seems imposible right well no america says to germany we will give you money and a navy if you pay use back after you paid of your 6.6billion and germany agrees
so killer america really started world war 2 for giving germany their army back and their navy back even adolf hitler after he attacked the rhineland said if america had not gave them this stuff their was no ay the would of been able to survive for as long as they did
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