Re: Let’s Talk
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this post is to reply to all of those after my last response…
I was basing my knowledge on fact, not half an hours worth of watching the discovery channel. I'd be civilised enough not to insult the person you're trying to have a good conversation with.
how did we come from an ape like chimp/gurrila to a fully up right, extremely inteligent, world dominator? over 4000 million years, not a couple hundred. if you want to be specific on how humans came from primates, then yeah it does roughly turn into 65 million years. But have a think about that for a minute. ONE million years is how many generations of animals (including humans)? Don't answer that – it's rhetorical. my point is it does not take hundreds of millions of years for things to change. especially as the world goes on, the growth rates of life will excell.
Full bodily evolution, as you put it, happens ALL THE TIME, every few million years. we are at the point now that we do not need to evolve. But at some point, we probably will.
you say for me to do my research. I put to yourself, that you need to worried about your sources. what exactly are YOU researching?
Yup you've got the right idea actually, everything came frm space. the real ultimate question however, is where did space come from? the reason why it doesn't matter is because we will never find out. it's not possible to EVER find out. best to just to lay back and ride it out I'd say.
Yeah this topic has somewhat… evolved into something… it went from talking about immune systems and comparing the bat, with it's amazing immunity to diseases we as human would suffer from.
I agree with mostly what you say, nothing to argue about though.
No. God has nothing to do with it. Sorry to those who actually believe this though.
actually i made this thread purely because we kept getting into these similar debates in ps3 related topics. I made this to talk about other stuff
he never said he was talking about the grand canyon o_O
actually when the moon collided with the earth (yes that's a fact) a lot of the debris re-formed the earth, while the moon was then being formed in orbit. when a collision hapens, it doesn't just stay in the ground creating a crater… it makes the crater, shatters, and depending on how big it was, flies off into space. a lot of it also stays on the earth. Without the collision of the moon, we wouldn't exist.
We haven't proved anything from mars yet either – the reason why? Because we can hardly get there. We can't live there either it's also too cold. humans can't live in -140c. And venus is too hot even for water.
You don't agree with either evolution or creationism. But there are no other options. it's one or the other. Even if we were brought here long ago by aliens, we would still be evolving because that's how things work. and in my opinion, Creationism is just ignorance. so what do you believe…. there's always magic! …alien magic!!!?
Nothin can ever remove life on a planet except something that actually ends a wolrd.
there is definitely ice on mars… but what would you expect frm a planets that drops to -140c?
The Sun God “RA” was believed to be a deity that controlled the sky, the earth and the underworld. he did not descend in an alien spaceship. there are no recordings of these magical hyropglyphics you speak of. if there were, they would have been discovered by now.
y'know…. the egyptians more or less believed in creationism.
i gotta go to work now so i can't write any more…
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