Re: PS3 Firmware 2.60 to launch tomorrow
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looks like we got another argument on our hands.
First off, I will stand here and let someone say Sony has nothing going for them, when this is clealry speculation of this persons hatred of them. Sony remains in the top 100 brands of the world in at #55, and #9 in Asia. Don't you think they're doing SOMETHING right?
The PS3 is a great product that has NEVER given me, and many millions of other people any problems. In fact, one PS3 crashing is comparable to over 50 Xbox 360s crashing. Speaking of inferior products, the 360s red ring of death occurs 35% of all consoles sold within the first 12 months. This is appualing. How can you defend the 360, and then say “Sony is kicking out garbage”. You sir, are clearly misinformed.
As for TVs and such… Well I can't comment myself on those because I prefer SAMSUNG. But from over the years, Sony are the ones that often come out on top.
Y'know, some say businesses and companies are run by 'descision making'. I agree with this. Every day, companies make vital descisions to esnure the company is always moving forward. Do you really think Sony would be around today if they couldn't make good descisions? They know what they're doing, so you can't badmouth them. espciailly not on a ps3 orientated forum and website. lol.
On the other hand, I will soon be getting a 360 for myself! Well… maybe late this summer. But anyway, i do want one, and hold no grudge towards it. But I'm a logical person. Logic suggests to get the better of everything in specific circumstances. So a few years ago, I had to make a descision myself. Should i get a PS3, or an Xbox360. I looked at specifications of the two machines, prices of the two, the games available, the probability factor of one crashing, lifespam and so on. I chose the PS3 because it ticked A LOT more boxes than the other.
Now back onto the TOPIC!
Firmware updates provide new and often exciting features. Would you really want them to stop and say “You're not getting anything new… Ever again!” ?
I thought not, and rest case.
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