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my psn is casey-elite
my current games at the moment are cod4,assassins creed, GTA IV, Warhawk, heavenly sword, battlefield bad company, force unleashed star wars, ratchetand clank tools of destruction and ratchet and clank quest for booty, littleBigPlanet, far cry2, burnout paradise, motorstorm, motorstorm pacicific rift, uncharted drakes fortune, turok, resistance fall of man and fifa 09…………i will be getting much more soon such as the likes of resistance2,killzone2, mirrors edge, tomb raider underworld, mk vs. dc, and many many more ive also got a big enough blu-ray collection add if u like my collection and want help in any games or wana play together……….PS. INEED ONE MORE TIMED CHALLENGE IN BURNOUT PARADISE IF SOMEONE WOULD PLEASE HELP IT WOULD BE GREAT thanks!!!!!!!!!!
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