Apples to Apples Trophies
Total Trophies: 12Loved for its zany spontaneity and humorous results, Apples to Apples is the ultimate icebreaker. The family game favorite challenges players to outwit and anticipate the actions of others while taking into consideration personality, preferences and individual senses of humor. Apples to Apples is a word comparison game that requires strategic thinking and allows players to learn while having fun.
Unlock all the Apple Avatars.
Rotten to the Core
Be targeted by the “Rotten Apple” card 10 times.
An Apple a Day
Reach the Orchard Rank in Online Multiplayer by Playing 500 Games.
Falling Far from the Tree
Play the “Every Apple for Himself” card 5 times.
Apple of My Eye
Win your first online game.
Sour Apple
Play a Golden Apple Card for the first time.
Mad Apple
Lose 3 online games in a row.
All Your Apples Are Belong to Us
Play the “Apple Tart” card 10 times.
No Apple for You
Play the “Yes, We Have No Apples” card 10 times.
Apple Seeds
Complete the tutorial in Single Player.
Be the second player to play the “Upset the Apple Cart” card in a single round.
Social Addict
Enable Social Integration for posting trophies.