Assault Heroes Trophies
Total Trophies: 12As the only surviving members of an elite Special Forces unit, it is up to you to find the secret underground lab. Assault Heroes offers an arsenal of weapons including devastating flak cannons, flamethrowers and grenades to navigate through the levels.
Defeat the giant spider.
Sharp Shooter
Keep your accuracy higher than 70%.
Finish a zone without losing a life.
Lair Slayer
Complete all underground zones without using a continue.
Kill more than 85% of the total enemies in a zone.
Small Arms Expert
Finish a zone without using grenades or nukes.
Twin Medal
Finish a zone in Co-op mode.
Speed Freak
Finish a zone in less than 15 minutes.
Peace Maker
Finish a zone killing less than 50% of the enemies.
Tricked Out
Max out all of the vehicle power-ups.
Finish a zone killing 60% of the units on foot.
Assault Hero
Complete the game.
hate!!! thats at both the comment and game lol
try not to piss yourself now…
not heard of this game before, is the co-op online? and does it feature online matches, also is it a FPS, side scroller or TPS or something different?
Okay… I couldn’t tell who was first to comment, but now that I know that it’s you I consider you a God in my eyes.