Battle Fantasia Trophies
Total Trophies: 62Battle Fantasia is a fighting game from the creators of the Guilty Gear series.
Clear arcade mode
Clear arcade mode on the HARD difficulty setting.
Clear arcade mode on the VERY HARD difficulty setting.
Staying Power
Clear arcade mode with no continues.
The Rainbow
Unlock every character’s hidden colors.
Art Student
Unlock 25% of the gallery.
Unlock 50% of the gallery.
Unlock 75% of the gallery.
Unlock 100% of the gallery.
Plays Well With Others
Play a ranked match on PlayStation®Network.
Local Legend
Win 10 ranked matches on PlayStation®Network.
Success Story
Win 30 ranked matches on PlayStation®Network.
Didn’t Even Break a Sweat
Defeat the End of Deathbringer in single-player arcade mode without Heating Up.
Not Creepy At All
Clear Ashley’s main scenario in story mode.
Hooked Again
Clear Freed’s main scenario in story mode.
How Do You Like It?
Clear Coyori’s main scenario in story mode.
Clear Deathbringer’s main scenario in story mode.
Risky Business
Clear Donvalve’s main scenario in story mode.
Best Served Cold
Clear Face’s main scenario in the story mode.
Apples And Trees
Clear Urs’s main scenario in the story mode.
Pretty In Pink
Clear Olivia’s main scenario in the story mode.
Big Stick Diplomacy
Clear Odile & Dokurod’s main scenario in the story mode.
You May Feel A Little Prick
Clear Cedric’s main scenario in the story mode.
Clear Watson’s main scenario in the story mode.
You Have Gained A Level!
Clear Marco’s main scenario in the story mode.
William Wallace
10 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Henry V
20 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
Clear time attack mode within 10 minutes.
Faster Than Lightning
Clear time attack mode within 8 minutes.
Population Control
Outside of training mode, dish out a total of over 1,000,000 damage.
Shameless Flirt
In single-player arcade mode, seduce every character with Ashley’s taunt.
In single-player arcade mode, get 25+ hits with Coyori’s Cat Storm.
Outside of training mode, win a match with only 1 HP left.
It’s A Trap!
In single-player arcade mode, hit an opponent with Watson’s level 3 Torabasa Minore.
Har-man-ica Bronze Trophy
In single-player arcade mode, see Face whip out his instrument while wearing hot pants.
Freed At Last!
Outside of training mode, have 2 Freeds in Heat Up mode do Magnum Jetter on each other simultaneously.
Play a player match on PlayStation®Network.
Win 10 player matches on PlayStation®Network.
Win 50 player matches on PlayStation®Network.
Win 100 player matches on PlayStation®Network.
At The Same Time!?
Outside of training mode, get a Double KO.
International Ninja
Win 60 ranked matches on PlayStation®Network.
30 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Faster Than Anything
Clear time attack mode within 6 minutes.
For Whom The Bell Tolls…
Outside of training mode, as Death Bringer, defeat an opponent with a single move.
You Want Me To WHAT?
‘In single-player arcade mode, on a difficulty higher than NORMAL, survive Deathbringer’s Apocalypse Flame attack and win the round with full health.
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
what is this game all about need too check some vids
62 trophies how did the manage that o well more for us lol
I bet all the hidden ones are bronze
Will buy.
They are not, this game has a Platinum cuase its a full game on Japan 🙂
Woah, most retail games don’t go over 51 without DLC.
lol this game relies heavly in online battles you gotta get die hard fan to play with you lol.
I have to get this game, asap.
You Want Me To WHAT?
‘In single-player arcade mode, on a difficulty higher than NORMAL, survive Deathbringer’s Apocalypse Flame attack and win the round with full health.
sounds pretty damn impossible to me
one of the hidden trophies is for finishing an opponent with deathbringers final strike (R2 to actibate heat mode, then hit an enemy with your sword (triangle) 3 times whilst in heat mode), so i asume the rest of the hiddens are other strong finishing moves with different characters
already have it,need a trophy guide!!! any game w/a plat is worth trying. the gameplay is like tekken but cheesier.
I have found 2 more hidden bronzies:
1. With Urs use Heatup/Taunt (hold Taunt bottom till Urs heats up) I got a bronze while playing arcade, and even got another one when I did it in an online match… not sure if they are different or the same.
2. Another Brozne called “Be Gentle” win a match using Ashley’s grab move, I think its called “Steal your heart” (forward, down, backward + Triangle) dance move.
This game sucks.
this is the DUMBEST game EVER……… searching for a game and or friends to play w/ (outside of custom) is IMPOSSIBLE………… anyone that plays this for “fun” SERIOUSLY needs to have their head examined, (obviously I do too for not checking youtube for videos of this piece o SHiit
I ‘d say the game is quite decent, not the best but not the worst. Each character has its own tactics and almost totaly different way of fighting. The heat up mode(L2 bottom) is neat, its something you don’t see on other fighting games, learn more about it for its what the game is all about.
On another scale, the game does have a sweet story mode, a huge image gallery, vast trophy collection and unlockables. Combaring to xbox’s version the psn’s price is alot cheaper and the game is more balanced playing the consumer mode.
Then again, youtube is a good friend, pay him a visit, find the best features of this game and hopefully you probably wouldn’t nead your or anyone else’s head to be examined.
i dont mind the game personally, i dont even like button bashers however this is a litle bit of fun and takes your mind of stuff (in over words its entertainment), admittedly i have to play it on very easy, but we all have to start somewhere now dont we?, also hearing japanese people swearing in japanese is always a laugh
and yousIF, didnt dragonballz have a heat up mode of some sort? cant remember the name, the characters go in a `rage` and have yellow stuff around them, i remember this from old budakai 2
Yep, but not quite the same idea and usage. In Battle Fantasia, Heat up may open up a new list of moves or upgrades some of your moves or even changes your fighting style… etc. dependng on the character you are playing.
So there is 12 characters with 12 different heat ups, that by itself is unique.
Some views of mine:
1. The characters themselfs aren’t eye catching at all, perhaps you would even think less of the game because of the look of most of them. Hopefully you will start liking them a little bit more after playing story mode.
2. Little disappointing to see that its not like Guilty gear at all but you will realize that something fresh is still acceptable from time to time.
3. Life of the game will be rather short I believe, a memorable experience non the less.
This game’s combat sucks..
beating death bringer without ever getting hit on normal is hard enough! hes got 3 times as much health as most people and also does 3 times as much damage, u need to know combos or getting killed will be easy. being a ninja gamer would help.
this game doesnt seem to have trophys so why is there a list for it :S i only bought this last week and done everything on it hopeing id get a trophy or 2 and got nothing cause there aint any WTF!:S