Blast Factor Trophies
Total Trophies: 25Blast Factor brings together “old school” and “new school” arcade action. Supporting true High Definition (HD) at full 1080p and taking advantage of the PS3 system’s advanced processing power.
Junior Researcher
Complete Blast Factor™ Specimen 1
Graduate Researcher
Complete Blast Factor™ Specimen 4
Head Researcher
Complete Blast Factor™ Specimen 7
Advanced Junior Researcher
Complete Blast Factor™ Advanced Research Specimen 1
Advanced Graduate Researcher
Complete Blast Factor™ Advanced Research Specimen 4
Advanced Head Researcher
Complete Blast Factor™ Advanced Research Specimen 7
Get x100 chain multiplier
Finish a Survival Cell without dying
Ultimate Survivor
Finish all Survival Cells without dying
Complete a Specimen without dying
Complete 3 consecutive Specimens without dying
Mix It Up
Complete Hybrid mode
Death Wish
Complete a Boss Cell without using the Repulsor
Death Wish Part II
Complete a Survival Cell without using the Repulsor
Death Wish Part III
Complete a Boss Cell without destroying any enemies
Friends Forever
Complete last Specimen in Co-op for any mode
Doing the Dishes
Flip 10 Big Tip enemies with one tip
Chain Gang
Destroy 5 Big Chains with one shot
Tough Guy
Complete all hard Cells in any mode
Attention to Detail
Complete all Cells in any mode
Speed Master
Finish Blast Factor™ Basic Research in 2xAT mode
Advanced Speed Master
Finish Blast Factor™ Advanced Research in 2xAT mode
The Cleaner
Clear a Cell using the Super Repulsor
Dodge 10 Repulsed Back AR’s at the same time
Life is Good
Get 10 lives
wow 11 silvers! not bad for a small game.
too bad it won’t be out in the UK for ages.
This game was a lot of fun but I couldn’t start from a save point I always had to start from the beginning of the game!!!!
Help would be appreciated!!
I can’t see any trophies ?!!!!!!
theres like 3x more silvers than Bioshock. (note math may not be accurate)
the trophy patch is only available in the uS at the moment
are the trophies in this game easy to get?
ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whin in Eur?
hayy everybody
does anyone know when the patch comes out in EU..
( germany… )
man we need this i the uk! soon!
Yeah I can’t belive it isn’t in EU yet.
What’s the repulsor and the super repulsor!!!
im guessing the repulsor is the r2 or r1 button press which pushes the liquid away from you. i could be mistaken though lol
death wish 3 sounds hard. its hard when killing them, nevermind not killing them!
anyone completed it?
really want this in the uk no fair
this game is hard i will get it though
super repulser is a powerup, its like the normal repulser, but it actually kills enemies. youll have a glowing circle around your ship when you have super repulser..
i whant this trofhy´s in europe (portugal), come on, 1 patch it´s simple.
I agree completely!!!!
Sort it out SONY!!!
PSN ID: redbren
yeah , sony messes with us , no trophy patch , psn games we have to wait for (penny arcade? i heard 31st of dec….) , how hard can it be ?????? if at least they bothered to give european release dates……i’m going to switch to a 360 …lol
Any European release dates????
Are these trophies hard???
PSN ID: redbren
SONY what you waithing for? Europe are very disapointed. you have to realease the patch of trofhy´s now. i whant to complete de blast factor.
any news on the europe release date? i know everyones been asking..
please does anyone know when these trophies will come out for the U.K.
75% sofar.. Death Wish Part II is the hardest trophy of them all. I just get pissed trying to get this trophies lol. I still havent beaten advanced or hybrid yet.. Death wish part III is easy. Go to the first boss in advanced, and swoosh them to the side. After a little they stop spawning, just make sure not to hit them and shoot to kill the boss.
pro- there making trophys for a good game and should b retro active for euro release ((aperently))
con- no gold, consider the difficuluty of some of these trophy, think it highly unfair.
add me psn: shiftz
100%. Death with part 2 is cell 7 on advanced. woot
hey 1 question , does sony own this sight , if not , then why are there comments about people telling sony to move there arse for a patch on this site,
sorry my persoanl opionion there like lol but thts like people who complain about food to me , even in a restuarant had these foak next tay me right , saying omg this is discraful , mines was delicous but a wasny gona say tht to them haha anyway , why are they telling me tell the fuckin manager or sutin lol
but as a say nay idea who even created this game , maby there the ones to be blamed, dnt no , but , theres planety of other games to play out there, and with most foak downlaoding them of other foak , if tht were me, a be whats the rush , they got it for free, but then ma opionins, are like tht , but on the other hand , yea its a bloddy patch , cany be tht hard, lol
hope tht enjoyed ya lol
ummm, what?
is this patch out in uk yet and do you need the expansion pack to get the trophies??
hey 1 question , does sony own this sight , if not , then why are there comments about people telling sony to move there arse for a patch on this site,
sorry my persoanl opionion there like lol but thts like people who complain about food to me , even in a restuarant had these foak next tay me right , saying omg this is discraful , mines was delicous but a wasny gona say tht to them haha anyway , why are they telling me tell the fuckin manager or sutin lol
Ouch! Your comments about people moaning on here about a patch that should be directed to Sony (note that the developers gave the patch to Sony at the same time as the US one)….
I agree it’s bloody stupid of them, but then again, it’s no more stupid than trying to write a comment which nobody can understand properly because of lousy spelling (WTF is discraful?) and even worse punctuation and grammar.
Please, please for the sake of everybody else, put your brain in gear and actually THINK about what you want to say before you put it down (unless of course, you actually DO talk like this, in which case I pity your friends).
Pad-Man, no expansion is needed for the Basic Research trophies. But I think about 15 trophies require the Multi-player and Advanced Research packs.
I’ve done 88% already. Ultimate Survivor is certainly the hardest one.
guys forget this don´t gonna have trofhys in europe.
well , thats it i’m officially pissed off. the trophy patch exists , how hard can it be to bring it to europe ?? if there was no patch , i wouldnt mind , but thats just taking the piss…
payed 5 pound won t money back no trophy s i love
lol just paid 5 pound ’cause it seemed like a nice trophy game…now it’s just like every other “space-shooter-game”, i just don’t wanna complete it without the trophies…sucks balls
I’ve just achieved 100% of the trophies 2 days ago. If someone needs some help feel free to add me. Good luck to all!
It about time blast factor trophies in the uk 🙂
almost everybody on the top of this comment page can’t spell 😉
You spell it T-R-O-P-H-I-E-S, its a tough one but you’ll get it some year 😐
Snyda you should remember that Falco is from Portugal (as he said above) so please give him a break.
Anyways I got this yesterday and the trophies are incredibly tough.
I got to Specimen 7 Cell 7 today but gave up. Any tips would be appreciated.
I have 25% of the trophies.
Junior Researcher
Graduate Researcher
Death Wish
Death Wish Part III
Doing the Dishes
Trophies are enabled for the European version now! Just install the patch! 🙂
Yup they’ve been out for a while now.
Hey, ive got 53% so far, so fustrating to complete advanced specimen 7! lol but death wish part II is probablly the hardest….