Brain Challenge Trophies
Total Trophies: 12Boost your brain and relieve stress through 25 Visual, Memory, Logic, Math, and Focus mini-games. Choose your favorite coach and get detailed evaluations of your performances in personal training sessions. Compare yourself with other players online and/or offline in 3 delirious multiplayer modes.
First Touch
Finish one Daily Test!
Get 30 combos in any mode!
King of Brain!
Get A+ in all Brain Training games!
60% Brain Usage
Reach 60% Brain Usage!
80% Brain Usage
Reach 80% Brain Usage!
100% Brain Usage
Reach 100% Brain Usage!
Card Game!
Finish one online Card Game match!
Time Attack!
Finish one online Time Attack match!
Snatch Game!
Finish one online match in Snatch Game!
The One of the Card Game!
Reach level 100 in Card Game!
The One of Time Attack!
Reach level 100 in Time Attack!
The One of Snatch Game!
Reach level 100 in Snatch Game!
ah. finally something i can embrace
A+ in all brain challenges..meaning easy,medium and hard..or just an A+ in any difficulty?
is the game worth it?
game isnt worth stuck @ 94% n no 1 plays online..and there is no time attack or snatch game..@ least i nvr c it..A+ in all brain training games is ridiculous like mk vs dcu’s kombo challenge trophies lol..if u want it for trophies, then no i wouldnt recommend it
has ntone played the snatch or time attack games,i got this 4 trophies and the modes arent even there.?????? PSN:theonehotdog Trophie:369
most likely it’s an extra u have to buy in the game they suck u in like that but i must admit it works
never seen snatch or time attack , but saw ther’s a retail copy going for 20£ , maybe those modes are in there and for those of us PSN’d it , it’ll be more DLC….it’s boring after a couple weeks anyways…. (and i hate how the girl is so judgmental , ‘i havent seen you in ….days/weeks’ …lol.)and A+ on all training is fing hard , i wont bother trying.
This is ridiqulous. I have A+ in all “available” games. I am still missing 4 stress games.. i played the damn boring stress test almost everyday.. nothing.
jus to let you all know other modes are in add on pack added today with a few other extra bits aswell. also i found it cheaper to buy off ps store rather than disk
if any1 needs a online game for the trophy
add djstu1990
and ill gee ya a game, on most of the time like, as a got hit by a car early on in the year , so not got mutin else to do kwam
am longon gmt if tht helps any at all
TuinDapuper is the PSN name here if you want a game too….will look for/download pack if that’s true!
PSN: DJTripleThreat78. Hit me up, I want to pwn you online! 🙂 j/k. I have 69% brain usage right now.
I have A+ in all brain training games but still no trophy. Anyone knows if you have to get A+ in both easy medium and hard?
games on my psp no ones online best if skipped some trophies not worth the stress.
Sorry in advance for replying on a 3 year old comment and sorry for being an a$$ but I did the MK DC kombo challenge in a week.