CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars Trophies
Total Trophies: 12CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars is a fast-paced first-person multiplayer shooter that puts players in the center of the battle of technology vs. humanity.
Tutorials Completed
Complete the tutorial for each character
First Blood
Try to be the first one that kills an enemy in challenge mode
Ability First Kill
Perform a kill using your ability for the first time in a challenge
Challenges Master
Win Death Match without being killed in a challenge
Ability Master
Perform 10 frags in a row with only your abilities in challenge mode
BlackOp Campaign Completed
Complete all challenges in the BlackOp Campaign
Bishop Campaign Completed
Complete all challenges in the Bishop Campaign
Guardian Campaign Completed
Complete all challenges in the Guardian Campaign
Arena Master
Perform 5 kills without being killed in a ranked match
Get 100 kills in ranked matches
All Rewards Unlocked
Unlock all Rewards
Score 1,000,000 points
The demo of this game was a lot of fun. I REALLY want to get it.
I enjoyed it a lot too.
I will probably get this. What’s the price? 😉
There is a trial, rather than a demo, in the EU store.
Wow, thanks for saying that. I can actually see how the multiplayer works now instead of buying it and hoping it’s good.
Its a lot like a skimmed down version of unreal tournament (big surprise, they use the unreal engine) with some psychokinetic abilities thrown in. Nothing ground breaking, but definitely entertaining. The trophies don’t look too difficult either…
This is indeed a great game, definetely worth the price, really wish more people played it so we could get some more online games going. 🙁
Okay, all the trophies are easy for this game, except for 3:
Get 100 kills in ranked matches
All Rewards Unlocked
Unlock all Rewards
Score 1,000,000 points
The Slayer one is pretty easy, but it will just take a long time.
All Rewards Unlocked is a PAIN, You would think once you beat all the challenges, you would get all the rewards unlocked, but no…you are started at aprox 485,000 points to continue online after beating the challenges. You know how many points you need to get all the rewards unlocked? about 600,000 points! Imagine, a game that no one plays online, you only get 10 points per kill, just wow.
Marathon- Score 1 million points….uhh excuse me? just a gold trophy? if you could get this trophy by the end of 2009, GOD BLESS YOU 🙂
is is a cool game but how is the online gaming. is it a ranking list?
lol it is ScandinavianMage and I think that a gonna buy enemy terretory XD
it is good and the abilities mix it up a bit but no plays it online if any wants to play just leave a note ps3 tag irl666.
ps about the points u get around 330 for five in a row
I got this at 17/10/09…, i went to GAME and i got a PSN Card & Now i bought Cell Factor
more people need 2 play multiplayer add me and ill vs u in a ranked match
add me and ill vs you in a ranked match
Ps3 username “Chyegye” any1 that want to add me if they want to play (use cellfactor in subject so i know)
we need more ppl playing this i had it for the LONGEST!!! But by the time i collected the easy natural trophies i ended up with 2x the hours @ work… Had to go in on my days off as well (it sucked) but i have some time to spare & would like to get ppl back on to playing this since i missed da small rush it had…..
anyone that wants to add me if they want to play (use cellfactor in subject so i know)
anyone who wants to play add me up flying__penguin 2 underscores