PixelJunk Eden Trophies
Total Trophies: 20
In this psychedelic platform game, the player will find themselves submersed amongst towering alien plant-life. Within this constantly evolving and vibrant environment, the player leaps and swings between the lush plants, smashing into bizarre enemies and navigating around the undergrowth to gather treasures and pollen to grow more plants.
All Seeds 01
Open all seeds in garden 01
All Seeds 02
Open all seeds in garden 02
All Seeds 03
Open all seeds in garden 03
All Seeds 04
Open all seeds in garden 04
All Seeds 05
Open all seeds in garden 05
All Seeds 06
Open all seeds in garden 06
All Seeds 07
Open all seeds in garden 07
All Seeds 08
Open all seeds in garden 08
All Seeds 09
Open all seeds in garden 09
All Seeds 10
Open all seeds in garden 10
All Gardens Clear
Get a Spectra in each garden
Combo Ten
Pollen Prowler combo x 10
Combo Fifteen
Pollen Prowler combo x 15
The Hundred Thousander
Get 100.000 pollen in one garden
500 Dead Pollen Prowlers
500 Pollen Prowlers killed
Ten Minute Grimp | Show/Hide Guide
Get all 5 Spectra from a garden within 10 minutes
Fifteen Crystals | Show/Hide Guide
Get fifteen crystals in a single jump
Zero Wasted Pollen
Open all seeds in a garden without missing any pollen
Three Play Ping Pong | Show/Hide Guide
In 3p mode, trapeze jump between two swinging Grimps
All Spectra Found
Get all the Spectra in all gardens
Encore DLC Trophies:
Encore: All Seeds 11
Open all seeds in garden 11, without using continues
Encore: All Seeds 12
Open all seeds in garden 12, without using continues
Encore: All Seeds 13
Open all seeds in garden 13, without using continues
Encore: All Seeds 14
Open all seeds in garden 14, without using continues
Encore: All Seeds 15
Open all seeds in garden 15, without using continues
Encore: All Spectra Found (Garden 11 – 15)
Get all the Spectra in garden 11 – 15
Encore: Double Spectra
Get two Spectra in a single jump.
Available stages: Garden 11 – 15
Encore: 3 on 1
Kill three different types of enemy in a single jump.
Available stages: Garden 11 – 15
Encore: Seed Open Combo Ten
Open ten seeds in a single jump, without gripping a plant.
Available stages: Garden 11 – 15
Encore: Bank Shot
Get a Spectra after bouncing off a rock (or rocks) more than once.
No gripping other Grimps after bouncing.
Available stages: Garden 11 – 15
Encore: Peak Position
Reach the highest point in the tallest garden of Encore.
Available stages: Garden 11 – 15
welcome back admin 🙂
When is Dlc being released please?
God. The Encore trophies are looking to be way harder than the set from the original game. Man, does entertainment really have to be this hard?
DLC is coming to PSN on April 16 (this is the confirmed date for USA and DLC is priced at $6). All Q-Games (aka PixelJunk) are solid fun and worth the money easily!
The PixelJunk PSN trophies are always harder to get than most retail titles, but if you want to ENJOY a solid game this is a must buy.
The DLC is live in US…..$5.99
Got all the Eden Encore trophies. Gotta say, I love both the original and expansion. A nice challenge, but damn fun!
Any comments on the expansion? Harder than the last few levels of the original? More enemies?
I am thinking about getting it but i am not sure.
It is NOT harder than the last few levels of the original. For me, level 10 (the original) was tough as nails, both in terms of getting all seeds, and getting the uppermost spectra. Nothing in garden 11-15 is as hard as that, but it is challenging, certainly harder than the first half of the gardens (01-05).
It is very interesting what they did, and each level is VERY distinct. I personally LOVED what they added. I will NOT spoil it, but they really did make it very innovative. While I don’t recall even one new enemy, many enemies seem to have better AI and appear where they present a greater challenge. With that said, I don’t feel the Encore has as much replay value, as once you figured out the new stuff/patterns, it is kinda easy. When you beat it, there is also a new special feature (which I will not “spoil”).
Should you buy the game:
IF you played through and beat the original, this is a MUST and you will enjoy very much. If on the other hand, you found yourself JUST frustrated and never actually finished the original ten gardens, buying the expansion would be kinda silly, even thou it is -not- harder.
Put another way: If you feel the original was worth $10 (regardless of what you paid, as some got it during a onetime half price PSN promo), then the expansion is also worth the $6.