Shatter Trophies
Total Trophies: 18Shatter is a retro-inspired brick-breaking game that merges familiar action with a modern-crafted production approach.
Balls Galore
Launch multiple balls into play.
Storm Warning
Trigger a Shard Storm.
Kinetic Harvest
Complete World 1 in Story Mode
Complete World 2 in Story Mode
Granule Extractor
Complete World 3 in Story Mode
Krypton Garden
Complete World 4 in Story Mode
Complete World 5 in Story Mode
Amethyst Caverns
Complete World 6 in Story Mode
Neon Mines
Complete World 7 in Story Mode
Argon Refinery
Complete World 8 in Story Mode
Xenon Homeworld
Complete World 9 in Story Mode
The End of the World
Complete World 10 in Story Mode
Destroy the last brick with a fresh Shard Storm.
Collect 95% of all fragments on any wave.
Old School
Complete a wave without using Blow, Suck, or a Shard Storm.
Master Batter
Complete the entire game in a single game session without using a continue.
The Boss
Defeat Boss Rush Mode in Under 10 Minutes
Fringe Benefit
Get a score of 10,000,000 in Bonus Mode
Another brick game, yeah we need one of them hmmmm
Oh and 1st 🙂
one of the hidden ones are
Shardenfreude “Collect 95% of all fragments on any wave.”
I like magic ball. might have to see a youtube vid of this to decide if i’m gonna buy it.
hidden: Overkill
destory the last brick with a fresh shard storm
hehehe i wanna try but idk…gameshare any one? =p
Overkill is one more hidden.. destroy the last “brick” with the “gun fire” or what u wanna call it
Some of these PSN games are pretty lame…
This game just scored a 9.0 on IGN and later they said it was in their top 5 for absolute best downloadable games on the PSN. I figure it’s gotta be somewhat decent to get those kind of props.
For some reason I like these brick breaking games….Atari’s Breakout in the late 80s was sweet.
gotta loveém. i remember all the hours i put in to COMPLETE the orginal Arkanoid back in 1986..;)
Hey dont get me wrong, i loved arkanoid back in the day too!!! Just thinkin, do we need another one of these type games? Saying that, I dont have either yet, so spose i can hear the reviews and comments and make a choice based on them 🙂
a friend gameshared it with with me. Game is great fun. It displays your friends scores right on the main page and during the scoring screen at the end of every level. When you pass one friends score it will give you the target of your next friends score.
I got on a hot streak cause i’ve palyed these games b4. I started on the 2nd lvl and didn’t have to use a continue after that. I didn’t think about the Master Blaster trophy when I started!!!! shucks. Oh well, I gotz top score among my friends at 264,000,000 or something around there.
PS. You get 10,000,000 bonus score if you do not bounce off a wall during the entire level.
you game shared yet you moan at everyone claiming its stealing!! irony
Collbreast you magnificent man!!
Yeah whats the deal thickbrow?? That was you going Absoloutely nuts in the battlefield 1943 forum insulting everyone and calling them theives and blah blah blah…. all other BS as you also game share! Worst of all this game is only $8 and you couldn’t buy it! FOR SHAME THICKBROW!!! Shame shame shame!
Everyone check the “Battlefield 1943 Sharable?” Forum and enjoy a powerful dose of hypocrisy that’ll make your eyes water, courtesy of Thickbrow
how do you gameshare? never heard of it. (me: noob?) thanks for any help. ps: getting a continue on the second to last boss suuucks. done that twice
haha your the 1st & only person thatll call me that ,i was just confused & amazed at how thickbrow thinks he can call people thieves & yet he too does it. oh btw its called game-SHARING.. meaning YOU (who bought it) shares/gives the game to people you want to.. so how does that make me or my friends thieves? oh yeg, add my PSN barkie.. its Collbreast
Yea thickbrow must of thought noone from the forums reads these ones. I could have sworn he was calling all gameshares theifs and that they all need to go get a paper route or something lol, and yet here he is on here say how he gameshared lol. To funny. Hypocrite much?
Bloody hell thickbrow, u changed ur tone havnt you (look in the Battlefield 1943 Forum under “Battlefield 1943 Sharable?”). Sony allow you to gameSHARE (notice the word share in the name, its there for a gd reason), we appoligise if we have had more sense than you for the 2 years every1 has been sharing games.
Cheers barkie_mailman and others for highlighting this extreme hypocrisy.
276,250,270 <--- new personal best. #181 World Ranking.
Yeah yeah, brag about your score from your STOLEN game.
Whats next? Bragging about records for arrests? DWI’s? Homicides?
Shame shame shame!
Just placed 103rd overall with a score of 310 Million or so.
I only need the Boss Rush one. It will be difficult.
funny how you ignore everyone.. saaaad little man
Haha! Several of us were waiting to see thickbrows defense. Apparently “I got a pretty high score” will have to suffice. Yo thickbrow, maybe everyone else was getting high scores in their stolen games…..that makes it ok right???
Oh trust me, it is spectacular. I felt the same way, but damn. It’s fun. Though I’m a HUGE fan of this type of game.
This game has some weird sexual references.
in Shatter you can blow and suck balls to touch your stick, some advanced controles let you suck and blow balls off the walls.
And those who can beat the game without using a continue will be DUBBED ” Master Batter” Masterbater? wtf
I am a MasterBatter 🙂
I am 4 GAMESHARE, we get raked over hot coals continuously w/DLC & high priced games….save money where you can peeps! As far as too many brick games out, there are only a few. Look at how many dang shooters there are, to me all 50 of them are the same, just different characters shooting different enemies in different environments…Take away your outfit, their outfit, and the enviroscape and you just paid $65 + $10 DLC to shoot the same gun. Games are getting a little too “the same”. And the ones that arent “the same”, generally suck or are the 1-2 a year that stand above the others.
ahaha. you guys make me laugh. LOL especially barkie. ahahah nice one man. I agree though. How could gamesharing be stealing? heres a good way to put it. Sony can update the PS3 anytime they want. if they didnt like the idea of people “game-sharing”, they would’ve updated it a long time ago. or another thing is, if they didnt like it, they would’ve released ALL future games to be like Warhawk. ( If I am correct, you cant share Warhahk because of it being too big or something). but they didnt. I wouldnt gameshare with a random person only the people I trust. just got this game with Namco Museum Essentials. havent got the change to try it. btw correct me if I am wrong about Warhawk and not being able to share.
You can gameshare Warhawk but only 1 account can use it every 24 hours.
Thanks, I think this mite be a buy for me, seems like everyone is having a blast cept me @PorkChop
@Hopar_Narek Lol, good point, but have you seen the trophies for WORMS? They are way worse
oh alright. thanks. so you cant play it online at the same time? the 2 peopel sharing?
Is this game worth it ❓
hell yeah. its awesome. i just finished it. fun as hell. I found the last 2 bosses easier then the 3rd last boss. lol dont know why. boss rush and finishing the game without continues will be hard. got 76% on my first playthrough.
how much is this game? i heard it was cheap.. my PSN Store is down, so i cant see the price..
its $7.99 where I live.
I’m going to be trying for Boss rush next weekend. Last one I need.
Good game. I suggest everyone buys this game. These guys make great games.
Think about it.
Looks like a platinum to me!
There is no platinum@Kevxtreme
As a fan of “brick breaker” style games, I have to say I am am really enjoying this one. “Magic Ball” is more fun visually and sound effect wise, but this game is far superior in difficulty to that one in my opinion. Dont get wrong I love magic ball and this game, but I think this one has more repeat play potential. If you have magic ball, buy this game, if you have this one I say dont bother with magic ball, unless you have kids.
Anyone has any idea how to kill “Cold Shoulder” in the Freon
Complete World 5 in Story Mode.