Re: Cod: Custom classes
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NuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
CoryAllen said:
i never get less than 30 kills in a game with mine so i'd say our classes are about even lol. and juggernaut is for pansies. i never liked it nor do i need it. it's a wimp perk. if u can aim good u can kill someone with juggernaut with no problem. people should just use extra bullet damage and overkill and useful stuff like that
i wouldnt even use overkill, that shows that u need 2 primary weapons 2 kill… btw whats the most kills u's have had? i had 147 kills once on shipment headquarters, i average (in HTDM) about 25 kills and 5-10 deaths
i hate shipment but i play hq so i always leave the game when that map comes up. so on ambush i got 76 once. it ain't no 147 but it's actually a full sized map lol. what's ur kill/death ratio? and using overkill is cool sometimes b/c i like to use the m4 and m16 together. accurate long shots or powerful automatic fire up close. usually i don't use overkill though
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