Re: Game Of The Year
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parnakas said:
BigWoopMagazine said:
yea notice all the ones we talk about on here are sequels…. I'm hoping for an original IP that will just smack us in the face and say I KICK ASS! but… who knows.
I wonder if BioShock 2 will have a multi-player aspect? that could kick it up this list a notch or two.
Dark Void or InFamous may be that original IP.. they both look great.
and yes, Bioshock 2 CONFIRMED that it will have a multiplayer aspect.
Whats Dark Void? Yay! I wonder what thats gonna be like? Plasmid battles! oh that would definitely bump it up the list for GOTY in my book.
In response to this graphical argument going on… graphics isn't everything man. Really what makes a game great is… is it fun??? MGS4 was great and all, but it was more movie than game. I felt like I was just getting into the gameplay style and it ended… with an hour and a half long movie set. With the whole UFC vs Fight Night thing, I feel like whatever game has smoother controls and a fun fight system will win, which is the very reason I love Soul Calibur games and probably won't bother with any other fighters.
Somebody mentioned prototype, and I believe that is an IP with a lot of potential. The graphics aren't the greatest so far, but one can only hope that what it lacks in graphics it makes up for in smooth controls, epic battles, and unique gameplay mechanics. I'd keep an eye on that one. It looks similar to Infamous in certain respects, and I can say for sure that Infamous is truly badass, however the shape shifting abilities if done right, could definitely one-up on the electric powers.
gow2rules – Heavy Rain? man I haven't even heard anything about that in a while, and everytime I heard anything it seems shrouded in mystery. What is the deal with this game? And is it actually releasing this year?
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