Bioshock Trophies
Total Trophies: 66*** Trophy list contains story spoilers ***
BioShock is a narrative-driven action experience that allows players to do the impossible as they journey through an amazing, immersive and terrifying world. Caught between powerful forces and hunted down by genetically mutated citizens, the player will come to grips with the mysterious and fascinating world of Rapture, a distinct Art Deco underwater utopia gone mad.
Maxed One Track
The player has purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks
Maxed All Tracks
Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks
Bought One Slot
The player has purchased one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track
Upgraded a Weapon
The player has acquired at least one weapon upgrade
One Fully Upgraded Weapon
The player has fully upgraded one weapon
Two Fully Upgraded Weapons
The player has fully upgraded two weapons
Three Fully Upgraded Weapons
The player has fully upgraded three weapons
Four Fully Upgraded Weapons
The player has fully upgrade four weapons
Five Fully Upgraded Weapons
The player has fully upgrade five weapons
Weapon Specialist
Acquire all upgrades for all weapons
Fully Researched Thuggish Splicer
The player has fully researched the Thuggish Splicer
Fully Researched Leadhead Splicer
The player has fully researched the Leadhead Splicer
Fully Researched Spider Splicer
The player has fully researched the Spider Splicer
Fully Researched Houdini Splicer
The player has fully research the Houdini Splicer
Fully Researched Nitro Splicer
The player has fully research the Nitro Splicer
Fully Researched Rosie
The player has fully research the Rosie
Fully Researched Bouncer
The player has fully research the Bouncer
Fully Researched Little Sister
The player has fully research the Little Sister
Prolific Photographer
Take at least one photo in every research group
Research PhD
Max out all possible research
Quality Research Photo
The player has taken a Research Photo of the highest grade
Researched a Splicer
The player has taken at least one Research Photo of a Splicer
One Successful Hack
The player has performed at least one successful hack
Hacked a Security Bot
The player has successfully hacked a security bot
Hacked a Security Camera
The player has successfully hacked a security camera
Hacked a Turret
The player has successfully hacked a turret
Hacked a Vending Machine
The player has successfully hacked a vending machine
Hacked a Safe
The player has successfully hacked a safe
Skilled Hacker
The player has successfully completed 50 hacks
Basic Inventor
The player has successfully invented at least one item
Avid Inventor
Successfully invent at least 100 items
Ammo Inventor
The player has successfully invented all possible ammo types
Tonic Collector
Collect or Invent 58 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks
Seriously Good at This
The player has completed the game on the Hard difficulty setting
Dealt with Every Little Sister
The player has either Harvested or Rescued every possible Little Sister
Lucky Winner
Hit the jackpot at a slot machine
Toaster in the Tub
The player has shocked an enemy in the water
Completed Welcome (Hidden)
The player has successfully completed the Welcome To Rapture Level
Defeated Dr. Steinman (Hidden)
The player has defeated the crazed Dr. Steinman
Defeated Peach Williams (Hidden)
The player has defeated Peach Wilkins
Restored the Forest (Hidden)
The player has restored the forests of Arcadia
Completed Cohen’s Masterpiece (Hidden)
The player has completed Sander Cohen’s great masterpiece
Defeated Andrew Ryan (Hidden)
The player has defeated Andrew Ryan
Broke Fontain’s Mind Control (Hidden)
The player has broken Fontaine’s mind control
Became a Big Daddy (Hidden)
The player has become a Big Daddy
Defeated Atlus (Hidden)
The player has defeated Atlas
Irony (Hidden)
The player has taken a picture of Sander Cohen’s corpse
Found Cohen’s Room (Hidden)
The player has entered Sander Cohen’s personal quarters
Find every audio diary
Little Sister Savior (Hidden)
The player has completed the game without harvesting any Little Sisters
Brass Balls
Complete the game on Hard difficulty without using a Vita-Chamber
A Man Chooses
Complete the game on Survivor difficulty
I Chose The Impossible
Complete the game on Survivor difficulty without using a Vita-chamber
Platinum Trophy
Collected all other Bioshock trophies
Extra DLC Trophies:
“The ‘I’ in Team” – Rescuer
Rescued the Little Sister in “The ‘I’ in Team”
“The ‘I’ in Team” – Expert
Rescued the Little Sister in “The ‘I’ in Team” in under 3:00
“The ‘I’ in Team” – Collector
Found all collectible Roses in “The ‘I’ in Team”
“The ‘I’ in Team” – Pacifist
Rescued the Little Sister in “The ‘I’ in Team” without destroying any Machine Gun Turrets
“A Shocking Turn of Events” – Rescuer
Rescued the Little Sister in “A Shocking Turn of Events”
“A Shocking Turn of Events” – Expert
The player has rescued the Little Sister in “A Shocking Turn of Events” in under 4:00
“A Shocking Turn of Events” – Collector
Found all collectable Roses in “A Shocking Turn of Events”
“A Shocking Turn of Events” – Master Electrician
Charged up the Ferris Wheel 9 different times in “A Shocking Turn of Events”
“Worlds of Hurt” – Rescuer
Rescued the Little Sister in “Worlds of Hurt”
“Worlds of Hurt” – Expert
Rescued the Little Sister in “Worlds of Hurt” in under 15:00, on Medium or higher difficulty
“Worlds of Hurt” – Collector
Found all collectible Roses in “Worlds of Hurt”
“World of Hurt” – Tough Guy
Rescued the Little Sister in “World of Hurt” using only plasmids, tonics, the wrench, and the research camera, on Medium or higher difficulty.
this game is amazing.
i never played it on 360 and am very happy that i waited for this.
all the trophies are very easily reached, even the hardest ones.
since this game isnt online, a couple runs through the game on different difficulties (or put it on the hardest one right off the bat, your choice) and you’ll get all the trophies, just finding all audio diaries is a pain looking for all them, and upgrading all weapons.
which leads me to a question.
since you have to fully max out research on ALL available research subjects *even turrets, cameras, and security bots*, do you have to upgrade all the weapons in one run? cause i didnt upgrade them all the first time through because i guess i didnt find all the upgrade stations.
let me know thanks.
Yeah you gotta get all the weapon upgrades in one run. So make sure you don’t kill Sander Cohen right away cause you need to get into his secret room for one of the weapon upgrades.
And if I start a New Game Plus so that I keep all my weapons and research and stuff can I still get the Brass Balls trophy and those as long as I have vita chambers turned off??
wait..if i decide to play the game on survivor difficulty without vita-chambers..can i get the hard,hard w/o vita-chambers,and survivor difficulty?
Hey pobert06
You’ll have to play through the game on hard difficulty again after beating it on survivor difficulty. Pisses me off too.
oh thanks do you turn vita-chambers off? or you just dont have to use them for the trophy?
anyone know where to find the all “power to the people” upgrade machines?
just bought this yesterday have yet to play it because of dead space
I kind of have the same question as MFK863. I got the DLC and want to start a New game + so that it might be easier to beat the game on survivor. Will this still count towards getting the trophy?
this is for everyone being attentive; you do NOT have to turn vita chambers off in order to acheive the brass balls or i chose the impossible trophies. im pretty sure the first guy rambling about this just didnt load after popping out of a vita-chamber once or twice because rest assured, i loaded whenever i got k.oed and i was congratulated with the brass balls trophy at the end of a hard run.
to anyone interested i found the easiest way to kill a big daddy if you have the proper weapons and ammo:
chemical thrower and the crossbow. you shoot a big daddy with the chemical throwers electric gel stunning him, then switch to the crossbow and shoot him with a single fire bolt. hit him ONCE with a bolt then switch back to the chemical thrower and repeat. even on survivor i remain untouched =3
do you have to have the dlc trophies to get the platinum trophy.
Guys,the New Game Plus feature disables all can’t get any trophies by playing New Game need to restart a fresh save to get the trophies you’ve missed..
is this game good?? wat is it about, cos i just downloaded the demo and its sooo shit, didnt even finish it cos it was soo bad
How do I research Splicers??
I haven’t got a research camera.
Weav S X X you’ll get it..its part of the quest in the game…so you will definitely not miss it..
the goddamn Challenge Rooms are too i have to finish the game thru Hard and Survivor with no Vita-Chambers and i have the platinum..
this is by far my favorite game that i own for ps3, and i will love it FOREVER!!
getting the trophies just went hand in hand with the game. upgrade weapons = makes it cake to rip through enemies
research, i would do this regardless if it was a trophy or not cause it helps SO MUCH.
simply put, the story is top notch, the graphics are great imo, controls are very very fluid.
and big daddies on impossible = damn near impossible.
lol, i had a blast seeing them walk around, and planning my game plan as how to take them down, then doing it!
great game, great dlc *imo again* and cant wait for more for this game, and cant wait for bio2.
This was a great game, gonna give it the second run through since far cry too is just too painful to keep trucking away at, a much desevered break
Hey guys,
Just had a few questions regarding some of the trophies listed here:
Firstly, if you beat the game on Survivor difficulty but not on Hard difficulty do you get credit for both?
Second, when attempting the Brass Balls/I Choose the Impossible trophies, can you just not die? And if you do reload a previously saved game or do you need to physically turn off each Vita-Chamber?
Last, if you complete the game then start a new one, are the items/plasmids/tonics you collected retroactive? And if they are, are you allowed to carry them over to a new game and still be eligible for the trophy?
First question: No the Trophies don’t stack, currently working on choosing the impossible myself and its going swimmingly.
Secondly just turn them off as soon as you start a new game in the options, so if there off you’ll just die insted of respawning. Got my brass balls a few days ago, final boss was a push over serriouly no prob after the second try.
and third you need to start a new game each time, so nothing is retro, still need the tonic collector and the surviors to plat the core game then some dlc
erm darth bonghit your wrong about trphies not stacking i just finished the game on survivor with out vit chambers and i got 3 trophies “brass balls”, “A man chooses” and “i chose the impossible and the stacking thing works for nearly every trophy supported ps3 game that has difficulty levels an example would be uncharted or resident evil 5 finish the hardest level availible and you will get more than 1 trophy
well then i am kicking myself in the arse here cause i just got the plat and did it on both hard and survior cause i read a bit up here and some one posted that they didn’t so i was only a mere messanger of wrong info. Now to plug away at some DLC or maybe finish off Uncharted. I appologise for any wrong info.
is it still possible to get platinum trophy without getting the download able content trophies. because i downloaded the patch and it installed trophies and now i am not sure if i can unlock platinum . pls help really want to get platinum
You don’t need the DLC trophies to achieve the platinum.
thank you dude
now have only audio diaries and tonics to get
question-so do you start the game again to get missed trophies by pressing new game or do you go to ps3 save data delete the bioshock profile then make another one as i am about to complete the game on hardest difficuty without vitalchamber (bloody hard lol) and i am just confused about how i start new game as i have been asking same question on different forums and getting different answers plz help.
never mind got platinum now -_-
there is more than 54 trophies can someone update it please
this game is awesome cant wait for part 2
Does anybody have a savefile just before the endboss on Survivor? It’s too hard for me to play the entire game again. Please help a brother out
Hi, I got most of BioShock trophies but I want to attempt platinum
I need:
– Survivor, no vita-chambers. (I’ve done Hard no vita-chambers, so this’ll be doable for me)
– All tonics, all history logs.
– Research PhD.
Should I all do this in one single walktrough, or both seperate. (Easy, all collectiles, or just Survivor)
How long would this take.
You can also add me on the psn: weavsxx
Is the DLC worth the purchase?
Ye definitely hard though i don’t suggest going for the trophies straight away.
can’t wait for bioshock 2 sea of dreams
Jst completed this game 1st time n i cant wait 4 BioShock 2 now
If you finsh on survier mode and get the a man chooses then you also get serisly good at this, Same with i choose the imposible to brass balls
weaver, i would do 2 diffrent games, i played the game through on easy specificly looking for audio tapes, and often times on survivor buying tonics you dont want/need will get you killed vs. heath/eve upgrades on survivor. If you play through it alot and struggle to find all audio tapes/earn all trophies ign has some pretty good guides..
If you do not know by now, yes the trophies do stack if you paly through one and put it on the hardest level with no vita cambers. you will get all the hard level trophies and the 3 gold ones.
Question: If I play the game through on “Hard” and beat it, can I switch the difficulty level at some point in the game before beating it again to “Survivor” and obtain the “Survivor” trophies?
It’s kind of a long game and I only have a few hours to play it a week…
hey, all i need is the sander cohen secret room trophy, can someone just send me a game save before that? i have played thru the game so many times not going for trophies but last playthrough i got all weapon upgrades but i never got the trophy for going in the room. please someone send me a game save.
Did you kill Sander when he was walking down the stairs to admire his photo collection? If you did, you can’t get in there. Otherwise, save just before you get to the two dancing splicers, then go in deal with them, then the door will open for you since Sander will be pissed.
DD – No, you should have started with Survivor with no Vita-Chambers. A good walkthrough I found for the game.
anyone have a save file for the phd trophy ????? EU Version plz .. ThX !!!!
Yeah my 13. Platinum … weeha !!!
Boo on save files. 😛
OK He answered two outta three correct. If you beat the game on survivor mode without dying you will get all three trophies at once. Ive seen it done.