Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2010 Trophies
Total Trophies: 28In Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2010, players must combine precision, guts, and technology to earn a place among world’s most respected hunters. Seek “Super Hunter” status and join the ranks of hunting’s best of the best — a club where it takes much more than tall tales to gain respect.
Easy As Falling Off A Log
Survive the log balance event
I Walk The Line
Cross all the log balance events
I Immediately Regret This Decision
Escape the Bear pit
Silent Hunter
Shoot any animal with a crossbow
What Big Teeth You Have
Survive a predator hunt
Complete any objective without getting a medal
Searching For Meaning
Used a scope 42 times
Duck And Cover
Collect all the Cover Points in any hunt
Bronze Beauty
Get your first Bronze Medal
Cool Silver
Get your first Silver Medal
Solid Gold
Get your first Gold Medal
Goldilocks’ Revenge
Bag all 4 bears in the game
Wasically Wabbits
Shoot 20 rabbits
One Shot, Two Kills
Shoot 2 animals with one shotgun shot
Perform 14 heart shots
Metal Deer Solid
Bag any deer from within 9 yards
Splinter Smell
Get within 6 yards of any animal without alerting it
William Tell
Hunt 30 animals with a crossbow
Hunt 30 animals with a muzzleloader
Hunt 30 animals with a pistol
It’s A Long Shot
Bag an animal from beyond 80 yards
Welcome To The Order
Complete the game
I Love Gooold!
Get all Gold Medals in any level
A True Hunter’s Sense
Complete any level without using Hunter Sense
Ultimate Hunter
Get all Gold Medals for all hunts
Ultimate Tracker
Collect at least 90 animal signs
Platinum Trophy
Get all trophies
Hidden Trophy
oh man……..! u kiddin me? SO EASY!!! platinum trophy here i come
Game looks not bad should be worth renting it for a plat.
Wow so easy… its almost sad because its like there not tryin anymore. but oh well, im gettin it for the tropihes…. rentin it ofcourse
yea its only for rent. to bad thou. they could have put more trophies
The hidden trophy must be easy to get
going to rent this game, when does it come out in europe ??
the hidden trophy is “post an intelligent comment on a forum” the guys above me here aint gonna get it so no easy plat for you guys. 1….2…..3…..AAH! Woooo
The games is more challenging than it actually is made out to be. You cant just go out there and shoot an animal anywhere and expect a gold medal, it takes proper tracking and patience in order to get a gold…not to mention a perfect shot as well. But, once you get higher ranks u unlock better guns so that getting those gold medals are a little bit easier. 😀
WOW. this is the easiest plat i hav evr seen other than batman :arkham asylum
wow you must be good.
thanks man! i gess it isnt that ezy. terminator salvation is a little bit ezier
arkham asylum challenges are so difficult
the challenges are hard, the game is excellent
People complain about difficult trophies and now they’re complaining cause these trophies R too EZ….WTF
when are they going change 26 trophies i mean that is how much it has. going to rent this plat it just as fast as my one friend.
this aint that easy try finding 90 animal marks took 12 hours to final get that trophy and get the plat
Game is fun & easy… Get all GOLDS & find all SIGNS trophies makes it a fairly tough PLAT to finish. I myself cant invest the “practice” time it takes to get ALL GOLDS in the minigames. All signs can be done using the guide online in 1.5 hrs.
i own this game it is not as easy as you would think to get all the trophies but as for the game itself i like it im not normally a fan for hunting games but they did a outstanding job on this game
@onyx147 true that but 4 ultimate tracker do u need to get 90 differant or can u get the same one 90 times?
oh and hidden trophy is press L1 10 times “what does this button do?”