Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Trophies
Total Trophies: 48In Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood players can embody both McCall brothers in an intense Wild West storyline full of greed, lust and lawlessness.
Ace of Spades
Collect all other trophies
Act I
Complete Act I
Act II
Complete Act II
Complete Act III
Act IV
Complete Act IV
Finish the game on at least easy difficulty
Between Hay and Grass
Finish the game on at least medium difficulty
Curly Wolf
Finish the game on hard difficulty
Old West Legend
Finish the game on very hard difficulty
Ray’s Story
Finish every chapter playing as Ray
Thomas’ Story
Finish every chapter playing as Thomas
On Chapter I, destroy all rafts before they land
Catcher in the Rye
On chapter II, in the field, kill enemy soldiers using knives without being detected
Yankee Cow
On Chapter II, don’t kill the cow.
On Chapter III, kill 20 armed enemies while riding the stagecoach
Sharpshooter Distraction
On Chapter IV, playing as Ray, kill sharpshooters without Thomas’ help.
Sharpshooter Destuction
On Chapter IV, playing as Thomas, kill sharpshooters in 10 seconds
Quite a Ride
On Chapter IX, on the lift, destroy everything that is thrown at you.
Rowing-Race Cheater
On Chapter XI, kill all the Indians during canoe chase
Man of the Hood
On Chapter XII, playing as Thomas, use only bow throughout the whole level
Gotta Catch’em All
Collect all secrets
Boy Scout
Finish one side quest
Shield of Hope
Finish all side quests
Quick hands
Kill 7 people during one concentration mode
Frag Steal
Kill all enemies in a single Cooperative Concentration mode.
Arkansas Fried Rooster
Blow up 10 chickens with dynamite
Finish any chapter, except for VI and VIII, without getting severely wounded
Shoot 2 enemy dynamite sticks in mid air
None shall hide
Shoot an enemy through a wall
Mad Carpenter
Kill 5 enemies with a chair
Kill a total of 30 enemies with movable gatling
99 Scalps
Deliver 99 headshots (ranked play counts)
Pistol Expert
Kill 250 people using pistols (ranked play counts)
Rifle Expert
Kill 250 people using rifles (ranked play counts)
Shotgun Expert
Kill 250 people using shotguns (ranked play counts)
On the right track
Collect a total of $200 000 (ranked play counts) to unlock silver weapons in multiplayer
Collect a total of $1 000 000 (ranked play counts) to unlock golden weapons in multiplayer
Forgiveth Me, Lord
Kill 2000 enemies (ranked play counts)
High noon
Kill 4 enemies between 12:00pm and 12:15pm (local time, ranked play counts)
Kill a total of 5 enemies while horseback (ranked play counts)
Welcome to the Frontier
Finish a full Wild West Legends game (ranked only)
Crime Does Pay
Win 5 rounds as an Outlaw (ranked only)
Tin Star
Win 5 rounds as a Lawman (ranked only)
Been there, Done that
Play a full Wild West Legends game on every level (both match and revenge match count; ranked only)
Magnificent Thirteen
Unlock all classes (ranked only)
Jack of all trades
Play a full game with each class (ranked only)
Well Invested
Buy 20 second level and 10 third level upgrades (ranked only)
Kill 10 enemies as an invincile wanted (ranked only)
first post?! there are lots of online trophies for this one that may make it a lot more replayable. hasnt been a good ol’ west game on ps3 yet so this may be worth checking out. havent seen much more about it that the video on the psn store
Yeah that’s all I’ve seen too… the lack of media hype makes me skeptical,,, but curious. I can’t even tell if its third or first person? is it just a shooter, or what?
hah, and I like that high noon trophy, its not challenging looking, just kind of unique
wild west hey i’m sold lol. this game looks good from what i’ve seen. this will do me until red dead redemption comes out.
looks like gun on ps2 man i wish that had trophies i 100% that obviously it wont cos its a ps2 game sorry for going off subject
dont know bout this but im looking forward Red dead dememption (or something like that) it looks much better
dememption…are you serious? that’s not even a word.
that’s redemption..iidinkster made a typo 🙂
i agree. Red dead redemption will be using the GTA4 system, so im looking forward to that game.
i enjoyed the 1st game on the 360. Simple but fun. Not the greatest game but if you enjoy wild west and cowboy themed games you will enjoy this and the original. I’m looking forward to this and red dead redemption 🙂
i love western games this and red dead redemtion will be wicked!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
lol i wasnt paying attention wen i typed
This game reminds me of Call of Duty =/
yeah me too reminds cod5
im probably gonna pick this one up, been waiting for an old west game since GUNZ on ps2 which actually was a decent game. It will take a lot time to go Platinum but im more after a “refreshing” game rather than trophy whoring ( just for the moment… hehe)!
this game, looks good but the graphics arnt so gud
high noon just alter clock on psx got it at 23.30
its a really good game with good trophies, the gameplay and gun variety is awesome (double shotguns!) its online is better than call of duty
Bought this today and will play all night. played for half an hour today and really liked it. 1st time playing a wild west game, I love the fact that its a FPS too.
Gotta Catch’em All — does anyone no were all the secrets are?? ive been looking for ago’s.. HELP ME
This game is pretty cool
Got it today
Its an FPS for those who are unsure
It starts in the Civil War trenches, to get you used to the controls, but its straight to the action
So far, i have 1 trophy… lol
“None Shall Hide”
Its gonna be hard killing all those enemies
And getting $1,000,000
Plus all the secrets (i have one…)
Oh well
Better get playin’
Ok i see some here should read some books instead of playing Games. High Noon is at 12:00 till 12:15 pm, lunch time. and the D-Day Trophy is damn hard, took me an hour to get it. its a good Game so far, but the Secrets are very well hidden.
online has lagging problems… ALMOST impossible to kill some1 that c’s u first unless they suck .. really bad
red dead looks tiiiiiight
i have this game, got it on the weekend.
very good but i think its nothing like cod5, prob cos the name has call of in it
the $1 000 000 is gonna be hard to get but the 2000 kills is easy 🙂
nearly got it 🙂
The heavy-scoped rifle is really cool!I love it
can anyone tell me how to gwt the trophy sharpshooter destruction I kill those three sharpshooters right wawy i still don’t get a trophy for it i am playing as thomas and i sure it has to be at that spot because that is where i got the trophy sharpshooter disration for ray
You have to nail the sharpshooters in under 10 seconds with Thomas, very easy with using the concentration feature
How long does it take to get to 1,000,000? I’m thinking about renting, will I have enough time?
ahh some more online trophies .
game was ok but i couldn’t finish it. something in me said this is boring why play. and i never played again.
this game is great! hombre is he best class ever!
dude hombre is noob so easy to thrash them
anyone without this game needs it badly.
hihi i got the platinum…now im 19…
Anyone for some boosting? As seen in this clip below
yes stoner i would like to boost. add me PSN ID; teamsleeper08
i will try to add you assuming your name is the same as your ID
this game sucks… not good..didnt like it…wish it was like GUN
This game’s Sucks I Have it Waste Of my money By red Dead Redemtion
was woundering if there was any ppl who wanna boost trophies 4 this game if so my psn id is bodybags_420 an plz no imature ppl 🙂
am i will b getting red dead real soon as well i have about 130 plus games so i am looking 4 other hardcore gammers as well
Going for the $1000000? Please add me, PSN: [B]albaforce[/B]
I had over $500000 when the savegame crashed. Now I am back to $0. Really annoying when you’ve spent lots of hours!!! I wanna do this together with you guys! Lets help each-other.
FYI. Wonder if Ubisoft were drunk when they signed the deal with Techland!? I checked game credits and it was programed by some polish n00bs! No wonder game is laggy!
need the unforgiven trophy..
(kill 10 ppl as invincible wanted)
If you want to help… add me..
PSN sebassje