Cyberbike 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 36Pedal & Have fun while exercising! Burn calories and keep in shape while playing this fabulous Family videogame.The Wireless stationary bike for Playstation 3 incorporates and under saddle sensor which triggers in games bonus!
King of the track
All trophies have been unlocked
Tuning addict
Unlock all the vehicles’ accessories
Fashion addict
Unlock all the costumes
Finish line
Finish Arcade mode
Dream body
Reach a fitness factor of 100
Perfect course
Collect all the bonuses in a race in the right order
Yellow jersey
Win an on-line tournament
Iron constitution
Reach a fitness factor of 70
Globetrotter 2
Cover more than 30 miles (added up)
Cover more than 20 miles (added up)
Discipline and willpower
Reach a program’s fourth week
Expert collector
Exceed level 5 during a race
Pedal pro
Exceed 60 000 points at the end of a race with the CycloBooster
Flying ace
Exceed 15 000 points at the end of a race with the CycloCopter
Bold adventurer
Exceed 70 000 points at the end of a race with the CycloRail
Star on ice
Exceed 35 000 points at the end of a race with the CycloGlider
Community cyclist
Play an on-line game
Champion of the day
Reach 1st place in an on-line race
Light at the end of the tunnel
Win a race while blinded.
Counter measure
Use a remedy to cancel a malus
Pimp my bike
Put an accessory on a vehicle
Fashion victim
Change your avatar’s skin
Tourist at large
Cover more than 10 miles (added up)
Shape up
Reach a fitness factor of 50
Amateur collector
Exceed level 3 during a race
Finish the first race
Perform a jump standing on the pedals
Cover 0.15 miles without pedalling
Super copter
Finish a race in less than 120 seconds with the CycloCopter
One-way ticket
Finish a race without touching the gulls
Angry birds
Flee the attacking seagulls
Speed of light
Finish a race in less than 240 seconds with the CycloRail
Finish a race without touching any obstacles with the CycloRail
Unidentified flying object
Perform a gliding jump lasting over 2 seconds with the CycloRail
Ice fusion
Finish a race in less than 260 seconds with the CycloGlider
Swan dive
Perform a gliding jump lasting over 1.5 seconds with the CycloGlider