Damnation Trophies
Total Trophies: 29Evolving the shooter genre with its unique and exhilarating combination of fluid action and combat, Damnation features huge, open environments, frenetic combat, daredevil acrobatics and high-octane vehicle-based stunts.
Arrowtree – Casual
Complete Arrowtree on Casual.
Boomtown – Casual
Complete Boomtown on Casual.
Mesa Dorado – Casual
Complete Mesa Dorado on Casual.
Terra Verte – Casual
Complete Terra Verte on Casual.
Double Time
Complete any chapter after Arrowtree in Co-op on any difficulty
Get 20 Headshots.
Where’d They Come From?
Kill 20 enemies without alerting them.
Pedestrian Crossing
Kill 20 enemies with a vehicle.
Kill 20 enemies with explosive damage.
Dumb Luck
Kill 5 enemies at once with explosive damage.
Wall Jumper
Successfully wall-jump 100 times.
Free Style Walker
Chain together any 3 physical abilities in 5 seconds or less.
Found It!
Collect 1 Emblem.
Skeet Shooter
Shoot 25 Trip Mines out of the air.
Complete the Game on Casual.
Arrowtree – Hardcore
Complete Arrowtree on Hardcore.
Boomtown – Hardcore
Complete Boomtown on Hardcore.
Mesa Dorado – Hardcore
Complete Mesa Dorado on Hardcore.
Terra Verte – Hardcore
Complete Terra Verte on Hardcore.
People Skills
Complete the game in Co-op on any difficulty.
Finders Keepers
Collect 10 Emblems.
Complete the Game on Hardcore.
Arrowtree – Insane
Complete Arrowtree on Insane.
Boomtown – Insane
Complete Boomtown on Insane.
Mesa Dorado – Insane
Complete Mesa Dorado on Insane.
Terra Verte – Insane
Complete Terra Verte on Insane.
Complete the Game on Insane.
Collected 20 Emblems.
Master Of All
Unlock all Damnation™ Trophies to unlock this Platinum Trophy.
wow gold for doing missions on hard i wish cod 5 did that veteran was a bitch on the 1 from last level and burn em out anyway back to damnation looks ok
i didnt think this game was going to have trophies but seems it’s been delayed for so long and realized how much it would hurt sales that they had to include them. not too imaginative though! did look like a pretty cool game from the vids i’ve seen though
7 golds and only 29 total makes this 1 easy looking and helpful platinum. I’ll defienetly lokk into hiring this out.
woow might get this
thats alot of gold trophies
cant w8 for this game
Looks Sweer
is it hard to beat that game on insane for an average gamer like me? any impressions?
anyone platinum yet?
i ordered it and will try my best
I really hate trophy lists that’s mostly made up of difficulty mode bump. Give us silly stunts and challenges, please. I want to try for some irrelevant challenges, at any area, at any time I want after going through the main story. Replaying the same thing over and over with tougher A.I. is kinda boring.
Just started playing this today. Seriously disappointed. The game feels like it was made in a weekend. Crap story, irritating characters, horrific animations and the developers must have forgotten to give the bad guys AI. It’s one saving grace is, for a game with enough jumping and climbing to rival Prince of Persia, the controls are actually pretty straight forward. I think this game will be an easy plat, but that’s just consolation for wasting my money on it.
I agree with I773D33MABL3, the game is a bit of a disappointment and justifies renting it more so than spending the 59.99 on it. Currently writing a review on it and so far going through the game on hardcore I would say it’s pretty easy. I dare not go through casual after finding out how easy hardcore is! Insane seems like it might make the game more difficult, but I would probably do it mainly for trophies if anything.
The multiplayer is pretty fun I would say; but it’s tough or seems to be tough to find an 4v4 TDM or eight player Deathmatch. At least it seemed to be rather tough earlier.
If you are going to hunt for the trophies I would suggest renting it, and just go co-op on this one. Ask someone to take you through it on Insane difficulty as you will get the trophies for completing it on Hardcore as well as casual. Every other trophy you can pretty much wing or stay back and let the person do it for you I suppose.
I agree with liin: Trophies derived from story completion and picking up collectibles shouldn’t be trophys at all. Maybe one for completing the game on the hardest difficulty but that’s it. I prefer trophies for unusual stunts or kills and things of that nature. Story trophies are just a lazy half-assed attempt from developers to interest people in buying their games.
I like a mix of trophies in games. I like to be able to give a game a straight forward play-through and still get something from it. Then go back and get the other trophies going through again. That said, having 17 out of a measly 29 trophies for story completion is taking the piss.
IGN gave this a 2.5
PSN ID:nukdollars
did any of you already unlock Insane difficulty? if yes add me on the PSN: linkinniki
we can play the campaign on coop
have to say, this game is pretty bad. lacks SOOO much quality and substance, but o well i started to get the trophies, so i might aswell finish getting them.
How long does it take to platinum t his game? Also can you get the Single Player trophies at the same time if you are playing coop with a friend in other words two birds with one stone.
[…] von seb5594 hat das game trophies ? ja hat es klick (die seite funktioniert bei mir nicht, aber da sollten alle drin sein) __________________ […]
Looking for a co op partner
still looking….
if you dont have a coop partner apparently you can just play it by yourself but using 2 controllers. i’m pretty sure you just go ahead and then when you get to particular check points it will automatically catch the 2nd controller up with you
hey i am looking dor parner to find emblems any 1 know were ther at my screen name is angeleyes55
woo gettin gthis game in the mail today….aanybody wanna partner up to catch ghosts & trophies?
PSN is same as username.
Ill be renting this game soon , if you wanna partner up we can , if those emblems are hard to find i might need help .
psn is same as username btw
I have to say this game is simply the worst game i´ve ever played. I gave that title to terminator salvation until I tried Damnation. It´s painfully horrible, no wonder IGN gave it 2.5 out of 10, I thought they were exaggerating but you cant argue with that once you try it. I´m trying to complete it but it´s almost unbearable.
Why did you guys buy this game? I would have at least rented– or in my case– borrowing most likely for trophies.
How long did it take to complete?
Easy one
got this game really cheap just for platinum and im starting to wish i hadnt bothered you can totally tell it was made by complete noobs with no experience but im not leaving it at 38% on my list so il get round to finishing it soon hopefully.
at least terminator only took me 2hrs 30mins to plat this game will take about 8-12hrs i would say the levels are very long
this game sucks bad
looking for a co – op partner
if anyone would like to the game on insane with me just add me
psn – S-T-E-V-E-N-313
bad game… ehh i might have rent this game if there werent any new hot games coming out this month .. but sadly too bad .. im getting the new games uncharted 2 and modern warfare 2 cant wait!!
if anybody wanna help me getting a platinum by playing co op this send me a request harlemi32
If anyone wants to do coop, please message me ASAP. (gamertag: nycbonaodr) We can work together to get Platinum trophy.
Have this to play next, anyone still bothering playing it that fancies co-op? or even help me unlock insane?
jus bought i’m up for doing co op with someone, add me tattoodad82 on psn!
I got platinum in this game if anyone needs help on this game psn id foreignammo and put a message you need help in damnation