Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 50The second game in this high-flying, fast-hitting, and intense versus battles series, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 promises over 90 characters from the massively popular anime franchise.
Ball Master
Shoot off as many as balls as possible in mini-game.
Come Forth, Shenron!!
Summoned Shenron for the first time.
Summoned Porunga for the first time.
Use every form of every transformable character at least once.
Training Journey
Fight on all maps.
W.Tournament Champ
Win the World Tournament.
Cell Games Champ
Win the Cell Games.
Fruits of Training
Obtain Rank S++ for the first time.
Destroyed a Formidable Foe!
Complete battle in Galaxy Mode for the first time.
First Galaxy!
Complete ‘BOSS MISSION’ in Galaxy Mode for the first time.
East Galaxy
Complete more than 10 characters in Galaxy Mode.
West Galaxy
Complete more than 20 characters in Galaxy Mode.
South Galaxy
Complete more than 30 characters in Galaxy Mode.
North Galaxy
Complete more than 40 characters in Galaxy Mode.
Off-the-charts Warrior!
Complete more than 50 characters in Galaxy Mode.
Fundamentals are Vital
Complete Tutorial until the end.
Battle Start!
Complete the first Battle Zone.
Discover a hidden route in a Battle Zone.
Stamp Rally
Earn 300 Challenge Stamps in a Battle Zone.
First Step to Ultimate
Complete the first Ultimate Zone.
Trivia King
View all character profiles in the Museum’s Character Encyclopedia.
Famous Scene
Collect more than 30 illustrations.
Reward Mania
Collect more than 100 illustrations.
Title Collector
Collect 10 or more titles.
Title Seeker
Collect 50 or more titles.
Power Level…of 5…
Earn 5 losses in online battle.
Please Go Easy on Me
Fight in an online battle for the first time.
Reach your 50th fight in online battle.
The Fight Has Just Begun
Win 20 times in 1P vs. CPU battle.
The Days of Battle Continue…
Win 50 times in 1P vs. CPU battle.
Best Friends
Fight 10 times in 1P vs. 2P battle.
Character Complete
Unlock all characters and forms.
Fashion Complete
Unlock all costumes.
Capsule Corporation Founded!
Collect all items.
Music Complete
Get all of the game BGM.
Battle King
Complete all of the Battle Zones.
Ultimate among Ultimates
Complete all of the Ultimate Zones.
Wonderful Memory
Collect more than 250 illustrations.
I Wanna Fight Someone Stronger!
Earn 30 victories in online battle.
Title Hunter
Collect 100 or more titles.
W.Tournament True Champ
Champion of World Tournament on Hard Difficulty.
Cell Games True Champ
Champion of Cell Games on Hard Difficulty.
Galactic Domination!!
Complete all characters in Galaxy Mode.
Raging Blast
Obtain all of the trophies.
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
il leave this to the Nerds..
i have all dragon ball games from de ps2 to ps3 and this one is the more dificult to play.i think the trophis are not dificult but we need to play and training a lot to beat the CPU in the hard levels.this time de CPU is very dificult 🙁
I’ve unlocked two of the hidden trophies so far, one is to beat yamcha with the saibamen using the saibaman’s ultimate attack and the next is use super saiyan goku’s ultimate attack “angry kamehameha” to beat full power frieza. Im still trying to figure out the other hidden trophies but I believe it is similar to the ones I’ve unlocked. Meaning the trophy is unlocked by doing a re-enactment of the actual battle.
try using majin vegeta against buu and killing him with ultimate like in cartoon
One hidden one is when u are ssj2 teen gohan do a fater son move on cell pefect form
can you do those battles in a normal fight to or does it have to be in glaxy mode.
Anyone know how to get “titles” i got 1 but i don’t know how i got it
i m not a neird but i konw the hidden trophies
1 use andriod 17 and 18 to deafeat super sayin futuer gohan
can you tell me i know end of everything and message from goku
yeah the AI puts up a good challenge when i first started playing the AI beat me left and right
How many is “as many as possible” for the ball master trophy? And do they mean the game that comes up on the loading screen, or is there a different mini-game that I am not finding?