God of War Collection Trophies
Total Trophies: 71A compilation disc on Blu-ray that features the first two God of War games. These PS2 games are remastered and pack 60 frames-per-second action, 720p graphics, and PlayStation Network Trophy support.
God Of War Trophies:
1.21 Gigawatts
Acquire Poseidon’s Rage
Rocking Out
Acquire Medusa’s Gaze
Bolt Action
Acquire Zeus’ Fury
Sword Man
Acquire Blade of Artemis
Soul Search
Acquire Army of Hades
Win the first Minotaur fight
Scape Goat
Win the first Satyr fight
Roll Over … and Die
Win the first Cerberus fight
Don’t They Ever Shut Up!
Defeat the Desert Sirens
Beat a Dead Horse
Complete the Centaur sacrifice to Hades
Complete the Spike Room Box Puzzle
Rockin’ the Boat
Complete the Sex Mini-Game
Don’t Leave Her Hanging
Rescue the Oracle with 10 seconds to spare
Get the Ball Rolling
Complete the Challenge of Atlas
Totally Baked
Complete the Human sacrifice
Kiss the Nyad
Get Me a Beer Kid
Free yourself from the depths of Hades
Zero Health
Open a Health Chest when your health meter is already full
Get a 100 Hits Combo
Getting My Ass Kicked
Die enough times to get offered Easy Mode
Kratos’ Marble Collection
Collect all the Gorgon Eyes
Stick it in Your Cap!
Collect all the Phoenix Feathers
It’s the HUGE One
Retrieve the Captain’s Key
Take the Bull by the Horns
Defeat Pandora’s Guardian
God Killer
Kill Ares
Head Hunter
Obtain the head of the Architect’s wife
The Power to Kill a God
Retrieve Pandora’s Box
Hitman 2
Get a 200 Hits Combo
Legend of the Twins
Watch the ‘Birth of the Beast’ Treasure
Seeing Red
Max out all Weapons and Magic
Prepare to be a God
Beat the Game on any Difficulty
You Got the Touch!
Climb the Spiked Column in Hades without taking damage
I’ll Take the Physical Challenge
Complete the Challenge of the Gods
Speed of Jason McDonald
Beat the game in under 5 hours on any Difficulty
Key to Success
Collect all of the Muse Keys
Trophy of Zeus
Unlock all God of War Trophies
God Of War II Trophies:
Breaking Wind
Acquire Typhon’s Bane
Big, Tuff, Buff and Rough
Acquire Rage of the Titans
Blue Balls
Acquire Cronos’ Rage
Acquire the Golden Fleece
Rock their World
Acquire the Head of Euryale
Learning to Fly
Acquire the Icarus Wings
Shaky Ground
Acquire Atlas Quake
Death from Above 2009
Defeat the Dark Rider for the first time
Climb from the pit of Hades
Rock Hard
Defeat the Titan Minotaur inside Atlas
Pick’n on the Little Guy
Win the battle outside of the Palace of the Fates
Watcha Got on the Hot Plate?
Solve the riddle of the Fire Phoenix Statue
Whip it Good
Whip the Steeds of Time
Lift with Your Knees
Topple the Temple in the Bog of the Forgotten
Cross the collapsing Grapple Bridge
Stone and Shatter 30 Enemies
Super Sized
Get a 500 Hits Combo
Hitting Your Stride
Power up any item
Eye Can’t Believe it
Collect all the Gorgon Eyes
Go Make a Pillow!
Collect all the Phoenix Feathers
Eye Sore
Collect 20 Cyclops Eyes
Boss Batch 1
Kill the Colossus of Rhodes, the Dark Rider, and Theseus
Boss Batch 2
Kill the Barbarian King, Euryale, and Perseus
Boss Batch 3
Kill the Kraken and all three Sisters of Fate
Daddy Issues
Defeat Zeus
Rise and SHINE
Awaken the Phoenix
Spread ‘Em
Open the wings of the Temple of the Fates
Shine King
Open the door to the Temple of Euryale
Blowin’ Your Wad
Max out all Weapons and Magic
The End Begins
Beat the Game on any Difficulty
Feel the Urn
Collect and use at least 2 Urns of Power
Bleeding Thumbs
Beat the Challenge of the Titans
15 Min Fight Scene
Battle your way to the Loom Chamber in under 10 minutes
You Know the Germans Make Good Stuff…
Collect all Uber Chests
Trophy of Gaia
Unlock all God of War II Trophies
The only problem is some of the videos don’t look that great, but the game itself looks great.
That’s because they haven’t been remastered to 720p, so they are original ones from the actual God of War which was for PS2. Great game though
does this game deserve to be on ps3? or is it a ps2 game that stuffed up on ps3?
I’ve never played the original games on PS2 and so I got this collection and it’s pretty good. It’s definitely a must for people that haven’t played them yet as you get both games in one. The graphics look good to me. They are not all scraggly or anything. Like I said, just some of the videos aren’t great quality.
i think this game is shit but that is my opinion
thanks G rich i will go out and buy it to see if its good e mate
does this have some replay value to play it a second time or do people just play the 2 games once and get over with it
If you want to get all of the trophies, you will probably have to play each one about twice. The thing is that there are also challenges and such that you unlock after beating the game and after beating the challenges, you unlock other costumes that you can use during regular gameplay.
I played the first game twice, but haven’t got around to playing the second one yet. If you are a fan of trophies which you probably are since you are on this site, this game presents a challenge, but not too much of a challenge to where it’s frustrating.
At least in the case of the first one as that’s the only one that I have played thus far, it’s a fun and challenging game and it’s not too hard to get the Platinum in which I have already done. 🙂
P.S. The cool thing is that there are two platinums in the collection. 😀
thankyou so much man i do like trophys mate and thanks for the info on the game and u and me both cant wait for the arrival of god of war 3. so luckily we get the chance to play the collection.
hi everyone if anyone could please spare a gow 3 demo code it would be really nice thanks
once someone has used the gowIII demo code it cant be used again, already tried with a buddy of mines, it is an awesome demo btw
where can i find out if this game is going to be released in Australia?
Just got the platinum in God of War 2. Now I have every trophy in both. 😀
I was waiting to play the demo so now that I have finished the other games I can play the demo. 😀
this games makes is awesome dont say shi**** about it …there is no game better than this
i have now 44 platinums coolio
Nice jello 😯
hey please can anyone share the demo of gow 3 on a dummy account i will be greatful for it?
I beat God of War 3 but never got the Boss Batch 3 trophies anyone know why?
My bad God of War 2
Yeah I have the same glitch…I beat the Kraken and all three sisters of fate and just beat he game but don’t have the boss batch 3 unlocked…dunno why 🙁
yes that is your own opinion and personally is a crappy one, if you wanted to complain about the game go blog about it not come in a trophy room about this specific game. because you don’t like it have to be vulgar.I am sure we can say the same about your games but we use the blog areas for it
ok i really need help here, ive beent hrough god of war 1 three times, and got every trophy except splash, how do it get it, ive looked everywhere, i find the 2 nyads, and then have no ida where to go
plus the trophy for collecing all the muse keys glitched for me i only found two and it came up, strange
I did all trophy god2 and god1 but last one is bronze won’t let me “splash” kiss the nyad how I get it?? I did play on ps2 game I made it but something wrong game ps3 god1?
like the trophy says “kiss the nyad” so when u see one in the underwater maze like area just get close to her and press the O button to grapple her and Kratos will lay a kiss on her. Viola!! instant trophy.
anyone have any suggestions for beating the last challenge of titans on gow2? its all i need for my plat any help is appreciated
nvm got my plat! 😀 next up is burnout
hi ive only just started on the first god of war could some1 help me i cant findIt’s the HUGE One
Retrieve the Captain’s Key,,,,lol shaming ,,but still ,,dont ask ,dont get ini,,
i like it.
U GO IN THE MONSTERS MOUTH I GOT 75%IN THE 1st 40% IN THE 2nd so far add me Kaymell for Tips n remember stay with PS3 XBOX ONLY HAS 4GB
Its only take me hours to 4 days to platinum a game but the challenges on gow1/2 are killing me !!!
classic to the max god of war 1 platinum 5, god of war 2 platinum 6. LOL
Question…?? I got all uber chests but got no trophy…?!?!? do u ave get them in same play though?? i missed 2 first time got dem on bonus play though..?!? Cheers thanks
Got my GoW 1 plat in probably less then 10 hours total. Hardest one is “I’ll Take The Physical Challenge”. Easiest way is to save your Rage of the Gods (yes it carries over each round) until the challenge with the countless number of Un-dead soldiers and Gorgons (challenge 6 I believe but you’ll know it when you get there) and then let it build up again until the last challenge. About halfway through the last one it should be replenished. Use it again and you should have it no problem. For the less then 5 hour playthrough use the Ares armour costume on easy. Way more attack and defense plus double red orbs.
I’m probably the only one that this bothers…but the trophy “Zero Health = Bronze Trophy”…well only half of the name is there. XD