Heavy Rain Trophies
Total Trophies: 57Heavy Rain is a cinematic and evolving thriller from Quantic Dream, the developer behind the critically acclaimed Fahrenheit. Dealing with a range of adult themes, the game revolves around a sophisticated plot and strong narrative threads that explore a complex moral proposition. You assume the role of multiple characters, with very different backgrounds, motivations and skills, in a world shaped by Bending Storylines – a dynamic narrative design where your actions and decisions will shape your story.
Unlock all trophies
Happy Birthday (Secret)
Prologue – Complete the drawing + Set the table + Play with kids
Interactive Drama
Thank you for supporting Interactive Drama
Good Father (Secret)
Father and Son – Follow the schedule with Shaun and put him to bed in a good mood
White Knight (Secret)
Sleazy Place – Beat Troy
Private Eye (Secret)
Sleazy Place – Lead Lauren to talk about her son
FBI Investigator (Secret)
Crime Scene – Find all clues related to the Origami Killer in the scene
Good Friends (Secret)
The Park – Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy
Got To Remember! (Secret)
Welcome, Norman! – Remember the time it was at the park and what Shaun was wearing
Negotiator (Secret)
Hassan’s Shop – Persuade the Robber to leave
VIP (Secret)
Paparazzi – Leave home without being spotted by the journalists
Agoraphobia (Secret)
Lexington Station – Knock down at least 50 passers-by
Lucky Locker (Secret)
Lexington Station – Find the correct locker on first try
Blunder (Secret)
Nathaniel – Shoot Nathaniel
Self Control (Secret)
Nathaniel – Do not shoot Nathaniel
Baby Master (Secret)
Suicide Baby – Make no mistakes taking care of the baby
Kamikaze (Secret)
The Bear – Take the best route on the highway
Good Driver (Secret)
The Bear – Complete the Bear Trial successfully
Cat & Mouse (Secret)
Covered Market – Beat Korda in the cold storage
Tough Guy (Secret)
Kramer’s Party – Defeat Gordi’s bodyguards
Coward! (Secret)
The Butterfly – Give up or fail the Butterfly Trial
Electrified (Secret)
The Butterfly – Complete the Butterfly Trial successfully
Good Cop (Secret)
Shrink and Punches – Stop Blake from hitting Dupre
Bad Cop (Secret)
Shrink and Punches – Do not stop Blake from hitting Dupre
Gold Finger (Secret)
The Lizard – Cut your finger using axe, knife or pliers + disinfect or cauterize the wound
Butcher (Secret)
The Lizard – Cut your finger using saw or scissors
Fugitive (Secret)
Fugitive – Manage to escape Blake in the subway station
Hands Up! (Secret)
Fugitive or On the Loose – Get arrested by Blake
Ludwig Von (Secret)
Jayden Blues – Play the piano without a wrong note
Detox (Secret)
Jayden Blues – Resist Triptocaine
Wise Guy (Secret)
Under Arrest – Switch the camera off in the surveillance room before saving Ethan
I’m a Killer… (Secret)
The Shark – Kill the Drug Dealer
I’m Not a Killer! (Secret)
The Shark – Do not kill the Drug Dealer
Smart Girl (Secret)
The Doc – Do not drink the Doc’s beverage
Queen of Ropes (Secret)
The Doc – Escape before the Doc returns
Goodbye Mad Jack (Secret)
Mad Jack – Survive the fights against Mad Jack
The Chef (Secret)
Eureka – Prepare a good omelet on time
I’m not Scared! (Secret)
Twins – Follow your brother without making any mistakes
Pride Saved (Secret)
Sexy Girl – Take off no more than one item of clothing during the strip-tease
Unforgivable (Secret)
On the Loose – Do not forgive Madison
Lover Boy (Secret)
On the Loose – Forgive Madison
Escape Master (Secret)
On the Loose – Escape the police at the motel
Swimming Instructor (Secret)
Trapped – Save Lauren underwater
Invincible Scott (Secret)
Face to Face – Do not get shot in Kramer’s villa
Kind Hearted (Secret)
Face to Face – Give Kramer his medicine
Sacrifice (Secret)
The Rat – Drink the poison
Clever Dad (Secret)
The Rat – Work out where Shaun is held
Cold as Ice (Secret)
Killer’s Place – Survive the explosion by hiding in the fridge
Simple Mind (Secret)
The Old Warehouse – Save the Origami Killer before he falls, with Jayden or Madison
So Close… (Secret)
The Old Warehouse – Reach the end with all characters… and fail
Four Heroes
Complete the story with four characters alive
Trial Master (Secret)
Succeeded in all Ethan’s trials
Nerd (Secret)
Find all clues using ARI (Crime scene + Mad Jack + Fish tank) and find the Origami Killer
Saved the Kid (Secret)
Save Shaun
Perfect Crime (Secret)
Clean Manfred’s shop of evidence + Let Lauren, Hassan and Kramer die + Kill Madison and Jayden
All Endings
See all endings
@ steven – I seem to be late to the party, but… Wait for it…
That is for both, “loosing” (then re-gaining i might add) £400, lol… And every corresponding message there after… Sorry, i couldn’t help myself 😈
My comments aren’t supposed to be funny, I just assumed you were about 12 with the laughable way you spell and punctuate. What were you doing from 09:52 till 14:49? Eating bananas?
Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha… funny comments here… As for steven, well, you learned the hard way to not trust your wallet with any strangers. It’s not funny to lose money, but that way, you shouldn’t lose more… sad experience in life, but it coulda been worst. Like eating bananas all day… that seem so much worst… lmao
j/k, don’t take it personally dude! I once had a similar experience on an MMORPG and I was quite mad that it happened. Worst, it was someone I knew “quite-well” in terms of online gaming and he stolen my account, rid my gears and stole it… once I got back to that character, had nothing on it. Took months of gameplay to re-obtain all I had with the help of my guildees. *sigh*
As for the game, I recently played the demo and I was quite impressed by it… can’t wait to own the game! It does gives you a feel of “being there”… and that crime scene with the FBI Agent was quite cool! Reminds me of CSI… if only more games would use that approach and make a sci-fi / horror game with elements of X-Files, mix it with the Condemned games… that would make it my personal GOTY for a long time. Add a few plot twists here and there… with a top line story…
So if you lost £400 and had to have your account blocked, then you would find that funny? ……… no i didn’t think so.
Anyone that finds that funny is just pathetic
Why are you crying because you had your account blocked? It was for your own good. It was to stop you gamesharing, why are you oblivious to that??? You have a password for a good reason, to stop people raping your account and stealing from you. So by passing on your details you allowed it to happen, nobody else. Until you realise that most things in life are earned and not freebies then you’ll continue to lose out and get laughed at for your sorry misfortune. If and when you get a job, house, mortgage, kids, you’ll realise that hard work earns it’s rewards. if your employer said to you “no pay this month Steven we’re working for free” you’d be bleating like you are now, lets not forget that you must have got some free games out of it, so you’re not down £400 at all, you got the money back so you’re still up a few games. All you’ve lost is your precious account and trophy haul. Boo Hoo everyone hug Steven the poor boy. you’ll probably continue to gameshare so won’t have learned your lesson at all. That’s my last comment towards you by the way, i waste enough time on other things. May i suggest a new psn i.d for you, i just know it’ll be available, Steventhechildishgamesharingloserwhocrieswhenhedoesn’tgethisownway. Good evening!! 😯
@ steven – “hug”
@ Steven – I was laughing at your spelling and your posts… I have lost money before and, indeed, did not laugh. Far from it…
Gamesharing, if not with a known, very good friend, is like asking a stranger to watch your house while you go down the pub… Pretty stupid!
@ tommyflop – I hope your only taking advantage of our less educated friend… He’s dumb but “loosing” (my friends and i think that’s funny man) a load of money ain’t that funny really..
@ steven – Face that you’ve been a twat, and take it like a man – A life lesson… And use spellcheck, it can only help you appear less of a dumb-ass. Dumb-ass.
** I’ve got a week off work just to chill and play this at my leisure, for as long as i want, when i want… I love being a(sexy)Geek! lmfao!!
🙄 @Doc-B
I’m only messin the little guy about, no real malice. Enjoy your week off man, you deserve it!!! BRING ON THE RAIN!!!!!
I’ve been following this game since about 2006 or something… I can’t believe that it’s only two weeks till it’s out… Woop-woop-woop!! This is the first game i’ve been itching to get for a while, the last was Fallout3…
Want. It. Now!
@ tommyflop – Thanks man, some of the guys at my work might disagree that i deserve it though, lol…
Indeed… “BRING ON THE RAIN!!!!!”
lol, your so sad both of you. HAHAHA
Just because you don’t understand something, don’t mock it… This time “something” being intelligence… You’re a moron…
I did try and get this back on topic, I’m surpsised your even interested in this game steven, seems a bit high brow for someone like you ❓
lol guys just forget about it geez
Go doc, stick it to the boy!
sorry jello, only joking.on topic Hope asda do us proud and sell it cheap. Bet they dont seeing as its one of the few games i’m gonna buy at launch.
Do you always argue with teenagers ?. Give it up
for god sak it’s about heavy rain
tommyflop and steven just stop
keep your knickers on its only a laugh!
but still it’s about heavy rain and it’s not funny BTW duck360 is playing heavy rain now
comedy is a matter of opinion my friends…
Not(too)long now though folks…
lol its ok i can take jokes bro 😛
well it is already out in japan…..
is every game out in japan 1week before usa and europe??
Less than a week! Saw the first ad for this at about 1.15am this morning on Dave… Just makes me want it that much more…
depends on where the game companies are based usually, sometimes america gets it eary other times japan (remeber SONY=japan based), and now i really cant wait for this, hope this doesnt turn out to be overhyped short story with a lame cliffhanger ending, but i doubt that will happen
I heard the “Special Edition” ain’t out in the states till a couple of weeks after launch… And will cost $20 more…
HMV have got the “Special Edition” straight from launch and at the price of the standard edition, nice… C’mon Friday 😡
“We’re still in the middle of production, so I can’t really tell you the exact time of the game, but we’re targeting a game between 8-12 hours in gameplay for one walk through,” said Cage, during an interview with VG247.com (12-09-08)
The above was for Kingofgames73 (Where’s the Edit?)
Got my email today at 8am saying my copies been delivered, cant wait for it (once again a few americans are already playing it as with every game…). Quick Note to the admin now, when you do decide to post the full list, woul it be possible to have it hidden so we cant see it unless we click a box of somesort? its just if this game has been kept more or less secret the story must have a few twists in it that i dont want spoiled and i dont think anyone else does either
just one more day but i hope the trophies are easy
I just registered so if it shows my post twice I’m really sorry because I sent a post as a guest also- I’m playing it through for the second time, I couldn’t put the controller down till I figured out who the murderer was. First time through I received 47% completion. Also I loved how they included the piece of paper that had the origami instructions going while the game installed. It was a nice little bonus for the installation process ^_^
yeah the origami pice was epic! have it next to my ps3 game 😀 i really want to know if its true that its like 50 different endings, coz if it is, its gonna take reeeeal long time to get plat, and you have to check what move is the trigger for what ending.. like in Silent Hill.. i took all the endings in SH2 and it was a hell to keep track of the triggers:( then i just hope that if u get one ending, you cant get it again or something :S anyone knowes?
why do u hope the trophies are easy? Don’t u like a challenge? This game aint gonna be easy. Yeah trophies will pop up at regular intervals but if u want easy trophies try a different game.
Not many hidden trophies lol
my friend said they are easy i like a challenge but i don’t feel like playing this game for ever to get a platinum trophy and i hope the trophies are easy so i can get lvl 13 fast i just need 5% to get lvl 13 thats why
I think that it is really funny that you have your account blocked and that you lost £400.
You do know that you don’t get a prize if you have the most trophies?
The trophies are only virtual steven, and for you to spend £400 just shows how sad people can get just to try to be the person with the most trophies. Wow you have over a thousand trophies “BIG DEAL”. The games are there to be played for fun.
I can guess what games you probably have steven, Cloudy With A, Terminator, Alone In The Dark, Fallout 3 (if you have enough patience), Saw (na forget that your probably not old enough for it), Godfather 2, and i wouldn’t be surprised if you had hannah montana. Seriously dude get out more and get a life, your saying that to tommy yet you had £400 for games. Says it all really.
Just finished the game and it’s great! The type of game you can’t quit playing til the end…then you just want more!!
got it yesterday but i did have chance to play it i’ll play it today
I beat the game the day after it came out XD I played it seriously pretty much the whole day and almost the whole next day. I was in the bed dying of illness lol. Anyway, the game was excellent and I was really surprised by who the killer was (which I won’t spoil).
If you need a trophy guide to this game, find it here: http://playstationlifestyle.net/2010/02/23/heavy-rain-trophy-guide/2/
I REALLY suggest playing the game once through before you do that though. And just a tip is that you can go chapter to chapter once you beat the game (I just figured that out yesterday lol).
What you do is load the game you beat (LOAD, not actually go into and play). Then go to Chapters and you can select the chapters. This is really helpful for getting the platinum because you don’t have to play all the way through every time. You also don’t have to save (and I recommend not doing so for many of the trophies).
Just got my platinum 😀 how in the world are these all hidden? if you beat the game once, you’re bound to get SOME of these “hidden” trophies
finished the game 2min ago good game
ye he is an idiot non of his buissness what games u play or have lol
@steven he is an noob non of his buissness what games u play or have lol
Thanks for not spoiling it mate, me and the missus (yes the missus loves the PS3, even has her own account lol) finished Heavy Rain last night, wicked game, cant wait to play through again!!
After the 2nd time I think I may take a glance at the guide to help towards the platinum. Which, if it helps I will say thanks again for.
I meantmy thanks to you, was paying attention to where i was clicking, apologies!!