ModNation Racers Trophies
Total Trophies: 69ModNation Racers is a thoroughly fresh take on classic kart racing that empowers the player to personalize their entire game. Players can express themselves by creating their own Mod character, styling their own racing kart and even building — in just minutes — an imaginative track that can be shared with the rest of the PlayStation community via the free PlayStation Network service.
ModNation Legend
earn all the MNR Trophies to unlock this Platinum Trophy
play an online race
complete the qualifier race
create a kart in kart studio
create a track in track studio
create a mod in mod studio
Shopping Spree
enter the shop
Getting to know you
invite 5 unique friends to an online race
Fill โer up
fill your boost meter
Knockinโ boost
drive over a hundred boost pads
ModSpot Explorer
visit all the locations in the ModSpot
do a 1080 spin and land successfully
Taster Session
try all the game modes in single player race
Showing the World
win 10 online races
Trigger Happy
use all the weapons in the game
Fast Learner
complete all the race tutorials (and watch all the videos)
Offering Opinions
rate 10 tracks, 10 mods and 10 karts
Pioneer Racer
be part of the first race on a published track
Drifing Superstar
earn 100,000 drift points in one drift
The Drifter
drift 1,000 times in total
Slow and Steady
win an action race without using any boosts or a boost pad
win an action race without firing any weapons
remix a character, a kart and a track
Series Winner
win a ranked race series
ModNation Prospect
earn at least 1,000 total XP (including race and create)
Say Cheese!
use photomode in a race, a studio or in the ModSpot
Beat Down
win your first online action race on a particular published track
get a total of 200 takedowns
Aggro Racer
sideswipe 75 opponents
Sharing Karts
publish a kart and have at least 10 people download it
Sharing Mods
publish a character and have at least 10 people download it
Sharing Splines
publish a track and have at least 10 people download it
Flaming Hot!
get in the top 10% in Hot Lap Mode on any given day
Join the Team
beat all 28 developer best lap times in career
ModNation Star
earn at least 5,000 Total XP
Level of Merit
complete all the career challenges
Collect all the tokens in single player career
Taking on the World
win 100 online races
come first in every race in the career
Star Creator
earn at least 250,000 Create XP
ModNation Superstar
achieve level rank 30
Hidden Trophies:
Mayhem Tour Winner
Win the Mayhem Tour
Range Tour Winner
Win the Range Tour
Grim Tour Winner
Win the Grim Tour
Third Eye
Hit 20 opponents with weapons dropped as secondary weapons
Shields Up!
Successfully defend yourself with your shield 20 times
Win Grand Finale
Win the Grand Finale
Elite Hunter
Beat all the Elite racers in the grudge matches
Far East Tour DLC Trophies:
Ricochet a Straight Shot then hit an opponent on the Great Wall track
Hit three opponents with a single Chain Bolt on the Fortress track
Coat Tails
Follow an opponent into his or her Warp on the Terraced Drop track
Far East Promoter
Host a casual race using a UFG track from the Far East theme
Far East Creator
Create and publish a track using the Far East theme
Far East Tour Winner
Win the Far East Tour
Undisputed Champion
Come 1st in every race, collect all the tokens and complete all the race objectives in the Far East Tour
Arctic Tour DLC Trophies:
The Mighty Deflector
Use your shield to defend against a bolt storm on snow storm city.
Air Defense
Use your shield to defend against any attack whilst in the air on downhill peak.
Dance Party
Hit three opponents with a single sonic bomb on iceberg edge.
Arctic Promoter
Host a casual race using a UFG track from the arctic theme.
Arctic Creator
Create and publish a track using the arctic theme.
Arctic Tour Winner
Win the arctic tour.
Ice Cool Champion
Come 1st in every race, collect all the tokens, and complete all the race objectives in the arctic tour.
Big City Tour DLC Trophies:
Use a Supercharger and for the duration of the boost don’t hit a wall on Tourist Trap.
Mind The Mine
Hit an opponent with a level 1 secondary weapon on Gridlock River.
Air to Air Combat
Hit an opponent in the air with a Swarm on Skyscraper Hop.
Big City Promoter
Host a casual race using a UFG track from the Big City theme.
Big City Creator
Create and publish a track using the Big City theme.
Big City Tour Winner
Win the Big City Tour.
City Slicker
Come 1st in every race, collect all the tokens and complete all the race objectives in the Big City Tour.
Mixed feelings over this list. I’m never a fan of online trophies that demand I play for weeks and winning 100 races could be a pain in the ass.
i agree, it would be a pain, but this still sounds quite fun. =]
hated the demon. deffo not getting it
Meh.. I’ll be getting the game, but the trophy list is just basic stuff.
lol u guys are too funny. i had the first beta of this and this game is bad ass, and the trophies are easy. ๐
Yeah you and thousands of other people, you can’t determine whether the trophies are easy just by playing the beta though i’m afraid.
I’m a big fan of these type of games as there great when people are over so this is a definite purchase for me.
definatly a platinum
day 1 to
Kart races never attracted me, and some trophies here look pretty time consuming, so I don’t think I’ll get it any time soon.
i hated it too. Didn’t like the handling.
luv’d da Beta cant w8 4 this gunna b amazing ๐
for the first time i have to agree with u hate the game not getting for 100% might rent it for trophies
omg, you must be awesome. I can see myself spend several hours on getting ModNation Superstar and Star Creator, but you will make it in one day. Impressive.
was talking about day 1 buy ๐ haha
i know some of these might take a while, plus theres the secrets to
haha my misstake then ๐
LBP meets Mario Kart? No?
yeh brooo ownedd!
We can only hope. I’ve been impressed by the amount of videos these guys are throwing out to promote the game. We’re being shown a lot of solid stuff and I think it’s creating a proper buzz about the game rather than groundless hype.
WOW thanx, i might have another go, i didn’t really give it a good go, maybe i jumped the gun. we’ll see
*cough, MW2, cough*
I can’t wait for this game, I already have it paid for. The extreme amount of creative ability might make me explode.
From the vids i have seen, it looks like the customization possabilities are going to be very deep. Should be fun if it gets a good community behind it like LBP to keep putting out new tracks for people to play. I think i will rent it first tho
This game seems great, though a few of the trophies look hard to get. Also very time-consuming. O_o I’m still going to hopefully get it.
can’t wait add me say your from allps3.
just downloaded the demo, to bad you cant actually race your own mod kart and tracks, but you get a good look and feel on how the tools work, it takes some getting used to but its works ok i think
I’m buying this just for the create tools pretty much… I thought the handling was pretty tight… If you can’t use the drift properly your screwed, ’cause it’s all about the drift.
I can’t wait to get hold of the real thing, even with the limited and basic tools on the demo, IMO i created some stunning looking sweeping alpine tracks… Nothing that’ll trouble GT5 mind you, lol.
I can’t wait to see the first batch of Mario kart levels that users create, ’cause let’s face it… It’s gonna happen. Never played LPB, I’m not that big on platform games, But this is a def. buy, I love karting games… The N64 was king!
Trophies? Who cares, don’t let it put you off this game… Seriously!
It is a nice game i have it ๐
and not all of the trophy’s are easy? get level 30 in online rank that not easy.
I’ve already created some amazing tracks, mods, and karts in the demo and I can’t wait to get my hands on the rest of the tools. Who cares about the platinum? I’m getting this because it’s enjoyable not so can show off how much time I waste.
The online needs fixing… Now!!!
Twice at least it’s disconnected when I’ve been winning! Why does almost every game need fixing after it comes out (i know the answer I’m talking speculatively) it sucks!!
i think some trophies are bugged, trigger happy, and modspot explorer for example, im not sure though
@ Feitan44 – I got the Modspot trophy no probs, just make sure you check everything carefully…
great game …. love it….. currently got 55%
any1 need help with online trophies …….. add me … s-t-e-v-e-n-313
why do some of you people play games for the trophies you don’t get anything for them so whats the point REALLY!!! lol
yea i got it today, still i think for trigger happy you ened to use the mines, but i dont know how to use them, i often see them lying on the track
you hold square to use mines, the one i forgot was the boost weapon use it as a mine too, once you use every weapon both ways you get the trophy
oh so you hate it cus you sucked at it. ha stupid noob
If you are having trouble doing any of the trophies like 100,000 drift, 1000 drift, 1080,fill’er up,Knockin’ Boost, Slow and Steady, Pacifist, or any of the online ones then search woopi 2456 and download trophies 6-in-1. It says six in one because you can get atleast 6 in 1 but if you play it a few times then it will be a lot more. Also please feel free to download my other tracks n mods
This game is amazing. The trophies aren’t too hard to get. There are user made tracks that can help you get a lot of the trophies like 100,000 drift in one drift and 1080 Spin. The only thing challenging about the game really is the career mode because some of the Bonus and Payoff challenges can be frustrating to get. Online play is fun, creating stuff is fun. No better feeling than winning an online race dressed as Ronald McDonald driving Thomas the Train Engine.