NBA 09: The Inside Trophies
Total Trophies: 28For the first time on PS3, NBA 09 The Inside includes The Life, providing fans with a completely unique and inside experience of life in the league. This year The life starts fresh, allowing players to control the paths of three different characters while guiding them through all-new challenges and storylines in the quest to go from development league to the NBA.
Win the NBA title – any year, any skill setting
Quick Play
Defeat 5 NBA Teams – Hall of Fame skill setting, 5 min + qtrs & no spotting points
Mini Games
Rabbit: Win a game – Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
Mini Games
Blacktop Golf: Score 70 or less points – Minimum All-Star skill setting
Mini Games
1-on-1: Win by 5 points – Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
Mini Games
2-on-2: Win by 5 points – Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
Mini Games
3-on-3: Win by 5 points – Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
Mini Games
Own The Court: Win by 8 points – Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
Mini Games
3-Point Shootout: Win by 5 points – Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
Mini Games
PlayStation Skills Challenge: Win by 3 seconds – Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
NBA Replay
The Season – Complete First Half of Mode: Complete 15 Spotlights – Meet the Challenge – Minimum All-Star skill setting
Player Progression
Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 70+ for each player
Online 5 Game Winner
Win 5 online games
The Life
Story #1 Completed: Complete Story #1 – Minimum All-Star skill setting
The Life
Story #2 Completed: Complete Story #2 – Minimum All-Star skill setting
The Life
Story #3 Completed: Complete Story #3 – Minimum All-Star skill setting
Win 3 NBA Finals: Win 3 NBA titles – any years, any skill setting
Quick Play
Defeat 15 NBA Teams – Hall of Fame skill setting, 5 min + qtrs & no spotting points
NBA Replay: The Season
Complete all 30 Spotlights – Meet the Challenge – Minimum All-Star skill setting
Player Progression
Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 80+ for each player
Online 10 Game Winner
Win 10 online games
The Life
Complete all 3 stories – Minimum All-Star skill setting
Complete 20 year Franchise with 5+ NBA Titles – any skill setting
Quick Play
Defeat 30 NBA Teams – Hall of Fame skill setting, 5 min + qtrs & no spotting points
NBA Replay: The Season
Complete Entire Mode including all Extra Mile Goals: Complete all 30 Spotlights – Extra Mile – Minimum All-Star skill setting
Player Progression
Advance 5 to 90+: Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 90+ for each player
Online 25 Game Winner
Win 25 online games
100% Clear
Unlock all the other Trophies
I think its NBA 09 The Life, not NBA Live 09.
its the wrong game. it suppose to be NBA 09 not NBA live 09
is this game any good? i’m deciding on Live 09 or 2K9..but those dont have any trophies..
nba live 09 comes out tomo in uk is this the same game cos im a bit confused!?!
It’s not the same game.
yeah i know..but is it any good to get? or only for the trophies?
It hasn’t received any good reviews.
hmmm seems i wont be risking my money buying this for the trophies..i wish that they placed trophies for 2k9 or live 09 instead…oh well..
I picked this up the other day….very impossible trophies. Would like to sell it but nobody is even buying it on eBay. Everything has to be done on All Star or Hall of Fame (L4) skill level. It would be hard enough to do this on Level 1 or 2. Since this is my first basketball game since Final Four 2001, I will not be getting many of the trophies…. For instance, one of the Replay games you have 1:40 to complete 5 tasks on Hall of Fame. Things like make a assist from certain players to certain other players, make a 3 w/a certain player, score 9 pts, outscore opponent by 7…and do all this on Hall of Fame setting. IMPOSSIBLE to do in 1:40. Especially since you make very little shots and the computer makes all theirs on Hall of Fame setting…so I cannot beat the very 1st Replay mini game…..thus the game is fairly worthless other than just playing a rookie franchise…which yields no trophies. My time is better spent on another game….anyone want this…$50 free shipping…[email protected]
seems bad..the gameplay mechanics are very bad..everyone can easily shoot threes..including
Not on Hall of Fame…nothing drops on that skill level.
add oldmil12 on ps3 if u want to play me to get trophies online…. i win first then u win 1min quters
Nba live 09 is good for 1 game but after that it just gets realy boring i would only recomend it for basketball fans.
This game is great. If defensive rebounding isn’t as hard as it is, i’d rate this game about a 8.5. Trophies aren’t hard, and if you get open looks, you can drop the right percentage of shots. 2k9 is by far the best game, but this one is much better than Live.
Helps that apparently nobody likes it (for what reason is unknown to me) that i got it for 25 bucks off of ebay 😎
The NBA Replays are sooooo hard to complete dammmit!!
OK… I just got done completing all 3 storys and did not the the gold “the life” trophy. I have all 3 silver ones but not the gold. Is it glitched? Does anyone else have this trophy?
If there is anyone who would like to go back and fourth with wins on for the “25 online wins” trophy send me a message on PSN. PSN ID: Pacavelli
Nevermind that last comment.. dont need anyone to help on those and cant figure out how to get that comment deleated. Thank you.
how do i download the NBA current roster with all the trades that have been made?
same thing in your game for 08 kept getting same roster till season was over this sucks.
Add GangstaShane on ps3 to play some NBA live 09.
If anyone wants to help with online. PSN: Batman-13
if anyone wants to help with online trophy add me
PSN: leo313rd
I can’t get onto the online servers. Are they shut down or something. I got this game only 2 days ago. It would stink if I couldn’t get the online trophies.
bobby add me on psn so we can help each other with online trophies
PSN: leo313rd
if anyone cant win the 3 point shoot out i figured a little easy way play against kevin garnet he only scores between 10-15 hes 92% but hes not one the good 3 point shooters
can u get the quick play trophies or any of the other trophies by playin w/ 2 players