Prince of Persia Trilogy HD Trophies
Total Trophies: 54Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is presented in HD and with 3D support. To be released on Disc in the EU and on PSN in America.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Trophies:
Sand Bearer
Obtain the Dagger of Time
Sands of Time
Play the game for over 10 hours
Sand Apprentice
Kill 150 enemies
Master of Time
Rewind time 200 times
Secret of Argabah
Find and drink from all hidden fountains
Prince of Sand
Finish the game
Sand Warrior
Kill 300 enemies
Game Master
Complete the game rewinding the time less than 20 times
Sand Collector
Collect all 48 Sand Clouds
Prince of Persia
Obtain all other trophies
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Trophies:
Complete the game on Easy
Complete the game on Normal
Silent Prince
Kill 50 enemies with a Speed Kill
Dual Wielder
Kill 100 enemies using a secondary weapon
Dark Warrior
Kill 100 enemies as the Dark Prince
Shadow Warrior
Complete the game on Hard
Horse Racing
Complete the horse cart sequences
Time Adept
Obtain all 6 Sand Tanks
Sealed Portals
Seal all the Sand Portals
Get all life upgrades
Sand Might
Obtain all Sand Powers
Sand Collector
Collect 10 000 Sand Credits
Sand Snake
Complete the game in any difficulty without dying
Two Thrones
Obtain all other trophies
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Trophies:
Complete the game on Easy difficulty
Complete the game on Normal difficulty
Time Weaver
Use all Time Powers at least once
Grab and throw 100 enemies
Decapitate 150 enemies
Dual Wielder
Kill 100 enemies using a dual wield weapon technique
Play the game for 10 hours
Throwing Master
Throw weapon at enemies 50 times
Complete the game on Hard difficulty
The Art of Sand
Obtain all hidden artwork
Maximum Capacity
Get all life upgrades
Complete the game in any difficulty without dying
Warrior Within
Obtain all other trophies
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Nice trophies. 3 old games for the price of one with trophies, What a deal.
i agree yomegas this is an amazing deal and 3 decent games on one blueray well worth it
54? thats it? damn and this shit is gonna take about 25 gigs of space but i love my golds so il go along with it.
Another collection available, huh? I’m disappointed in the lack of trophies in each game, but the 3 platinums I suppose satisfy me. I’m taking a hunch that the secret trophies are defeating the bosses.
gonna get this for my mrs
dunno new to this series trophies are less than sly cooper collection lol on the fence
Lots of silvers, golds, and the 3 platinums. No bronzes (might be the hidden ones).
If you can look past the gold and silver of the trophies i think they are pretty weak TBH…
The GOW collection had 71 trophies and that was only 2 games!!
I’m loving all the classics please I hope they bring a resident evil of 1,2 and nemesis out would love that
yeah i like that they have trophies thats preatty good@YOMEGAS