Resistance 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 39Picking up immediately where Resistance: Fall of Man concluded, Resistance 2 follows Nathan Hale as he finds himself once more in a world transformed by war and invasion. Undaunted by their defeat in London, the Chimera have continued to advance and are now poised to attack the United States.
Kill 40 hybrids in the Single Player Campaign.
Covert Ops
Collect 5 pieces of Intel in the Single Player Campaign.
Defeat the Goliath in the Single Player Campaign.
Fried Calamari
Defeat the Kraken in the Single Player Campaign.
Defeat the Mother Spinner in the Single Player Campaign.
Defeat the Swarm in the Single Player Campaign.
The Bigger They Are
Defeat the Leviathan in the Single Player Campaign.
Big Game Hunter
Defeat the Marauder in the Single Player Campaign.
Nowhere to Hide
Tag and kill 30 enemies with the Bullseye in the Single Player Campaign.
Get 30 headshots while scoped in with the Fareye or Marksman in the Single Player Campaign.
Explosives Expert
Get 150 kills with the Carbine 40mm, LAARK, or Frag Grenade in the Single Player Campaign.
They Go “Boom”
Get 30 kills with the Magnum secondary fire in the Single Player Campaign.
Set 100 enemies of fire with the Bellock Semi-Automic, Air-Fuel Grenade, Spider Grenade, or environmental hazard in the Single Player Campaign.
Spitting Lead
Kill 50 enemies using the Wraith with the force barrier engaged in the Single Player Campaign.
I See You
Kill 50 enemies through solid matter with the Auger in the Single Player Campaign.
Talk To The Hand
Use the Auger force barrier to stop 150 incoming enemy shots in the single player Campaign.
For Close Encounters
Get 10 one-hit head-shot kills with the Shotgun in the Single Player Campaign.
Get 50 kills with the Hedgehog in the Single Player Campaign.
Up Close and Personal
Get 50 melee kills with any weapon in the Single Player Campaign.
Wrecking Machine
Destroy 40 vehicles in the Single Player Campaign.
Mind Your Surroundings
Get 50 indirect kills using explosive objects in levels in the Single Player Campaign.
Salute Me
Achieve the rank of Lieutenant.
Exotic Weapon Collector
Get 20 kills with each weapon in the Single Player Campaign.
Master Spy
Collect all the Intel documents in the Single Player Campaign.
Snipe Hunt
Kill 30 Spinners in the Single Player Campaign.
Kill 1000 enemies in the Single Player Campaign.
R.I.P. Jordan Shepherd
Defeat Daedalus, Complete the Single Player Campaign.
Complete the Single Player Campaign on Superhuman.
Use every berserk at least once in Online Competitive Multiplayer.
Point Man
Earn 1 million XP from ranked games in online Competitive mode.
Killing Machine
Score 10,000 kills in ranked matches in Online Competitive Multiplayer.
Specter Recon
Collect 50 pieces of gray tech in the Cooperative Campaign.
Specter Initiate
Complete 20 missions in the Cooperative Campaign.
Team Player
Complete 5 missions with a full party of 8 in the Cooperative Campaign.
Tour of Duty
Complete one mission on each region in the Cooperative Campaign.
Specter Officer
Reach max level (35) with one class in the Cooperative Campaign.
Primarch Hunter
Kill 200 Elite Chimerans in the Cooperative Campaign.
Specter Intel
Collect all Intel in the Cooperative Campaign.
Platinum Trophy
Obtain all Gold, Silver, and Bronze Trophies for Resistance 2
Hey guys,
Just a couple questions regarding a couple of the trophies listed. I apologize in advance if these were already answered but I couldn’t find them amongst the comments.
Firstly, what is the max level for a class in the Co-Op Mode? I’ve been told it’s 30 but the site lists it as Level 35?
Second, in order to achieve the WTFBBQ trophy do you have to do the whole game in this mode or just the final chapter as some people have suggested? I found Difficult to be quite a challenge..
good post JamSquad
Rhildebrandt, yes u only have 2 do the last chapter 4 OMGWTFBBQ!
but im not sure on da co-op as i havent done it yet.
Never thought I’d platinum this thing but I’m pretty close. Only I think 4 trophies to go. Reach max level in co-op, find all co-op intel, achieve rank of lieutenant and get 10,000 kills are the only ones I have left I think
hey, this doesn’t have to do with resistance, but i was wondering if any of you know how to get a ps3 fixed w/o getting it serviced.
the problem with my ps3 is that the disc wont enter into the system.
also, i saw, from a previous comment that resistance has been given an update(1.5) as i havent been playing due to the problem of my ps3, what is included with the update?
thanks -Max995
@max995 – From what I can tell the update added Superhuman difficulty to co-op play and a couple other things. I can’t remember what the other updates are
@max995 & kdrcraig
I think they added meltdown-mod 4 competitive…and player 2 can save his experience made online…
10,000 kills is ridiculous the online competitive i a joke.. my kill death ratio is 1.6 but the games r so short it just takes forever to get that many kills.. this really sucks man its all i need for platinum its gonna take like a month to get it
@Ruggeri1994 – I’m in pretty much the same situation right now. Except I still have to get a my Medic up to max level in co-op and then I have to do the 10,000 kills one, I think I’m only at about 2,000 kills in competitive right now. Speaking of which, do kills in Skirmish count towards the 10,000?
kdrcraig im in the same situation as u n i hope 2 have platinum by my birthday… (only a month n a bit 2 get 6,500 kills n level medic up 10 times)
Ok all I have left is the 10,000 kills trophy. Gonna take me forever!
why doesnt everyone who needs 10,000 kills set up a room and just kill each other and make it really long? I have alot of ppl on my friends list who are 1 away from getting the plat and that would really bug me if i were them. so ppl should just let ppl get free kills on them or something
it’s because you cannot create your own room in ranked matches and just kill each other…it’s random matchmaking..if it were that easy everyone would have gotten it by now and everyone has the platinum
Yeah I screwed up last night and used the “Find Game” option to play some rounds, didn’t get credit for any of the kills. Waste of time.
any body know a how to get trophy site
Are you looking for a trophy guide? If so you can find one in the forums:
the 10,000 kills isnt thatbad, my k/d is 3.2 and i,like most snipe, and that alone makes me average 30 kills a game in 30/30 lobbies
OMGWTFOMG i jus got the trophie. its kinda hard but it improves ur skill fr online playe ive got 5700kills online and im going fr the platnum add me if u want
Just finished the game on easy and now going for co-op trophies add my psn:Brewster3477 cause i need someone do it with
dont worry jst need help wif the intel 1 so plz add me psn Brewster3477
wow not a comment on this subject in ages. hope i get a reply:
for the salute me trophy is it the level when you press “community”, then “profile”.
in other words: is it your profile level or your competitive or cooperative?
you get the salute me trophy when you achieve the rank of lietuenant in competetive mode, i think this is the answer you’re looking for.
10,000 kills in comp mode is all i need… got 1500 and decided, no. haha.
i was #1 in melee kills for coop mode like 2 months ago, i was proud, haha
i done all the trophies like in the first month but kill 10,000 is taking me 2 long coz i go on cod4 2 much lol
well my friend bought a ps3 and resistance so im goin for it, f it! 8,957 to go!!! =(
this platinum is too long,it just takes the piss how you have to get 10,000 kills
ive only got 287 kills atm(not trying for plat)
im going for the james bond platinum at the moment
where can we find the intel?
is there a guide on youtube?
you get the intel by completing missions on co-op mode. when you get all intel on each map, you get the trophy, not sure about youtube.
10,000 kills is rediculous, i probably won’t get Platinum on this game because of it 🙁 Getting level 30 on co-op should’nt take to long but i not bother because i want the platinum…
I have a wired connection to my ps3 and have a great connection but for some reason i keep getting an error when i download the 1.6 update. Can anyone help me with this? is there another way to download the update? PLEASE HELP i havent been able to play resistnace for trophies since and its bothering me. ADD me on pSN Smittyde77 level 7
you can get this trophy by just completing the last chapter in the hardest difficulty
can anyone tell me how to get all intel in coop mode please
@shane, you just have to play all the levels a certain amount of times in co-op. it lists in the top left corner how many times you’ve played each level. it’s been a while since i did that so i can’t remember exactly, but some of them you have to play 12 times, some 8 and so on
each region, not level
thanx got the trophy now just the 10.000 kills left should do by the time number 8 is out lol
This was a easy platinum. I got it in the first month. The 10.000 kills is only time consuming.
Anyone want to help me with this please add me. my id is scottalfiecaz
only 9000 kills to go for plat see you all in about 9000 years when i have done it add me SHANEMARKSMITH
play tdm and if ur any decent youll get it at bout 700-800 games lolz i got over 50k killz in dat game but i do get 50 or mo in skirmish n 40 or mo in tdm 1 round so you guys just bn playin cod 2 much w the 1 shot kills…. fyi my highest killz in 1 round is 90 skirmish so i never had a prob w the killz n if ur only playin it 2 get the plat gd luck it really will take 9000 years u need to enjoy at least some of the gameplay =P
but yeah my best advice 2 you is tdm w a carbine and iron heart n set to large the bigger it is the more lucky killz u get trust me on dat
also if ur complaining about the amount of time it take to get 10k kills on rfom i suggest u never pick up battelfield bad company couse there u need to get 10,001 killz 4 a trophy n as far as ive seen the highest killz in 1 round is 40 n dats if ur lucky but mostly ull get 30-40 if ur really gd but like i said before gd luck to those who just play it for the plat
r2* my bad
8500 more kills and frankly said, I don’t want to do it anymore, maybe when I’m sick of some other games I might pull the disc in again. 10k kills is just too much…
Help me to help u, i scracth your back u stracth mine
add: mcgee_boyz
LOL 10,000 kills is taking me for ever i’m up to 6700, my family is tired of watching me play so i just get in a couple of hours every night but jeeze. What I need is the intel on the campaign finished it twice yet don’t have all the intel. grrrrr
i just did the last chapter on superhuman but i didn’t get the trophy???? :S are you all guys lieing or am i doing something wrong?? or do anyone know if they have “fixed” that in a patch?? coz if so, would it work to uninstall the game and not connect me to internet and play it without the patch, and will it then work??
Big THANKS in advance 😉
@Frejan you are doing the whole last chapter and not just the last stage of the last chapter
what is the best game to get kills atm i do team death small and get around 25 kills a game is there a better way. im on 4000 kills and its SO boring lol