Spiderman: Edge of Time Trophies
Total Trophies: 48Playing the roles of the Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man: Edge of Time propels gamers on a high-octane, adrenaline-fueled adventure in which the heroic web-slingers must urgently work together across time to save each other and prevent a disaster that ultimately leads to the death of the Amazing Spider-Man.
Spider-Man™: Edge of Time Platinum
Unlock all trophies to earn this.
Super Trooper
Complete Act 1 on any difficulty level
Determined Do-gooder
Complete Act 2 on any difficulty level
Intrepid Adventurer
Complete Act 3 on any difficulty level
Fearless Front-Facer
Complete all chapters on Normal
Master Of All You Survey
Complete all chapters on Hard
Sizzling Century Mark
Defeat 100 enemies
Spider Slugger Supreme
Defeat 500 enemies
Gorgeous Gold Grabber
Web of Challenges – Obtain All Gold Medals for a Chapter
Mighty Medal Master
Web of Challenges – Obtain All Gold Medals for an Act
Consumate Completist
Web of Challenges – Obtain All Gold Medals
Ambitious Arachnid Acquirer
Obtain 1/4 of the Golden Spiders
Superb Spider Searcher
Obtain 1/2 of the Golden Spiders
Spider Snagger Supreme
Obtain all Golden Spiders
Alchemaxed Out!
Buy all Combat Upgrades
Gold Standard
Buy all Character Upgrades
Super-Suited Swinger
Obtain all Alternate Suits
Furious Fist Fighter
Execute a 50-hit combo
Hundred Hit Hero
Execute a 100-hit combo
Infinite Slugger
Execute a 200-hit combo
Fantastic Five Hundred
Collect 500 Orb Fragments
Excellent Emblem Enthusiast
Collect 1000 Orb Fragments
Collector Detector
Collect 2000 Orb Fragments
Survivor Supreme
Complete Session 3 or later without dying
Jack Of All Attacks
Perform 3 of each type of Grab Attack on enemies
Airborne Assailer
Perform 3 of each Air Attack on enemies
Hammer Slammer
Damage enemies with Roundhouse Spin and Web Hammer 10 times each
Hidden Trophies:
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Hidden Trophy
Unbelivable!! ur suposed to play 2 spiders in 2 seperate Dimensions and Still No Co-op!! Wtf! But am Still Getting it!!! =)