Start the Party! Trophies
Start The Party! transforms the PlayStation Move motion controller into an array of virtual props that players hold in their hand to twist, cut, swat, paint, pop, and jab their way through a series of fast-paced challenges requiring skill, speed and precision.
Party Star
Earn 15 stars in a single Party session
Enduring Entrant
Survive for 1 minute
Survival Starter
Survive for 30 seconds
Big Burglar
Steal 5 stars in one turn in the Robber Round
The Supermassive Team
View the credits
Christmas Party
Play a game of Start the Party! (any game mode) on Christmas Day
Midnight Party
Play a game of Start the Party! (any game mode) between 12 o’clock and 1 o’clock at night
Empty Pockets
Steal the last star from someone in the Robber Round, reducing their star count to 0
Pop Tart
Pop a colour chain of 20+ fish
Waft 12 paratroopers to safety
S.W.A.T. Team
Swat 50 bugs in one game
Air Ambulance
Rescue 3 people just before the monster eats them
‘I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!’
Shoot down 6 ghosts on their way to scaring you
Awesome Artist
Use 5 litres of pain within the templates in one game
Pinata Basher
Smash a Pinata in less than 5 seconds
Short Circuit
Zap 15+ robots in one game
Use 5 litres of hair dye in one game
Chick Protector
Save 30+ chicks in one game
Draw on a player’s face
Radical Remix
Re-record someone’s name
Candy Crazy
Survive 20 seconds with a perfect lolly
Let Sleeping Chicks Lie
Sshhh, don’t disturb the chick!
Eagle Eye
Find the 5 bugs in less than 5 seconds
Surrender to 8 angry mobsters
Mentally Dental
Clean all the crocodile’s teeth
Rapid Rocker
Completely smash a rock in less than 3 seconds
Bon Appetit
Munch 5 bugs in one game
Game Set Match
Match 5 characters in one game
Pizza Day
Catch 10 pizza toppings in one game, during a Three Strikes round
Brilliant Bouncer
Bounce an object 10 times without dropping it, during a Three Strikes round
Slice 40 pieces of fruit during a Three Strikes Round
Hit 8 moles in a single game
Top Survivor
Get to the top of the leader board in Survival Mode
Play 20 games of Survival
Life and Soul of theā¦
Play 10 games of Party Mode
Free Play Champion
Play all the Party Games, on all difficulties in Free Play
Against the Odds
Steal enough stars in the Robber Round to get from last to first place
Totally Bonus
Get the bonus items in every Party game
Supermassive Party
Take 100 different player portrait photos
Feel Free
Play all the Party Games in Free Play
Well played
Play all the games in Start the Party!
Party Popper
Earn 20 stars in a single Party session
Bonus King!
Get every bonus object within a single Party Mode play session
Serious Survivor
Survive for 2 minutes
Persistent Partygoer
Survive for 1 minute 30 seconds
Chain King!
Pop a colour chain of 70+ fish in Poppin’ on Hard difficulty
One player wins 3 rounds in a row in Party Mode
I Love to Party!
Collect all other trophies for Start the Party!
The raft of sh!t Move games are starting to hit, lol…
lol this looks terrible but I am gonna get move just not all the crappy party games unless they release somthing like wii sports
Mate this is probably the best move game out at the moment, it is hilarious. Can’t play it more than 3 times though.
I have this game, and its honestly not that bad when it comes to party type games. This one is definitely a good laugh when the friends are over for drink night. Sure beats trying to play COD while drunk lmao!