Super Street Fighter 4 Trophies
Total Trophies: 58An expansion on the blockbuster fourth official iteration of the fighting game series, Super Street Fighter IV features the full roster of 25 characters from Street Fighter IV while adding several characters new to the world of Street Fighter IV. SSF IV also adds new Ultra Combos and advancements to the online matchmaking and online gameplay services with numerous additional features.
Trophy Collector
Attain all Trophies! The path of the warrior demands this from those who walk on it!
Fashion Plate
Even a top rate figher needs to coordinate properly! You gotta get all of the Colors first!
Dan the Man
Mastery of the Saikyo arts requires mastery of the Personal Action! Collect ’em all, punk!
A Title does not tell all of a man, sir, but if I were see one Titles, I’d want them all…
Oh my gosh, those Icons are so adorable! Don-chan and I gotta catch ’em all!
Special Movement
Do a Special Move 100 times! If you’re a true student of the Rindo-kan dojo, it’s your duty!
EXtra! EXtra!
Battle requires courage! Train by using your EX Gauge to successfully land 100 EX Moves!
Super, Man!
To battle is to win a fight with overwhelming strength! Show me you can do 100 Super Combos!
Ultra, Man!
If yer gonna fight, give it your all, pal. Performing 100 Ultra Combos oughta do it, eh?
It Takes Focus
Your mission, should you wish to join Delta Red, is to connect with 100 Focus Attacks!
Superior Super
Trust your instincts and winning will come easy. Let’s begin with 50 Super Combo finishes!
Ultimate Ultra
Candy always says you gotta win with style, so go out there and perform 50 Ultra Combo finishes!
Amigo, perform 365 Super or Ultra Combo finishes against your opponents! The dawn is coming!
Absolute Perfection
Lauren’s waiting, so how about you finish your fights quickly and get 30 Perfects. Sound good?
Clear Headed
Hey! Got time to kill? Try to clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher! That’s all you gotta do!
All Clear
To get strong takes lots of fighting! Clear Arcade mode on Medium or higher with all characters!
Herculean Effort
Can you finish Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue? Show me you can!
Hard Times
To escape death is to beat the strongest of the strong. Finish Arcade Mode on Hardest, kid!
Long Time No See
Do you wish for defeat? If so, complete Arcade Mode on Hardest difficulty and beat Gouken!
Rival Schooled
See your future by clearing every Rival Battle on Medium or higher with every character.
Speed Freak
Finish each round in Arcade Mode on Medium or higher in 20 seconds or less. Too easy.
Good Start
All of nature must withstand a trial. You must clear 10 trials in Trial Mode to succeed.
Trail of Trials
There is no shortcut in the art of Yoga. Aum to clear any character’s Trial Mode trials!
Trial Athlete
I shall assimilate all and be all-powerful! Clear all Trial Mode challenges, and so can you!
Oh! My Car!
Hee hee, destruction is so much fun! Score 80,000 points or more in the Car Crusher bonus stage!
Barrel of Laughs
No need for barrels without oil! Score 110,000 points or more in the Barrel Buster bonus stage!
It Begins
The fight starts here! Set your Title and Icon, and begin fighting online!
First Timer
I’ll never forget my first time for Ryu’s sake! Win one Ranked Match! Gotta aim for the top!
You think being this good is easy? Let’s see you win 3 Ranked Matches in a row, champ!
This is your real power, child? Show me it’s not luck by winning 5 Ranked Matches in a row!
Don’t hold back your true potential! Win 10 Ranked Matches in a row!
Moving On Up
Ya need to do anything to reach the top of the food chain! Let’s see a Rank Up via Ranked match!
Now You C Me
I wrestle only the strong! You shall rank up to C if you wanna face me, comrade!
From C to Shining C
You think you’re good don’t you? Prove it by ranking up all characters to C Rank!
Road to Victory
You wanna get that fight money? You’re gonna have to win 10 matches online first, sucka!
Battle Master
Only winners can attain such beauty. Win 30 matches online and I may share my beauty secrets.
Legendary Fighter
I shall make you the right hand of Shadaloo if you can win 100 matches online!
Worldly Warrior
Let’s do this, amigo! Fight 50 matches online, because that’s the only way to become strong!
Bring it on!
No comrade, this will not do! We must become stronger, for our fans! Fight 100 matches online!
This is Madness!
Fighting is fun, huh? Well then, let’s aim for 300 matches online fought, OK buddy?
Team Player
A 1-on-1 fight is fun, but it’s more fun with friends! Try fighting in a Team Battle!
Team Mate
Win 1 Team Battle match, and you will learn that teamwork can help you become stronger!
A pro can win with any team. Win 10 Team Battles but don’t forget, you have to win too!
Keep on Truckin’
If you want to focus on nothing but the fight, entering an Endless Battle is for you!
Three For The Road
In the pursuit of strength, one must have a goal! In Endless Battle, win 3 matches in a row.
Endless Ten
Throw away your fears and focus on the fight! Win 10 fights in a row in Endless Battle!
Watch 30 Replays via the Replay Channel! Isn’t it fun watching people go at it tooth and nail?
Endless Lobbyist
It’s only natural for warriors to seek fights! Create 30 Endless Battle lobbies!
Team Lobbyist
Hey mon, battlin’ is fun, no? Go out and create 30 Team Battle lobbies and enjoy the rhythm!
Quarter Up
Fight 30 opponents via Arcade Fight Request. It’d be easy with the right bait, he he.
Arcade Edition DLC Trophies
Just Enough!
Dude, just clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Yun! Piece of cake!
Up to Snuff
Clear Arcade mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Yang. It’s simple!
Overwhelming Power
If you seek power, clear Arcade mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Evil Ryu.
Ascend beyond oneself by clearing Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Oni.
Prep Time
You need study materials if you wanna make your battle plan. Follow one player in the Rankings.
New Threads
Use a new Title and Icon, and fight in one online match. Right on!
The Awakening
As if you could ever defeat Evil Ryu in Arcade Mode on the hardest difficulty. See for yourself!
Birth of Oni
To surpass the power of Oni, you must defeat him in Arcade Mode on the hardest setting.
😮 first
dude stfu
these look more or less the same as sf4 which = super hard!!!!
I don’t play SF but I’m impressed with the brand new trophy set… I thought this would be available in DLC(The new char. and old-school challenges) with a few extra trophies thrown in…
I also like how they’ve added a bit of life to the Trophy explanations –
SF4: Icon Master – Collect all Icons.
SSF4: Iconoclast – Oh my gosh, those Icons are so adorable! Don-chan and I gotta catch ‘em all!
Pretty cool, lol…
They need to make this with better graphics
will any1 buy this crap lol
No these games suck
This is really a disaster. I managed platinum for SFIV and this is almost the exact same trophies. What idiot would do it twice? They could at least grand you everything you unlocked in SFIV, so that you only have to collect the “new icons”, “new titles” and the trials for the “new characters” only.
these look mostly the same, i have the plat on sf4 so i will try ssf4, i cant wait 4 this game it will b insane. jj y r u on the ssf4 trophies if u hate it so much. needs better graphic lol it looks gr8 cant wait. gutterrd have 2 do the trails again tho
@Finch_92 thank you 😳
Needs better graphics? your joking right? have you even played any of the old street fighter games? this is cell shading meets 3D fighter and it looks great. Personally I’ll pass on this as I never really got into SF4 and then went and got Marvel vs Capcom on the PS Store which is much more fun.
The graphics look the same on all the Street Fighters it needs more relistic graphics like Virtua Fighter or Tekken
Ummmm no it doesn’t…games great, not here to please you bud…and im not sure how they look the same on all street fighters when it went from 2d to 3d to HD 3d/cel shading, the games you just mentioned tho, look exactly the same…nothing realistic about em
No it does not…it’s fine.
Lol I don’t mean to sound rude but maybe you should go play the 1st Street Fighter then play Street Fighter 4 and then tell me where the similarities are. Do you like Borderlands or the most recent Prince of Persia game? They’re cell shaded and look amazing and are both great games. I understand that these games are not for everyone I personally prefer the older games but if your going to bring graphics into the discussion then at least know what your talking about first.
street fighter is always been 2d game so it can’t be like tekken or any other games it looks good as it is, i can’t for this game specialy the hard trials
I played Borderlands I hated because of the way the graphics were or whatever they call those type of graphics I just prefer a game that looks realistic like GTA type graphics.
Fair enough I guess to each his own. Cell shading is to term for the grphics you dislike. I prefer the realistic graphics but also like the cell shaded games we have had on the PS3 thus far.
“Speed Freak
Finish each round in Arcade Mode on Medium or higher in 20 seconds or less. Too easy.”
This is crazy. I don’t even have a Platinum in SFIV (probably never will), and although the trophy list on SSFIV looks a lot like the SFIV list, it might be even harder for me to get even one trophy. I’m no trophy whore (I found SFIV to be very interesting and fun, and even though I REALLY REALLY SUCK at fighting games, I’ve always liked them…), but the trophy list for this game is crazy. 300 matches won? That’s UBER madness!!
how did u change ur face on this website
tekken 6 looked like some half assed ps2 game what are u on about
Im just sayin Tekken graphics are better than this game.
jj u r dumb! sf4 is da sikkest game out there, tekken is a rat game! nuff said
i cant beleieve so many ppl found it hard to get the sf4 trophies, the only thing that was hard was gens and c.vipers hard trials well imo, who can not like this game unless ur not into fighting games, it will defo sell more that tekken and vf hands down.
I never said Tekken was good I hated Tekken I’m just sayin Tekken graphics are better & they should make this game with better graphics read what I wrote before you wright somwething
Trophies do seem annoying. Looking forward to the new characters.
Bringing back the old. I like it. Better than those new idiots in SF4.
I’m looking forwsrd to this game! The Trophies seem decent enough, 2 Ultras keeps me happy.
cant belive they have the trails on again. i hate them lol. the new 1s look good tho
ok so im a BlazBlue player but ive been looking for a new fighting game and im thinking of getting this one… dunno if i should tho but ima try give it a shot… i love Cammy so im only getting this game cuz of her… trophies look weird to me x-x
this one is VERY easy compaired to SF4.. can’t wait 😉
Be nice sometime in the future too see a SF game with graphics like resident Evil 5 or Tekken tht would be awesome
@KiD WaRRioR
but then that would take out what sets Street Fighter 4 apart from the rest ._.
The graphics between SF and Tekken don’t matter, its how the gameplay is. Yes, it would be cooler looking more realistic, but SF is more of a cartoony game than Tekken. It’s just the style of it all. But why change the style to make it look like everything else? Some things are better off being different than others.
27 dats 4 this game ! hurry up
These Trophies are waaaaay to easy.. i got Street Fighter IV Platinum so that means i will be able to get this one.. i have super street fighter iv already but sadly i have yellow light on my Ps3.. so im gonna get 2 slim ps3’s.. its my brothers choice.. he wants one for his and my room.. LOL
i just got the platinum for this one.
plz ppl, hu plays dis game coz ov its graphics. no oda fighting game evn compare to street fighter
got the plat 🙂
this game is so hard…..
Got the Platinum. Biggest pain in the I’ve ever had to do in a videogame!
“Trial Athlete” was by far the hardest. There’s some incredibly insane and frustrating trials in this that I thought i’d never complete.
My last trophy though was “From C to Shining C”, i didn’t “boost” so it was incredibly time consuming getting the hang of 35 different characters while trying to get 1000BP fighting against people who are usually C+ ranked or higher.
Never played SFIV, but whoever else that platinum’d this hats off to them. And whoever needs some tips my PSN ID is: Sidizenkain.
Happy Playing!
Hi guys got the SSF4 today and love it in the same way of SF4, I`ll looking for boost the online trophies so if anyone is up to it send me a message with the subject SSF4.
My psn is KLEDSON
You say this game sucks.. and you hate tekken.. It’s obvious you don’t like fighting games since these two are both really good. I like street fighter better but tekkens good too and fighting games aren’t all about graphics. It’s more about the game play and the graphics are just a bonus if they’re good. AANd the graphics have gotten better in every new street fighter game man don’t be ignorant. Street fighter 2 was horrible graphics, alpha series got better, 3rd strike was awesome and these graphics are on a whole new level for street fighter. and gameplay wise, imo, this is the best street fighter. of course some people liek 3rd strike tha most and I can see why.