Tekken 6 Trophies
Total Trophies: 50Tekken 6 sees the return of many familiar faces as well as new characters to create the largest line-up the series has ever seen. Adding to the already rich gaming experience, a deeper character customization feature will only further enhance the incredible fighting intensity as players knuckle up against each others. Players can also take the battle online for classic match-ups and to compete for world domination.
Hidden Trophy
Give Your Fists a Rest
Defeat an enemy using a weapon in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Night at the Movies
Unlock a movie in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Treasure Amateur
Collect 50 treasures in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Treasure Enthusiast
Collect 100 treasures in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Enemy Hunting Amateur
Defeat 300 enemies in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Enemy Hunting Enthusiast
Defeat 1000 enemies in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Playing With Fire
Defeat 100 enemies with the Flamethrower in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Heavy Artillery
Defeat 100 enemies with the Gatling Gun in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Ready for Action
Pick up 300 health recovery items in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Brute Force
Defeat 100 enemies with the Lead Pipe in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Thirsty Fighter
Pick up 50 drink items in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Crate Breaker
Destroy 100 wooden crates in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Alien Hunter
Defeat 10 aliens in Scenario Campaign Mode.
King of the Hill
Knock 10 enemies in the water in Scenario Campaign Mode.
A Friend in Need
Rescue your downed partner 3 times in Scenario Campaign Mode (single player).
Combo Amateur
Perform a 10 chain combo in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Combo Enthusiast
Perform a 30 chain combo in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Upgraded Assistant
Upgrade Alisa to the highest possible level.
Whatโs So Special About It?
Obtain the Special Flag in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Learning is Fun
Clear the tutorial stage in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Moving On Up
Win a Ranked Match in Online Mode.
No Pressure
Win a Player Match in Online Mode.
Fighting Amateur
Play 3 matches in Online Mode.
Fighting Enthusiast
Play 10 matches in Online Mode.
Arcade Addict
Clear the Arcade Battle in Offline Mode.
Team Toppler
Defeat 3 teams in Team Battle in Offline Mode.
Survival of the Fittest
Earn 10 consecutive wins in Survival in Offline Mode.
Practice Makes Perfect
Inflict a total of 1000 damage in Practice in Offline Mode.
Ghost Vanquisher
Defeat 30 Ghosts.
Love That Money
Collect more than 5,000,000 G.
Item Connoisseur
Obtain a Rank S Item in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Treasure Master
Collect 200 treasures in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Enemy Hunting Master
Defeat 2000 enemies in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Scenario Expert
Clear all of the stages in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Combo Master
Perform a 50 chain combo in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Fighting Master
Play 30 matches in Online Mode.
Machine Crusher
Defeat NANCY-MI847J.
No Key For Me
Clear the Millennium Tower stage without the boot-up key in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Gallery Completionist
Complete the Gallery.
Friend or Foe?
Reunite with your ally in Scenario Campaign Mode
Locate the Target
Learn the whereabouts of Heihachi Mishima in Scenario Campaign Mode
It’s All Coming Back to Me
Recover your memory in Scenario Campaign Mode
The Key to Victory
Obtain the boot-up key in Senario Campaign Mode
That’s No Hero
Defeat the Hero in Scenario Campaign Mode
The Destroyer Has Fallen
Defeat the Destroyer of World in Scenario Campaign Mode
Win the Final Battle in Scenario Campaign Mode
What a Nightmare
Clear the Nightmare Train Stage in Scenario Campaign Mode.
Wooden Warrior
Clear the Subterranean Pavilion stage in Scenario Campaign Mode
Eastern Explorer
Clear the Kigan Island stage in Scenario Campaign Mode
I unlock all the Tekken 6 trophie set. Even platinum.
Tekken 6 is great to play and why do steven compare that game to uncharted 2.all games have different genres.maybe steven is a NEWB!!!!!!!!!!
almost platinumed this
nightmare train and nancy are bloody hard
i unlocked the movie but didn’t get a trophy anyone know why?
38 percent only a day at it… well easy to plat going for 10th plat,, add glenw23 just plat modern warfare 2 nearly plat assassins , dead space any tips on batman 82 percent
I Unlocked all The Trophies in Tekken 6. I heard that tekken 6 is a violence game. But I got 100% by getting all the trophies by clearing scnario Campaign mode and Everything Bro. And I got 1 Platinum Trophy last time since i started playing tekken 6.
Not as good as i thought it would be but wondering if anyone fancies helping on the online trophies? Im happy to let someone kick my $%&* to get their online trophies in return for the same??
Hey i aint that good at Tekken either, ill help you with the online trophies if you help me? Lol
PSN: LykNoOther
anyone know how to get the trophie night at the movies ? finnished campain only got nancy and survival to do dont know what to do now ?
Can someone tell me how to get the First (hidden) trophy
and what is so important about that platinum trophy…how do you get it?
Thats weird…it should have been unlocked when you unlocked the first ending in the arena…
have you completed the arena at least once?@supergayjay
How do u platinumn….@ostrich
platinumed. the way to beat nancy is go Jack6 and do the move Dark greeting over and over again. and nightmare train- go Kazuya and stay near the gatling gun and do that spin kick until dj comes and then grab the gun and own him!
btw the hidden one is called Tekken Fanatic
How do i upgrade Alisa to the highest maximum level ?? ๐ plz help
hes a (tekken god) highest rank im a Fuijin.I came across him in online battle and he told me how to upgrade alisa to level ten in a couple of hours.Hes also got all trophies .Bottom Line- hes really good
you have to complete the game and senario
I’ve checked online and everything, but apparently i cant achieve the “destroyer has fallen” trophy and thats the only one i need to get the platinum. I don’t know what to do. I’ve beaten the scenario campaign plenty of times (on medium and hard) especially Jin’s because apparently that’s how i get the trophy. Anyone know what the deal is or can help me out or am i just s.o.l.?
You need to complete the arena and recive the movie from there, I didnt relise this but you complete it and the rest of the movies come within the game
i mite be a lil late but to platinum you unlock all other trophies, so basically get all except platinum and then the plat will appear
i unlock everybody’s prologue/ending and it wont let me get the completed gallery trophy!? lease help!!!! its the only one i need!!
nightmare train is easy the others is easy now what do they mean by upgrade alisa to the highest lvl posible???
Do you also have the movie of panda or kuma. Becaus you get 2 different movies if you fight with panda and if you fight with kuma.
no it isnt dont you get the point if you want to talk about uncharted GO SOMEWHERE ELSE this is about tekken and only tekken P.S. tekken is better@DarkDon14
Just go on player match and quick match instead of ranked match and you’ll find yourself fighting 9th kyu and 1st dans at most. And they seriously don’t know how to fight. So easy “No Pressure” trophy. Then just play the 30 matches online, you don’t have to win, but if you want the pride, win. And you’ll get the online trophies. Those are the only online trophies so you don’t really need anyone to help you with it.
Why is the only hidden trophy the platinum trophy? Why didn’t they make the actual hidden trophies the hidden ones?
The Destroyer Has Fallen-Defeat The Destroyer Of Worlds In Scenario Campaign Mode.. idk how i got it but i think its Jin, Heihachi, Alisa or Nina.. Hope i helped!!
I am really the jin from tekken and the language in tekken 6 is fake all japenese is fake ๐
How can i beat nancy ?