Vancouver 2010 Trophies
Total Trophies: 51Vancouver 2010 is an authentic simulation of a host of events from the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games, focusing on the adrenalin rush that comes from the extreme speed of winter sports. Including an all new challenge mode, the game allows players to immerse themselves in the world’s greatest sporting event like never before.
All Trophies
Acquire all trophies.
Slalom Star
Win a gold at slalom in a single player game.
Giant Slalom Guru
Win a gold at giant slalom in a single player game.
Super-G Superstar
Win a gold at super-G in a single player game.
Downhill Dominator
Win a gold at downhill in a single player game.
Ski Cross Supreme
Win a gold at ski cross in a single player game.
Snowboard Cross Champion
Win a gold at snowboard cross in a single player game.
Parallel Giant Slalom Pro
Win a gold at parallel giant slalom in a single player game.
Ski Jump Champion
Win a gold at ski jumping in a single player game.
Aerials Ace
Win a gold at aerials in a single player game.
500 m Short Track Hero
Win a gold at 500 m short track speed skating in a single player game.
1,500 m Short Track Specialist
Win a gold at 1,500 m short track speed skating in a single player game.
Bobsleigh Boss
Win a gold at bobsleigh in a single player game.
Skeleton Crazy
Win a gold at skeleton in a single player game.
Luge Lunatic
Win a gold at luge in a single player game.
Best With Friends
Play a 4 player game on one system.
Online Olympian
Play an event online.
Back To Back Glory
Win 5 online events in a row.
Good Host
Host an online game.
Mountain Climber
Unlock the intermediate challenge mountain.
Challenge Crazy!
Complete all game challenges.
In The 80’s
Complete the In the 80’s Challenge.
In The 90’s
Complete the In the 90’s Challenge.
Landing Zone
Complete the Landing Zone Challenge.
Lap It Up
Complete the Lap It Up Challenge.
Lose Your Licence
Complete the Lose Your Licence Challenge.
Corner Counter
Complete the Corner Counter Challenge.
Complete the Overtake Challenge.
Smashing Snowmen
Complete the Smashing Snowmen Challenge.
Beat Your Maker
Complete the Beat Your Maker Challenge.
High Speed
Complete the High Speed Challenge.
Complete the Supersonic Challenge.
Caught Speeding
Complete the Caught Speeding Challenge.
Top Speed
Complete the Top Speed Challenge.
Time To Try
Complete the Time To Try Challenge.
Head To Head
Complete the Head To Head Challenge.
Super Runout
Complete the Super Runout Challenge.
Complete the Runout Challenge.
Good Gate / Bad Gate
Complete the Good Gate / Bad Gate Challenge.
Token Effort
Complete the Token Effort Challenge.
Skating With Snowmen
Complete the Skating With Snowmen Challenge.
Save The Snowmen
Complete the Save The Snowmen Challenge.
Saved By The Snowmen
Complete the Saved By The Snowmen Challenge.
Speed Bands
Complete the Speed Bands Challenge.
Air Play
Complete the Air Play Challenge.
Style Run
Complete the Style Run Challenge.
Complete the Speed Challenge.
Winners Use Tokens
Complete the Winners Use Tokens Challenge.
Target Practice
Complete the Target Practice Challenge.
Do Not Touch
Complete the Do Not Touch Challenge.
Reverse Engineering
Complete the Reverse Engineering Challenge.
ill be geting this
played the demo it sucks ass
this game looks shit i rather to get winter sports challange it looks better
Whats the difference between this and the Winter Olympic game coming out?
u meen the winter sports challange 2010
Yea are they the same game just made by different companies.
i bet this game could be rented and platinumed pretty quickly…
dont be fooled its rock hard
winter sports 2010 is more free style u can do back flips and stuff like that
ive nearly got the platinum on this ive just got to get ‘play a 4 player game on one system’ but unfortunately i only have 2 controllers 🙁 luckily my friend will bring his controllers round and BOOM platinum is mine
are the trophies hard to get
yes they are mad hard
Wow, tried the demo yesterday from PSN… and the suckage level is pretty HIGH… gameplay is bad, hard and pointless. Even tutorials contradict themselves or aren’t shown at all for some challenges.
Well, it’s from SEGA so can’t expect too much from them nowadays eh…
I really want it to get the winter olympic games for ps3 For Trophies!
any1 up for boosting the 5 online wins in a row trophy
yeh il boost it add shaun-bhoy-95
on psn
any1 who wants to boost 5 online wins a row trophy on psn add Shaun-Bhoy-95. jus say that is y ur ading and i will acept.
sorry jus got my platinum few hours ago id help u but i posted game back already
Does anyone now when winter sports challange 2010 comes out I can’t find any info on it.
I looked at you’re trophies do play a game until you get all the trophies for it.
if u live in uk it’s on for 30 or something around 30 £
So it probably doesn’t realese in the US.
hmmmmmm i don’t know check on amazon
any 1 up for boosting the 5 wins in a row trophy if yes make sure u add shaun-bhoy-95 before sat afternoon.
i want this game 4 da trophies add me
F#ckin geezus! I only have the Lap It Up challenge left and it is F#CKING HARD! Geez why do they have to make these trophies (only a bloody silver for godsakes!) so god damn hard?
Ok, so i’ve just bet Lap It Usp!!! Ohhh my god is it difficult. Best technique to use is to keep resetting the start until you get the most inside lane to start with, then just before you think go will come up, start mashing the X button whilst having the L2 button held down. Just as you think go will appear, release L2 whilst keeping X mashed good and proper, right through the turn, and then settle yourself and just keep practising nailing those skate movements with X presses. Always take the corners tight to the markers and you’ll have that bloody CPU skater lapped after only a few good gos. I did think it was near impossible until i started doing all these things every attempt, then just got it! (barely, but f#ck me is it a relief when ya do!) good luck 😉
Is there a easy way to complete all the games for me this game is so hard.