Wanted: Weapons of Fate Trophies
Total Trophies: 51Based on Universal Pictures’ action-thriller Wanted, this game promises to deliver the same fantastic visual style, in-your-face attitude and edge-of-your-seat action as the blockbuster motion picture.
Wanted Master
Got all Wanted trophies!
I am in control
Complete the 1st Tutorial
I have it in my blood
Complete the 2nd Tutorial
No more anxiety attacks
Complete the 3rd Tutorial
Completed Act 1 – Easy
Complete Act 1 – Easiest Difficulty
Completed Act 2 – Easy
Complete Act 2 – Easiest Difficulty
Completed Act 3 – Easy
Complete Act 3 – Easiest Difficulty
Completed Act 4 – Easy
Complete Act 4 – Easiest Difficulty
Completed Act 5 – Easy
Complete Act 5 – Easiest Difficulty
Completed Act 6 – Easy
Complete Act 6 – Easiest Difficulty
Completed Act 7 – Easy
Complete Act 7 – Easiest Difficulty
Completed Act 8 – Easy
Complete Act 8 – Easiest Difficulty
Ready to play with the big boys
Complete Act 9 – Easiest Difficulty
Completed Act 1 – Assassin
Complete Act 1 – Assassin Difficulty
Completed Act 2 – Assassin
Complete Act 2 – Assassin Difficulty
Completed Act 3 – Assassin
Complete Act 3 – Assassin Difficulty
Completed Act 4 – Assassin
Complete Act 4 – Assassin Difficulty
Completed Act 5 – Assassin
Complete Act 5 – Assassin Difficulty
Completed Act 6 – Assassin
Complete Act 6 – Assassin Difficulty
Completed Act 7 – Assassin
Complete Act 7 – Assassin Difficulty
Completed Act 8 – Assassin
Complete Act 8 – Assassin Difficulty
Fully trained assassin
Complete Act 9 – Assassin Difficulty
Completed Act 1 – The Killer
Complete Act 1 – The Killer Difficulty
Completed Act 2 – The Killer
Complete Act 2 – The Killer Difficulty
Completed Act 3 – The Killer
Complete Act 3 – The Killer Difficulty
Completed Act 4 – The Killer
Complete Act 4 – The Killer Difficulty
Completed Act 5 – The Killer
Complete Act 5 – The Killer Difficulty
Completed Act 6 – The Killer
Complete Act 6 – The Killer Difficulty
Completed Act 7 – The Killer
Complete Act 7 – The Killer Difficulty
Completed Act 8 – The Killer
Complete Act 8 – The Killer Difficulty
The Killer
Complete Act 9 – The Killer Difficulty
Collector Nerd
Find 10 reward items
Compulsive Hoarder
Find all reward items
Kill one, save a thousand Donuts
Kill Janice, ex-boss
Half the man Barry is
Kill Kathy, ex-girlfriend
Pest Exterminator
Kill all explosive rats
Bullet Curving Trainee
Kill 10 enemies using Curved Bullets
Bullet Curving Expert
Kill 100 enemies using Curved Bullets
Shrapnel Storm Trainee
Kill 10 enemies using Bullet Explosions
Shrapnel Storm Expert
Kill 80 enemies using Bullet Explosions
Two is always better than one
Kill 2 enemies at once with a single Curved Bullet
Glad I wasn’t there
Kill 3 enemies at once with a single Explosive Bullet
All in the reflexes
Kill 3 enemies at once in a single eQM
Kill one explosive rat
Up close and personal
Kill 15 enemies in close combat
Heart Breaker
Kill AraΓ±a with Wesley without mask on The Killer Difficulty
Between Old Friends
Kill The Immortal with Cross on The Killer Difficulty
Punishing Subordinates
Kill The Russian with The Immortal in close combat and The Killer Difficulty
Butcher would be proud
Complete the game in “Close Combat Mode”, any difficulty
Dr. Lobotomy
Complete the game in “Headshot Mode”, any difficulty
Catch me if you can
1st position in “Time Attack” Ranking
Need help with Compulsive Hoarder Find all reward items trophy, and dont want to go through the whole game again with the walk through to find ma tropthy on level 6. can you help? is there a list of what level each item is on and I can know where to start. cheers
hey guys i need one more concept art to find its the very last one and i dont know where it is. does anyone know the level its on and where to find it?
Use this Video Guide to find all Items
My 5th Platinum …. a easy one π
Congrats hokorewe! wanna add me on psn? I’ve got 5 platinums as well.. π
psn weavsxx
How do you kill janice and cathy i cant find them
Hey Guys I need some help with this wanted weapons of fate Trophy (All in the reflexes) i dont know what i have to do ?? i dont know what it (eQM) Please guy help me …..
eQM is the slow motion Move that you use with the Triangle button when in cover. You need to kill 3 Enemies in 1 eQM scene, like a lot of people say the final boss fight is a good opportunity to get it, i got it in the Library shootout
Thank you so much guys..
how do you get the” two is better than one” trophy
will maffia 2 get trophies
ok so ya if i beat the game on killer mode will i get the other trophies for beatin the game on the other 2 modes so that would be 27 trophies for just beatin the game and plus the 3 Tutorials so 30 in all trophies?
dan.. best way to go about this game is play on assassin first time through, trophies are stackable so u will get the easy ones upon finishing assassin, killer is unlocked after assassin playthrough..
3 tutorials are story mode they are a gimme..
character trophies and playmode trophies save for last after all acts are unlocked..on all playmode difficulties..
my last trophy that came with the platinum was the 100% rewards trophy best bet is save the rewards trophies for last i wouldnt even collect any from the jump.. so that way u can use a guide to find every one in one simple mini play through since they do not help u in the games play..
it was a fun game, i bought it used and platinumed in like a weeek of casual play, i enjoyed it though lookin for rewards became boring but i wanted the plat! lol need help hit me up id be glad to help ya out dude!
I do not understand how to get them last 5 silvers, at all. someone help, please
alright i beat the game on killer but it wont let me choose between cross or wesley or wesley without the mask? am i supposed to do somethin or did it just mess up?
sorry so many comments in a row, but nevermind, i got it now π
my second platinum it was easy only took a couple days
Did u find that last one yet. I need it to@Viewtifulsky
I need to know what level this collectable is on. See alot of people saying they are missing the last concept art but know site will list which ones are in what levels so I can’t determine where this one is. Can someone email me or something. Please thank u. Coolme is my ps3 name.
Thanks, this will probably be my ninth platinum, that or borderlands, i’m close on both.
I like the game too, but i just need one more video reward and i have my first platinum. If you go to the main menu and select rewards and then go to videos – i’m missing the last one. It looks like it’s been awhile – Sept 09, but if you can help i would surely appreciate it.
one of best shooting game i hav played. Whatshop do getit form.
yeah how do u kill her