WWE Legends Of WrestleMania Trophies
Total Trophies: 20This brand new wrestling reinvents the phenomenon on next-generation consoles just in time for the annual pinnacle of sports entertainment, WrestleMania.
Obtain all other Trophies
Win using a manager in an Exhibition match
Chain Struggle
Win using a Chain Struggle
Tag Chain Struggle
Win using a Tag Chain Struggle
Win using only grapple attacks
Win by using five or more reversals in a single match
Royal Rumble Winner
Win a 30-Man Royal Rumble
Dive Attack
Successfully perform a dive attack from all four corners
First Medal
Obtain a medal in WrestleMania Tour Mode
Medal Collector
Obtain all of the medals in WrestleMania Tour Mode
WrestleMania Tour
Clear all “Relive” matches in WrestleMania Tour Mode
Memory Serves Me Well
Complete any match without pausing in the “Relive” section of WrestleMania Tour Mode
New Legend
Defeat 10 opponents with a Created Legend in a single tier in Legend Killer Mode
Legend Killer
Obtain a medal in Legend Killer Mode
True Legend Killer
Obtain all of the medals in Legend Killer Mode
Invincible Created Legend
Max out a Created Legend’s attributes
Super Fast Legend Killer
Become a Legend Killer in Legend Killer Mode in 30 minutes or less
King of Kings
Defeat the Favorite Legends Tier in Legend Killer Mode
You’re #1
Have your Created Legend reach the Top rank in Hall of Fame Mode
Created a Legend
Make a Created Legend
because i actually received an email from THQ douchebag, as i’m a member on their site they noticed i was 1st person in the world to plat and asked for my feedback. so quit trying to start me boy go grow up a bit.
u talk a loaaaaad of bollox u tit, get over yourself & do something with ur life!
i had 2 tell that mug the truth lol
anyways looks as though im gettin this game as i tried the demo again, quite good
whatever knoxie your the biggest knob on this entire site all your good for is giving people crap because you think your always right your nothing but and idiot and call me what you want but i’m better then you plain and simple. so get over it BOY and learn to be a man.
lol u think ur the best.. ur not, get over it, but u are a prick like killer369, u killer369 in disguise? go play some games & brag that u were 1st 2 get plat haaha which u werent obv
just keep talking trash boy, thats all your good for on this site. if anyone has questions about how to get trophies message me on ps3 psn id is name above. you’ll find i enjoy helping others get trophies instead of being a tool like knoxie…i swear he is killer369’s wife.
oh and knoxie i ain’t the best, i’m just better then you boy.
lol i like it how u kinda copy wot i say but say it bk 2 me, play me on any game i will own u & check forums where ive helped u knob
yeah i would and you’d lose so there’s no point and beside i’m not taking you off my block list as you are a rude piece of shit, trust me i’ve seen many forums and all you do is start shit. anyway boy this is getting old i know you’ll have something to say but i don’t care i’m more liked and respected in these forums then you and thats the bottom line BITCH so you fail ha ha ha.
bullshit tbh, more disliked & nah def not respected u pathetic freak, stop being a prick & get on with it, no need 2 respond 2 this… ur a cocky prick.
you wouldn’t know what honesty is you queer because all you do is talk shit.
just copy wot i say, ur even more of a prick than i thought.. go cry 2 ya mum about being 1st 4 platinums
okay fag whatever you say, your just a tool with no life and your no doubt a virgin as well which is why you get cut at everyone all the time. although i know your such an immature little prick and you will post a reply i won’t be returning to this thread but it’ll just prove my point of how much of a tosser you are. anyway knoxie go off yourself and do the entire world a favour. seeya boy ha ha ha
Ladies! Calm it.
Hey i just got my ps3 for $1500 USD from ebay and i dont know what a trophy is. What are they?
Add my psn: jumbo360 i am pro at all games
A trophy is like an achievement from the xbox 360. when you achieve something you get a virtual trophy.
last wresting game i played was WWE vs NWO on 64…i loved it. ill check this out over the weekend
dude i thought gamers were cool with each other….it seems the virgins here are bitter ahaaa
plat in 8 hours this game sucks…rent it!
wtf,who cares if he did or didnt platinum wwe first? theres no difference
after reading that how is Miiiitch the prick? back on topic cool looking game played the demo and just added it to my gamefly list!
😉 Hmmmmmmmmm Im cool with yo soni chaos
hahah i am not pro at games
hey jumbo you got a good deal mine was $2200 usd no games to poor to afford so i have a playstation 3 guys
PLAT #9 !- Just had to get the moves and buttons down….
easy plat?
The game itself is pretty fun. Trophies are alright to get but I wouldnt play it just for that. Co-op is good $hit. And to the people who think they can get a platinum on this , first get it then talk…dont say ull get it in the next 3hrs …braggers.
this game has to be the easiest platinum to get it took me 6 hours without trying #14
This is my 2nd platinum trophy
this was my 1st platinum you can do this in a day if you go hard
Quite frankly this game is to easy. i got platinum very quickly. But i like how fast you can make your CAL stats go up.
platinum in 2 days, of extreme casual play, biggest bitch was last match of relive mode, lolmaybe even the last 2 matches of relieve.. other then that it was an easy game, clean cut and simple on what to do. did bring back alot of memories from when i was a kid growing up tho so that was a plus, couldnt beat all the gold and silver with the plat off ebay for 12 dollars lol =)
my freind borrode it to my trophies are easy get.
Cry more