Let’s Talk
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May 4, 2009 at 1:52 am #24461
MemberKILLER369 said:
i personaly dont see the point in foot ball, rugby or eny other similar sports. i mean runing round after a ball for 1 hre?
but thts just my opinion
Hey I've played rugby for 6 years. It's actually a very intense sport that requires a lot of self discipline. I'm positive the same holds true for football or any other sport for that matter. Tell me, what sport do you like… seeing as “running round after a ball ” can be applied to almost every athletic sport… whether it be running after a birdie, a tennis ball, a hockey puck… etc. In fact a comment like that can be applied to anything really.. even gaming. What's the point of gaming, all you do is move your thumbs around to control pixels for a couple hours.
Save you dislike for rugby for a different forum
Oh and I'll comment on the other stuff after I read it… 4 page forum, I've missed a bit lol
May 4, 2009 at 2:36 am #24463KILLER369
Memberas i said my opinion. U see, you infact left it open for an argument.
also i believe you truly didn’t mean the bit “even gaming. What’s the point of gaming, all you do is move your thumbs around to control pixels for a couple hours.”. its different in many ways, and you know that you know it. i like to watch boxing wen ever its on. i may not be that interested but i like golf. and snooker, pool.
the thing that disgusts me about football and rugby isn’t the game, but the thugish ‘people’ that go to fight the other ‘supporters’ and the extremely gross amount of money footballers are on, just for running around for a bit. i mean all the shit thats wrong with this world and their gettin millions for kiking a ball about… sickening.
and i think the whole forum would agree with me on that.
May 4, 2009 at 5:25 am #24468gamer47
MemberKILLER369 said:
as i said my opinion. U see, you infact left it open for an argument.
also i believe you truly didn’t mean the bit “even gaming. What’s the point of gaming, all you do is move your thumbs around to control pixels for a couple hours.”. its different in many ways, and you know that you know it. i like to watch boxing wen ever its on. i may not be that interested but i like golf. and snooker, pool.
the thing that disgusts me about football and rugby isn’t the game, but the thugish ‘people’ that go to fight the other ’supporters’ and the extremely gross amount of money footballers are on, just for running around for a bit. i mean all the shit thats wrong with this world and their gettin millions for kiking a ball about… sickening.
and i think the whole forum would agree with me on that.
Killer not everything has to be an argument. I'm sorry if you interpreted it as such. I was just saying that “not seeing the point” in something is a statement that can be used for almost anything if you arent involved/interested in it. That includes gaming. I personally don't think that about gaming… obviously, seeing as I game. But another person might. You took my statement too literally when it was only there to pose as an example.
I think it's a bit much to call people thuggish just because they are professional rugby and football players. And putting 'people' in quotes… are they less human than you or me? I hate to break it to you but boxers earn gross amounts of money as well but instead of running after a ball they bash eachothers faces in.
Of course, I do agree that its nonsensical for athletes and entertainers to be making more money than people who save lives for a living. However I don't think it's a reason to bash them. It's how society operates… it's not the athlete/entertainers fault they were lucky enough to get the exposure they needed for a skill they possess. I'm sure if you had the opportunity to make tons of money doing something you love and not being confined to the 9 to 5 shift day in and out, you would go for it. I think it would be hard to find someone who wouldn't. That doesn't make you a bad person. Heck, you could turn around and use your salary to help people in less fortunate living situations. I do recognize that there are multimillionaires out there who don't help though… and that is a problem.
May 4, 2009 at 9:08 am #24473gamer47
MemberSorry to revert back to an older subject but what's going on with the swine flu? I haven't kept up to date with the news these past few days. Is it being contained… or is the media throwing the world into a panic and calling it a pandemic? Anyone have any info?
May 4, 2009 at 10:50 am #24474kingawol
MemberKILLER369 said:
…the extremely gross amount of money footballers are on, just for running around for a bit. i mean all the shit thats wrong with this world and their gettin millions for kiking a ball about… sickening.
and i think the whole forum would agree with me on that.
well i agree to an extent… football shouldn't generate as much money as it does , but as it does, i feel its right that the players get a share of what they make their club earn. if they didnt it would be club presidents and shareholders that would make that money. but yeah , in this crazy world ,entertainment generates so much money . (music , film industry , football.)
and btw , l8scent is right , to an extent , gaming is pointless too.
May 4, 2009 at 10:53 am #24475kingawol
Memberlike with every form of 'game' , be it sport of video game , the whole object is 'fun' , and in a way….pointless.
May 4, 2009 at 1:53 pm #24476shadeblack
Participantl8scent said:
Sorry to revert back to an older subject but what's going on with the swine flu? I haven't kept up to date with the news these past few days. Is it being contained… or is the media throwing the world into a panic and calling it a pandemic? Anyone have any info?
swine flu is harmless… it's only when you don't treat it is when it becomes a problem. or if you're already ill to behin with.
i'ts not really contained because no one can predict who each person comes into contact with. it's certainly not a pandemic or epidemic or any sorts, but will be if people don't get medicine for when they're sick. however, influenza can already spread before you see symptoms, just like the measles.
that's why it's such a concern. The measles in particular is highly contageous before you see any symptoms. and can be spread for over a long distance. children are normally vaccinated, but children you aren't can spread it to others who also aren't vaccinated, and also children under the age of vaccination. the ones under the age are at most risk.
it's similar situation with the swine flu. The news will always over-hype it though. you're not at risk if you keep healthy. simple as that.
May 4, 2009 at 2:17 pm #24478KILLER369
fare enough.
read it again, i didn’t call the players thugish or less than human, i called some of the ‘supporters’ (the quotes are there because, how can they be supporters if they cause fights that make the team look bad).
i think that people who enjoy causing extreme pain to another person/creature WITHOUT a good enough reason are less than human, as being human is to be a responsible guardian of this planet and using our intellect to do greater things. not beat up a chealsea fan then set fire to him while he’s unconcious.
would you agree with me? because if you don’t there is something seriously wrong going on in your head.
May 4, 2009 at 2:57 pm #24480shadeblack
Participantjust because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean there is something wrong with them :S
May 4, 2009 at 4:42 pm #24483KILLER369
Membersoooo. if you think it is ok to set fire to somebody and cause extreme pain to somebody you are a great friendly person that has perfect mental health?
damn use your head!
May 4, 2009 at 6:10 pm #24491Atomic-G
MemberShadeBlack said:
l8scent said:
Sorry to revert back to an older subject but what's going on with the swine flu? I haven't kept up to date with the news these past few days. Is it being contained… or is the media throwing the world into a panic and calling it a pandemic? Anyone have any info?
swine flu is harmless… it's only when you don't treat it is when it becomes a problem. or if you're already ill to behin with.
i'ts not really contained because no one can predict who each person comes into contact with. it's certainly not a pandemic or epidemic or any sorts, but will be if people don't get medicine for when they're sick. however, influenza can already spread before you see symptoms, just like the measles.
that's why it's such a concern. The measles in particular is highly contageous before you see any symptoms. and can be spread for over a long distance. children are normally vaccinated, but children you aren't can spread it to others who also aren't vaccinated, and also children under the age of vaccination. the ones under the age are at most risk.
it's similar situation with the swine flu. The news will always over-hype it though. you're not at risk if you keep healthy. simple as that.
Shades right
when i heard of swine flu i imediantly went on the internet and started to study it and the swine flus been around for agest but its been only killing 12 people a month on avarega where as the normal flu can kill over 2 thousand a month on average so to be honest their is nohing to worry about im 100% non of you worry about dieing from a normal flu so dont bother worrying about the swine also if ou go on youtube their loads of videos with conspiracys of the swine flu when you listern to them their actually quiet funny one of them was that the swine flu was a assasination attempt on barak obama
May 4, 2009 at 6:52 pm #24493gamer47
MemberKILLER369 said:
fare enough.
read it again, i didn’t call the players thugish or less than human, i called some of the ’supporters’ (the quotes are there because, how can they be supporters if they cause fights that make the team look bad).
i think that people who enjoy causing extreme pain to another person/creature WITHOUT a good enough reason are less than human, as being human is to be a responsible guardian of this planet and using our intellect to do greater things. not beat up a chealsea fan then set fire to him while he’s unconcious.
would you agree with me? because if you don’t there is something seriously wrong going on in your head.
Oops. I definitely misread that line. Got it now.
*But I'd have to say I disagree. I condone the setting on fire of people I don't get along with.
^^ *The line above was 100% sarcasm.
I didn't hear about the chelsea fan incident but I think that's terrible if those were the circumstances of the matter.
Is there ever a good enough reason to cause extreme pain to another individual or creature (with the exception of self defense because your life is in jeopardy)? I say live and let live.
Then, of course, another side exists that could argue it is in fact most human to cause pain as it's our instinct. In some societies, what we view as crime isn't a crime at all. Think of honour killings for example. Or even the death penalty, assisted suicides… or war. Those all involve taking the life of (an)other individual(s), but are morally acceptable depending on the society.
And sorry that I somewhat digressed, but I find discussions interesting
May 4, 2009 at 7:00 pm #24494gamer47
MemberAtomic-G said:
ShadeBlack said:
l8scent said:
Sorry to revert back to an older subject but what's going on with the swine flu?
Anyone have any info?
swine flu is harmless… it's only when you don't treat it is when it becomes a problem. or if you're already ill to behin with.
it's similar situation with the swine flu. The news will always over-hype it though. you're not at risk if you keep healthy. simple as that.
Shades right
when i heard of swine flu i imediantly went on the internet and started to study it and the swine flus been around for agest but its been only killing 12 people a month on avarega where as the normal flu can kill over 2 thousand a month on average
with conspiracys of the swine flu when you listern to them their actually quiet funny one of them was that the swine flu was a assasination attempt on barak obama
Thanks guys! I'm personally not worried about it, I just wanted to see if the media blew it out of proportion yet. I guess not quite yet, but they're probably close.
And thanks for all the information comparing swine with the regular flu and swine with measels, etc. It really helps to put things into perspective.
As for the conspiracy theories Atomic-G mentioned.. I can't believe someone took it as far as saying it was purposefully designed to assassinate Barack Obama
May 4, 2009 at 7:11 pm #24497KILLER369
Memberwell what i would think as being acceptable for causing extreme pain upon a person for example say a man runs into a nursery and slowly butchers everyone inside, the statement he then gives is that it feels good. that man should then be given the exact same punishment as he inflicted upon the women and children. he should also recieve his punishment after being brainwashed into believing that he is going to hell to recieve even worse punishment. then on the day of the punishment certain parts of it should be televised to make an example of sick individuals such as himself.
that was an example.
or another example:
a person beats a victim till the victim is neer death. the man that caused it should go away to a stinking rotten prison for a 100 year sentence, or up for parole in 25 years to prove that hees capable of living in society again.these punishments would put extreme fear into a criminal. and immediately you would see a 50%+ drop in crime.
May 4, 2009 at 7:58 pm #24502P0kenny
MemberSorry, I’ve been staying off this tread simply becasue of all the silly theroies that have been typed down, like we are not from this planet…. Mars has oceans and so on.
Let me clear some things up for everyone.
FACT. We evolved on this planet, it has been proven over and over again that we have evoled on this plante. It is a proven fact.
FACT. The Dinosaurs died because of 2 reasons, a comet/metor hit earth billions of years ago (again proven by meteorogy) which caused dust to block the sunlight and made this planet nearly inhabitable. However anfibious life servived and then evolved over millons of years. Second rason the dniosaurs died out was the iceage and other life forms servived, like pre-evolved Mamuls, Birds, Insects and Ocean dwellers.
FACT. The Earth has 2 moons, One we know as the Moon, the other one is called Cruithne. It is only 3 miles wide.
FACT. There are 8 planets in our solar system. Pluto isn’t a planet, it is a big lump of ice, and if we counted Pluto as a planet then we would have about 20,000 planets in our solar system. There are astorieds bigger than Pluto.
FACT. Mars may have once serstained life but it isn’t proven, it has been proved however that Mars does have polar ice in it’s northen hemasphire. Also core samples drilled up by a couple of the buggies sent to mars shows that their might be ice under ground.
Highly possible theroy. Millions of years ago, or even billions of years ago, our star (the sun) would have been hotter so life might have well have been living on mars.
FACT. If we are the only intellegent life in this universe, then it is a big waste of space.Sorry for the rant, but I couldn’t contain myself. I love atromagy and astrology…
Killer,on to your most reasent post, I don’t think that rasieing the penalties for crime would stop people commiting crimes simply because most of them don’t know any different. For example, if someone is cault stealing, about 90% of people let out of jail will always re-offend. I personally think that we should have the convicts made to join the army with no prospects to rank up. At least if they are scared that they might die in a war of some kind they might think twice in commiting the crime in the first place. -
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