Video Game Reviews
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March 24, 2009 at 1:59 am #13884
MemberDoes anyone trust what video gaming websites say in their reviews about games you want to buy? Or are you a person who doesn't care and thinks the game will be awesome and you just go and buy it.
March 24, 2009 at 3:40 am #22219Yakumo89
MemberSome video gaming websites can be trusted, whilst the ones that are linked to major distributor of videogames should not be so much. Take for example a review made on or Some the reviews made on those websites can, infact, be “mock” reviews which are used to “amp up” interest in a high-profile videogame. The only websites, in my opinion, that can be trusted are those whom are independent, free from any connection whatsoever to a store(Gamestop, Bestbuy etc.) or developer.
March 24, 2009 at 4:10 am #22221gow2rules
Memberi only trust psm3uk or hyper for reviews
March 24, 2009 at 10:41 am #22224shadeblack
Participantyeah i don't trust game sites reviews… I tend to make my opinion of a game when i've actually played it.
unless it's a game i know I'll hate, like hannah montannah, I just won't bother with ones like that.
P.S I can't believe that some people are actually willing to get that game for the easy trophies.
March 24, 2009 at 1:11 pm #22228pobert06
Membershadeblack said:
yeah i don't trust game sites reviews… I tend to make my opinion of a game when i've actually played it.
unless it's a game i know I'll hate, like hannah montannah, I just won't bother with ones like that.
P.S I can't believe that some people are actually willing to get that game for the easy trophies.
hannah montana trophies? OMFG…i must get that game
well some game reviews site/shows have different opinions in judging the games so you can't trust them all the time
one example is Adam Sesslar of X-Play from G4TV..he gave resident evil 5 a 3/5 rating..he gave it that rating because he thinks the game is racist because of the killing of the black people,the gameplay mechanics and coop isnt that good and something about the graphics i didn't care to listen too.
yeah so it's hard or it's better not to trust in game reviews site/shows because they'll spill out uther nonsense most of the time rather than judging the gameplay or even the game itself.
March 24, 2009 at 6:11 pm #22229gamerben
Memberi base my buys on many things:
previous games
interviews and reviews
my friends
and reviews on sites such as this or (where i buy most of my games) from the public
March 24, 2009 at 7:35 pm #22232KILLER369
Memberi do the same as gamer ben, but i do research on games i wont and put them in a catalogued list of which ones i wont most. basically i get wot i like.
for example most of U think LBP is awesome, whereas i think its a load of shyt.
right now i got at least 18 games on my list and uncharted 2 is on top along wit ass crees 2 and just cause 2.
March 24, 2009 at 9:42 pm #22238kingofgames73
MemberI always buy games if they have had good sequels eg call of duty world at war but have been let down recently with the likes of need for speed undercover and (not so recent) GTAIV (i may be the only one who finds GTA san andreas better but i dont care lol) I also have a look at the footage on youtube or to get a better idea on what type of game it is. I dont really tend to find myself actually listening to reviews though (except for LBP and i wasnt dissapointed) kane and lynch was rated really bad but i loved it! and i only bought it because it was made by the people who did Hitman. Oh and i sometimes try the demo`s aswell
March 24, 2009 at 10:28 pm #22240barkiemailman
MemberGame reviews are useless. Why listen to someone elses OPINION of a game. Just go and rent it and see if you like it for yourself. I've loved games rated by IGN that were rated between 3 – 10 (out of 10), so it's always a roll of the dice if you'll like 'em too.
March 24, 2009 at 10:47 pm #22242Hurley48
Membermy “process” on buying games is watch HOURS and more hours or videos of the game then if there is a demo i'll play until i get used to the tecnicks and mechanics of the game and get some little skill then i'll buy it if i really liked it.
March 24, 2009 at 10:51 pm #22245kingofgames73
Memberoh btw i always stay away from movie tie-ins cant stand any of them……..
March 25, 2009 at 12:37 am #22253parnakas
Memberi feel you there about the Movie-tie in games, especially the DISNEY ones….
But yea i dont trust reviews, if im interested in a game, and i watch some gameplay vids, i usually can tell by myself if it will be good or not. Because loving a game is all about your own opinion after all.
March 25, 2009 at 9:02 pm #22275gamerben
Memberkingofgames73 said:
GTAIV (i may be the only one who finds GTA san andreas better but i dont care lol)
all of my friend think san andreas is unbeatable and the ones without next gen consoles and with ps2 still play it
March 25, 2009 at 10:17 pm #22284KILLER369
Memberthey shud go back to san an in the next GTA but instead back to vice (YAWN).
reviews are all rigged by the companies (even sony sadly). Y do U think theres 5 or more games of the year out at 1ce. like fallout 3 was game of the year at the same time as COD5 and LBP.
March 26, 2009 at 10:53 am #22308kingawol
Membergamerben said:
kingofgames73 said:
GTAIV (i may be the only one who finds GTA san andreas better but i dont care lol)
all of my friend think san andreas is unbeatable and the ones without next gen consoles and with ps2 still play it
i think VI was lame. san andreas kills it everytime , i got to 85% comp of nico bellic's version , and never bothered to play it again despite the trophy patch. Gta used to be my favorite series, now im hoping godfather 2 surprises me, i'll still get a new one , but not looking forward to GTA anymore , bring on gow3… that WONT disappoint…
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