Cuboid Trophies
Total Trophies: 16In this puzzle game, you move a 2 x 1 block along some tiles and try to get it to line up with the exit through basic rotation.
Complete ‘Ring’ Level
Complete ‘Goblet’ Level
Complete ‘Rod’ Level
Complete ‘Sword’ Level
Complete ‘Shield’ Level
Complete ‘Crown’ Level
Bronze Master
Collect 20 bronze medals in Expert or 30 in Beginner mode
Silver Master
Collect 15 silver medals in Expert or 20 in Beginner mode
Gold Master
Collect 10 gold medals in Expert or 15 in Beginner mode
Speed Master
Complete 20 levels with lightning speed
Complete 15 levels in a row without falling
Ground Breaker
Began playing Cuboid
50 falls
Spent 8 hours playing Cuboid
Beginner Master
Complete All Beginner levels
Expert Master
Complete All Expert levels
DLC Trophies
Maze Builder
Create and submit your own level
Create and submit 12 levels
Rate 3 levels created by other players
Rate 30 levels created by other players
Complete ‘Amulet’ level
Complete ‘Axe’ level
Complete ‘Helmet’ level
Professional Master
Complete all professional levels
this game any good?
I like it. I’ve played 4 hours or so and have 60-65ish percent of the trophies. I need “Shield”, “Crown”, “Speed Master”, “Abyss”, “Determined”, and “Expert Master” to get them all.
Why spend 10 bucks on this game when you can play it for free?
unless you are just buying it for trophies….. 🙂
I can’t even get passed the Ring level on beginners! HELP ME!
This game is very frustrating as well.
recommend this game?
Three posts up you will find a link. Just incase you cant find it here it is again:
Try the game out yourself and see if you want to spend 10 bucks plus tax on it.
ps. Save your money and play bloxorz for free. You can even put the link into your PS3 and play it on there if you want.
Got all the trophies 😀 interesting game
got all trophies in just under 3 hours of game play except played for 8 hours trophy how do i get that one now?
never mind got them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the darn speed master is so hard..i can hardly get a lightning speed in the first level cos im lagging..i always get 6 seconds
Ok how are you suppose to get the 8 hour trophy when I finished the game in less than an hour? I have all of the other trophies now except that one.
“How do you get the 8 hour trophy”? That should be obvious—play the game for 8 hours.
this game is fun as hell
Anyone want to start posting the fastest routes? or know of a site that already has it it?
I’ll start it off.
Here is the whole first section with the fastest routes that i solved myself.
1. Quadrumi
Solution: Right,Up,Right,Right,Up,Right (6 moves)
2. Mesaulos
Solution: Right,Right,Right,Right,Right,Right,Right,Down,Left,Up,Right,
Up,Up,Up,Up,Up (16 moves)
3. Piscis
Solution: U,L,D,R,U,U,R,R,R,R,R,U,U,U,L,L,U (17 moves)
4. Cordis
Solution: U,L,D,R,U,L,U,U,R,R,R,R,D,L,U,L,D,R (18 moves)
5. Malleus
Solution: L,D,R,U,L,D,L,U,L,L,L (11 moves)
6. Horologium
Solution: R,D,L,U,L,D,R,U,R,R,R,R,R,D,D,D,R,D,L,U,R,U,L,D (24 moves)
7. Fossa
Solution: R,U,R,U,U,R,R,U,U,R,R,D,D,D,D (15 moves)
8. Tabulae
Solution: U,L,D,R,U,U,R,R,U,U,U,U,U,R,D,L,L,L,L,L,U (21 moves)
9. Euroboreus
Solution: R,R,D,R,D,R,R,D,L,L,D,R,U,R,R,R (16 moves)
10. Crux
Solution: R,R,U,U,R,R,R,R,U,R,R,D,D,D (14 moves)
Solution: R,U,U,R,R,R,U,U,U,R,R,U,R,R,D,D,D,L,D,R,U,L,U,R,D (25 moves 5/5 remaining)
You can check the leaderboards to find the least amount of moves but it will not show you how they did it. I already have some top times and I just started playing this morning.
its inpossible to finish this game in under 1 hr . expert and beginner takes a while longer i did this game in 6hrs but i was taking my time.
Anyone find my posting useful?
I guess i’ll save some time and not post the solutions to the remaining levels.
Thank you for the post, I find it really useful. I hope you post or find a place that has the steps for the expert mode
Yeah thickbrow that post is usefull. Saves me time doing it myself. Thanks
how do you get the speed master trophy???
dam…dis game is awesome…i just cant figure our wut the hell the medals are silver gold and bronze…cant get em 4 sum reason…aghhh 61% trophy completed though
“Why spend 10 bucks on this game when you can play it for free?”
1 cos it looks 100 times better.
2 cos its in 1080p hd
3 i can play it on my 30 inch tv
4 trophies
5 i could still go on why to buy it
for the 8 hours trophy, do you have to actually play it, or can u leave it on the menu??
For 8 hr trophy you can enter a level and let it sit there and go watch TV…..
found game to easy until last couple levels got all trophies except 8 hour one but thats not hard
I just picked this up a couple days ago. I sure hope it’s good. The DLC trophies look fun. Anyone know how much the DLC is supposed to be?
Heard the DLC comes in 2 parts…the EDIT mode for $2.99 US, and the LEVELS for $3.99 US….buy both for $4.99 US
Thanks for the tip, Raptorguy.
I found your hint-post incredibly useful. Could you possible PM me the other solutions. Thanks! =)
wow great DLC bout everyone here rates each others level when the DLC comes? like we create a level then post the name of the level here for everyone to rate.
great trophies!
puzzle games are not for everyone. thats something to take into consideration. if u get easily frustrated on the Beginner Level, u dont even wanna know how the Professional Levels are. Take ur time and think logically what the nest move is. Sure u will not get all the trophys the first time, since this game is based on speed, but u will understand the game play better if u take ur time. once ur comfortable enough with it, try to do it faster.
I do have to agree that (in my opinion and at least on the Professional Levels) it is almost impossible to get it done without online help. ( be that tutorial videos or some other sources.)
Good luck to u! and i hope u will fish that game! 🙂 @Slayer612