Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Trophies
Total Trophies: 49In SACRED 2 – FALLEN ANGEL you assume the role of a character and delve into a thrilling story full of side quests and secrets that you will have to unravel.
Hero of Ancaria
Earn all trophies in the game to achieve the Sacred 2 Platinum Trophy “Hero of Ancaria”
Heroic Toughness
Any Hero reaches difficulty level Platinum.
Legendary Toughness
Any Hero reaches difficulty level Niob.
Bright Savior of Ancaria
Any Hero has completed the Light campaign.
Dark Ruler of Ancaria
Any Hero has completed the Dark campaign.
You completed the campaign with a Hero who never died.
Any Hero has finished with no more than 20% of the map being explored.
Any Hero reaches difficulty level Gold.
Any Hero has slain 25 boss monsters.
Master Cartographer
Any Hero has explored 50% of the map.
Extremely Diligent
Any Hero has solved 40% of all sidequests. (200)
Any Hero has slain 1337 elite monsters.
Fashion Victim
Any Hero wears 1 complete Set for the first time.
Any Hero reaches Level 35.
Easy Rider
Any Hero rides his special mount for the first time.
Dragon Slayer
Any Hero has slain five Dragons.
Living Monument
Your Temple Guardian reaches Level 15.
Any Hero completes a quest in the Orc Region during the Campaign.
Any Hero completes a quest in the Dragon Realm during the Campaign.
Traveling Person
Any Hero completes a quest in the Marshes of Hissil’Ta during the Campaign.
Any Hero completes a quest in the Deserts of Bengaresh during the Campaign.
Any Hero completes a quest in the Jungle Region during the Campaign.
Any Hero completes a quest in the Isle of Dyrads during the Campaign.
Expedition Master
Any Hero completes a quest in the Wastelands during the Campaign.
The Dreaded One
Your Inquisitor reaches Level 15.
Any Hero has solved 20% of all sidequests. (100)
Any Hero has slain 10,000 opponents.
Beam me up!
Any Hero has used a teleporter for the first time.
Lone Ranger
Any Hero rode 200 miles on his special mount.
Any Hero has executed his first combination.
Junior Cartographer
Any Hero has explored 30% of the map.
Hero of Tyr Lysia
Your High Elf reaches Level 15.
Tomb Raider
Any Hero has read 100 epitaphs (graves).
Any Hero has explored all 20 Temples.
Any Hero has read 33 Books.
Ascaron Fan
Any Hero has found the Ascaron secret.
City Guide
Any Hero has explored all 42 towns.
Group Hug
Any Hero plays alongside three other players in multiplayer mode.
You hosted your first multiplayer match.
You successfully traded with another user.
One with Nature
Your Dryad reaches Level 15.
Medicine Man
Any Hero has consumed 1000 healing potions.
Combat Art Expert
Any Hero has maximized a combat art modification.
Any Hero owns 1,000,000 gold.
Great Enhancer
Any Hero has forged something into an item for the first time.
Any Hero reaches Level 5.
Any Hero has completed the main quest without buying anything.
Hunting Presence
Your Shadow Warrior reaches Level 15.
Your Seraphim reaches Level 15.
hopefully i get this Game:)
I highly recommend this game. Game is like Diablo 2. Lots of ways to specialize your charcter. from spells to fighting abilities to armor.
Lots of re playability as well. Each time you play through you will gain access to a higher difficulty level at which to play the game. you can start in bronze or silver mode. Then you unlock gold, platinum and Niob. Your character will be at least at level 140 before you can get to Niob.
To play with friends online you need to choose the same side (good or evil) and be within 10 levels of eachother.
I have a lvl 39 High Elf specializing in fire spells (good)
I also have a lvl 10 Inquisitor (evil)
If you are new to this style of game the Shadow Warrior is the easiest to play as.
I agree this game is great for fans of Diablo2,DungeonSiege,Baulder’s Gate,and Champions of Norath.
Trophies are not to bad just takes alot of time to get. I am a huge fan of this type of game and have just become a trophie junkie so this should be fun. PSN Tennessee32
Is this game worth it? I do like rgp’s but i’m unsure with this 1. The trophies look good 2 online 1 online trophy.
Is this a MMORPG? or just rpg?
You play online with up to 3 other people. So its not that massive.
The game is definitely worth it. The world is HUGE. I’ve played for over 30 hours and i still have only covered 28% of the map.
Some trophies are easy and others are hard. THey did a great job mixing up how you earn the trophies. This is NOT an easy Platinum and I like it that way.
what trophy level is kingofallgames
what’s more difficult,Niob or Platinum?
Niob is the most difficult.
But not as difficult as deciding what game to play. Sacred 2, UFC, Infamous…. hell i’m still trying to find the time to play through fallout 3.
This game needed a bigger push. Its great
This game looks great.. 😮
I’m starting an evil character. If anyone wants to join me and plow through the story let me know.
ps. when you add as a friend please put in that its for sacred 2 or from the allps3trophies website.
is it possible to join a player who started an evil campaign if i started a good one?
Level 52 inquisiter(EVIL) add me PSN: theonehotdog
level 74 shadow warrior, hasn’t died yet, big survival bonus! He’s evil campaign.
Also have a 68 Seraphim which is good campagin.
And a 36 High elf, but shit is just shat, don’t play her anymore, actually I only really play the shadow warrior.
I’m going to kill the scorpion on Plat. My guy is f’in tuff!
Word – PSN JamSquad
omg lv74, you play this way too much, got to admit though, it is a kick ass game…how many hours have you put in for that lv?
hey guys how is this game? i love game slike afro samurai, PoP, Wolverine, Uncharted, etc. etc…is this anything like those games? please inform me
its like Diablo 2..if you havent played any mmorpg or simply rpg then this game is not for you..
have this game on order from amazon cnt wait lol
i love these type of games so should be good
psn: h_hnvt
i love rpg games, might get this one
I almost have a Platinum on this game. For some reason it didn’t give me credit for beating on the good side. This will take a long time to platinum for anyone new to this game… but it is REALLY FUN.
High Elf Pyro FTW
OR Shadow Warrior Pure caster 🙂 You can summon undead and enemies you kill to fight for you while you lurk in the shadows.
PS. IF anyone has any highelf set pieces please let me know.
I’m looking for: Faladal’s sound to complete a set.
Once I put it on and get the trophy, I can give you all the other set pieces. Message me on the PSN anytime: Thickbrow
this game is amazing if any1 wants 2 play add me with that name
I’m looking for set items to Shadow Warrior or Temple Guardian, i can offer High Elf, Dryad or Inquisitor set items.
PD: On Gold enemies are so strong, damn!
does this game have 2 player split screen???
psn: h_hnvt
I’m closing in on the Platinum ooooo yeah!
add me on PSN if you want to play. I have lots of characters.
Hey Yoshidani I have set items for those classes.
I am trying to get the Trophy for wearing a complete set.
I need Faladal’s Sound or The Pantaloons of innocence to make a complete set (both High Elf set items). I could also complete a set with Celedrahils Devotion,Visage & Doom
I have a level 81 High Elf (Good)
I have a level 29 Sepheram (Good)
I have a level 29 Shadow Warrior (evil)
I have a level 15 Inquisitor (evil)
I’ll meet you at anytime just so i can put all the gear on at once. Then i’ll give the item back to you along with the other pieces of the set if you want or with some unique set itmes/rings/weapons…whatever really. I have lots 🙂
how can u get legendary items? i only found the boneslicer!
I’ll get it
This games good but very very hard to platinum on. hardest trophy = full set armor i got 100% an traded this crappy game. hands down sacred2 = frustration i don’t wish this platinum on no one :
my main gripe is the ridiculousness of how every creature on gold-platinum cast stupid fire floor spell an trap u in circle an u die in 2 seconds without heal. sure i can see magic useres do this spell but come-on rats, wolfs, an boars casting fire floor spell = ridiculous thats my gripe.
Hey Qornut,
I didn’t have the problems you experienced with the mobs. But at the harder difficulties you really need to have good gear or patience…and a lot of healing potions.
As for the complete armor set I too found it difficult…until i found out you can create an open world game on bronze difficulty with your experienced character. Then you can kill the mini bosses in one hit and they will drop set items over half the time.
I have the Platinum on this game after about 200 hours of play.
Hello, I am looking for High Elf set item: ROBE OF INNOCENCE – the last trophy i need for platinum. PSNid: JMVcz
hi i am goint for platinum trophy on this game , if someone invited me to a NIOB level do i get the trophies for gold an plat ????
Mmm, i dont know but we can try it, i’m near complete platinum mode at level 82
Hi yoshidani are you playing whit a seraphin ??? i only need 3 trophies por 100% Plation level Niob level and Set trophie i have lots of set items of seraphin but no set completed i am also at level 56 add me and try invited me please !!
Anyone has Seraphim set items?
Celestial in particular,
lvl 43 Celestial Seraphim
For Seraphim I’ve got:
Garment of the celestial (Revelation of the Seraphim)
Endijian’s Visor (Endijian’s Artifacts)
Endijian’s Pauldron (Endijian’s Artifacts)
Niokaste’s Aegis (Niokaste’s Arguments)
I got the Platinum Trophy, so easy on Platinum level with the Shadow Warrior and my three spectral soldiers xD
I NEED SET FOR SERAPHIM GOT LOTS OF SET ITEMS I NEED THE PROTECCION FOR LEGS ENDIJIAN THE PAULDRON AND THE PLATE OF ENDIJIAN MINE PSN IS RaMiEh i just need to wear them plz help only trophy left is this one i give back all items
thanks iceman i finally got mine 6 platiniun trophie now ill be looking to get demons souls plat !!
hi guys any1 can help with niob trophy please
i have stuck on golem fight and im only lvl 58 seraph if any1 onna join me my psn is bunnykilla84 got seraph sets if any1 need
Hey, looking for PS3 addys for this game. Mine is Aspagada. I have a level 25 Guardian Templar.
LoL… Nice try there, as there is no way you got platinum in 200 hrs… It takes 5 to 10 hrs alone to get a character lvl 15… and you’re talking 5 of them… so there’s about 50 hrs of gameplay right there… and that’s IF you’re stocked on mentor potions… I was and it still took around that long. Not to mention I did the exact same thing on the open world… No way you were getting the exact set items you were needing… You would of had to spend SEVERAL hours playing open world, beating bosses, exiting, restarting, until you came up with a complete set. I mean just to get those 6 trophies you’re looking at damn near 100 hours. and you said you got platinum in 200 hrs?? Maybe if you had some online help to get the set items and to get you thru the game… I can see it a somewhat possibility… but even then I think you still would be looking at 300 hrs of game play at the minimum.
actually more than that Thickbrow… I mean, to get the map trophies AND completing the sidequest trophies, let’s call it what it is… BULLSHIT… No way you were even close to 200 hrs, as it actually took me 400+ and that was with help and accelerators.
i beat this on my friends xbox with a seraphim and loved it so i bought it for myself on my PS3 (cause everyone knows ps3 is better) but Gerald your logic makes sense but theres no point in raging at someone who posted almost a year ago. lol, but this game is great! i still play it a lot
Hello I only need the full set of armour for platinum trophy the closest set I got is armantins for shadow warrior as I only need legs and shoulders can any1 help?
Add me psn MrSprOeY the O might be a zero I forget