Homefront Trophies
Total Trophies: 48The year is 2027. The world has suffered a decade-long energy crisis, and economies have crumbled. Reduced to a mere shadow of the super power it once was, the United States became the target of a North Korean takeover. American malls, suburbs and city streets are now battlegrounds as the civilian resistance fights for freedom.
Why We Fight
Complete chapter 1 in the Single Player Campaign.
Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign.
Fire Sale
Complete chapter 3 in the Single Player Campaign.
The Wall
Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign.
Complete chapter 5 in the Single Player campaign.
Complete chapter 6 in the Single Player Campaign.
Why We Fight- Guerrilla
Complete chapter 1 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Freedom- Guerrilla
Complete chapter 2 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Fire Sale- Guerrilla
Complete chapter 3 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
The Wall- Guerrilla
Complete chapter 4 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Heartland- Guerrilla
Complete chapter 5 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Iron Man- Why We Fight
Complete chapter 1 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Iron Man- Freedom
Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Iron Man- Fire Sale
Complete chapter 3 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Iron Man- The Wall
Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Iron Man- Heartland
Complete chapter 5 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Find 30 of 61 New Pickups in the Single Player Campaign.
Pistol Whipped
Kill 25 enemies with a pistol in Chapter 1: Why We Fight.
Give Him the Stick
Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks in Chapter 1: Why We Fight.
Bronze Welcome to Freedom
Talk at least once to each inhabitant of Oasis in Chapter 2: Freedom
Good Use of Cover
Destroy the first sentry without taking any damage in Chapter 2: Freedom.
Kill 5 enemies wile they are on fire in Chapter 3: Fire Sale.
Let ’em Burn
Don’t kill any of the enemies that are on fire in Chapter 3: Fire Sale.
David Rejected
Complete the street section without Goliath taking any damage in Chapter 4: The Wall.
Find the first of 61 News Pickups.
Stairway to Heaven
From the front door of the church, make it to the crow’s nest in 240 seconds in Chapter 5: Heartland.
Speed Demon
Hijack the tankers in less than 8 minutes in one life in Chapter 6: Overwatch.
Safer Skies
Destroy all the SAM trucks in the level in Chapter 6: Overwatch.
Weapon Expert
Complete an expert challenge for any weapon in Multiplayer.
Drone Expert
Complete an expert challenge for any drone in Multiplayer.
Vehicle Expert
Complete an expert challenge for any vehicle in Multiplayer
Squad Commander
Enter a public match as the Party Leader of a 4-Player Minimum Party in Multiplayer.
Medal of Honor
Win a public match as the Party Leader of a Party in Multiplayer.
Overwatch- Guerrilla
Complete chapter 6 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Iron Man- Overwatch
Complete chapter 6 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Over the Hill
Reach experience level 50 in Multiplayer.
Full Boat
Enter a public match in a Party with 16 players in Multiplayer
3-Star Threat
Become a 3-Star Threat in a Battle Commander public match.
Find all 61 News Pickups in the Single Player Campaign.
Expert of War
Complete all challenges for weapons, drones, vehicles and modes in Multiplayer.
5-Star Threat
Become a 5-Star Threat in a Battle Commander public match
Platinum Trophy
Complete all other trophies for Homefront.
Hidden Trophies:
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
From actually playing this game I can say it is definately a break from the norm. You are no longer part of some “elite” military force that cant be stopped, you’re part of a resistance that’s fighting for their country. Some parts of the game were bad, while other had me wanting to kill every enemy there was. Although short, the single player was good, have ot played the multiplayer yet but I’m getting to that. 😀
yeah hope they can fix what was broken with frontlines cuz i really wanna see something original in fps and by that i mean like the destructive toys u had in frontlines!
got the game on friday,to get all the trophys u will have to play the game at least 3times.thought that they
would have improved the graphics but alas not.good story line tho
some of the secret trophys are at level 7,knock baddies off the bridge,destroy all the sam sites,and
have forgot the other ones:)