Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Trophies
Total Trophies: 42The Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs video game reunites fans with Scrat, Sid, Manny and Diego in an all-new quest based on the upcoming film from Twentieth Century Fox.
Platinum Trophy
Earn all the Gold, Silver and Bronze Trophies Within Ice Age 3.
Cyan Crystal Collector
Collect all 16 Crystals in set 1.
Purple Crystal Collector
Collect all 16 Crystals in set 2.
Amber Crystal Collector
Collect all 16 Crystals in set 3.
Red Crystal Collector
Collect all 16 Crystals in set 4.
Blue Crystal Collector
Collect all 16 Crystals in set 5.
Dedicated Collector
Collect all 5 sets of 16 Crystals.
The Early Bird
Complete Sid’s Early Start.
Baby Proofer
Complete Baby Proofing.
Complete The Pursuit.
Egg Hunt
Complete Lonesome Sloth.
Egbert, Shelly and Yoko
Complete Egg Roll.
Complete Run Sid Run!
A Nutty Rival
Complete Nuts About Scrat.
Meeting Buck
Complete Buck to the Rescue.
Keen Gardener
Complete Flower Power.
Rescue Operation
Complete Root of all Evil.
Helping Scrat
Complete Scrat’s Jungle Jive.
Always Follow the Rules!
Complete Expect the Unexpected!
Protect the Babies
Complete Noisy Nightlife.
Ace Shooter
Complete Flight of the Pterodactyl.
Pterosaur Troubles
Complete Saving Sid.
Rescue Sid
Complete Rudy’s Revenge.
In Love
Complete Scrat’s Tar Pit Trouble.
A Sicky Situation
Complete Grave Danger.
Final Showdown
Complete Skeleton Bridge.
A Chilled Breeze
Complete the Ice Age Levels.
Escaping From the Unknown
Complete the Levels Below the Ice.
Going Home
Complete the Game.
The Development Team
View the Credits.
Diego’s Challenge
Complete Diego’s Challenge in Under 45 seconds.
Rescue Egbert
Complete Egg Roll Challenge 1 in Under 1 minute, 40 seconds.
Rescue Shelly
Complete Egg Roll Challenge 2 in Under 1 minute 15 seconds.
Rescue Yoko
Complete Egg Roll Challenge 3 in Under 1 minute 45 seconds.
Scrat’s Time Challenge 1
Complete Nuts about Scrat Challenge in Under 1 minute.
Scrat’s Time Challenge 2
Complete Scrat’s Jungle Jive Challenge in Under 2 minutes 15 seconds.
Scrat’s Time Challenge 3
Complete Scrat’s Tar Pit Trouble Challenge in Under 2 minutes.
Pterodactyl Assault
Complete Saving Sid Challenge in Under 2 minutes 50 seconds.
Momma’s Challenge
Score 350 or more in Run Sid Run Challenge.
Quiet Time
Score 700 or more in The Noisy Nightlife Challenge.
Dino Fighter Pilot
Score 700 or more in Flight of the Pterodactyl Challenge.
Rudy’s Challenge
Score 450 or more in Rudy’s Revenge Challenge.
The wifey is dying to play this game…look for a PLAT on my list shortly.
why don’t that suprise me lol, i’ll no doubt join you though as ice age rules.
If transformers or this get a rating over 7 i’ll rent them.
just bought this 4 a sik price,cnt wait to try this beast anyone played it yet?
@thickbrow 2 pages in a row i seen uve posted the word FIRST as your 1st comment, WHY???? Do you constantly sit refreshing the main page so you can write first on every trophy page like its something to be proud of….. and your comment, was lame if it gets over a 7 ul rent it, why dont ya keep it to yourself and post your thoughts/opinions on the game which may pursued or deter people from purchasing it. Mr rent-a-game
hey Joules shut up and keep it to yourself, the reason he does it is because he’s mocking the idiots who do it all the time.
Picking this up next week, can’t wait.
The last movie-game i rented was Terminator…..what a mistake that was. Sure they were easy trophies but playing the game was painful.
Miiiitch let us know how the game is.
@ Miiiitch
ye of course thats why he/she does it, your a mind reader and speak for those who cant speak for themselves….. oh wait he/she can speak for themselves
& keep what to myself my THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS??????
The reason a comments box was created was so people can comment on the game & influence peoples opinions by posting relevant information to the threads topic (The game)obviously you have little idea what a comment box is for so i wont waste my time replying to you a 2nd time
Hey Miiiitch! These are the guys i was talking to you about π
oh and I just got a friend of yours to help me boost some Bomberman trophies. Said he met you on here. He is trophy lvl 14 and his name starts with an E. I don’t remember it exactly now. He has 100% in Rockband 2 which is awesome.
Sad.Really sad.Some of you,desperately, need medical help. Although,I sincerely doubt that it will help you.
Please do yourself a favor and don`t buy this game.. The graphics are last gen, the gameplay too basic, and it`s obvious that this is the typical movie cash-in we all know and.. Hate.
Unless you`re a trophy whore; Pass.
Trophy Whore here…. rented it, played about 6 hours to beat the game. Gotta go back tonight probably for another 2 hrs to pick up miscellaneous stuff for the PLAT. With me being a geologist I liked it, had the ice age, mammoths, dinos, bones, crystals….cant wait for Uncharted 2!!!
so sad, why play kids games for trophys? getting a plat is fine.. ON SOMETHING A LITTLE CHALLENGING! same as HM & term 4… people who do they stupidly easy games. i just dont get why..& raptor, why brag about beating a KIDS GAME in 6 hours when the majority of MEN can do that seeing as they are made for KIDS!
ummm collbreast………….trophy whore here and the wifes into Disney….??? duh, get off the site if your not looking for trophies….??? and btw, nobodies bragging…just passing on some info for people who are interested….all you have done is waste more peoples time with having to read this….grow up
HAHA wife my ass.. just like with HM.. ohh my little sis or cuz played it.. ofcourse. not lying at all. & i am looking for trophys, just not on baby games, hence why i use the site! use your brain man. oh and you were bragging.. ‘look how quick i finish kids games at not even 100%’ & i am wasting no ones time, im not making anyone read it am i
get a life dude
btw, for anyone who cares, the games good. Good animation, nice frame rate, comical, it wasnt big on the surround sound but still a entertaining play. Don’t have to watch the movie now! (probably still will though!)
cheers for the info on the game raptor, if i can be serious for a moment i’d just like to say can’t we all just get along. i know i was a douche on the hannah montana board but after thinking about it i thought who cares if people wanna play it who cares it ain’t costing me any money. also i think people that like to platinum games that are within their age group and look down on people who don’t have every game at 100% need to grow up a little(just because other people don’t have 100% on each game it doesn’t mean there trophies don’t count). lets just drop all the kiddie business and continue to make this site the number 1 trophy site on the internet.
cool, yeah w/my Blockbuster membership I can just rent anything anytime for the flat $21.99 so I generally take a small taste of every game out there…right now I am waiting on Madden, NHL, Uncharted…and man I wish EA didn’t bail on NASCAR this year.
@Raptorguy Good to see that some people do appreciate the hard work these developers go through to develop an enjoyable game instead of the same old FPS i see every day ; along iwth the easy trophy or two π . I would be honoured to trophy hunt with you dude , my Psn is my username , and im currently packing 730 Trophies , add me up , im sure we would make a great team π
OMG this is a great fun game. Made me laugh in the tutorial when Cid punches things for berrys
Is this game easy to get on platinum?
Lvl 12 over 700trophies:D
I ask can i get it for a birthday gift and HP Half-Blood Prince too :DD π
The game itself is fun & easy, but the silver challenges are tough. To beat the times you must play a lot time to perfect the routes….I didnt put the time to perfect them, thus I am 3-4 trophies from PLAT. I just beat it and moved on to NCAA Football! ….can’t for Madden.
Raptorguy first of all ice age is not made by Disney and 2nd of all ur wife haha wot is she like 8 years old playing hannah montana games and other kids games for u becoz u cant complete them your self wot will u get next probably harry potter lol or did u buy ur wife of the internet you better look at the recite and make sure she dident used to be a man π
ice age has to be the easest platinum so far took me under 4 hours that ill be 18 platinums for me then π
You the man nath…18 plats! Lots on lonely nights working your own joystick. I myself was too occupied upstairs to roll on a snowball down a hill 50 times for PLAT. But, quality game for anyone who has kids or has a lady thats into this kind of stuff…
And Nath, put down your PS3 and take an dang English class…your writing is close to illiterate… Maybe you can trade your Plats in for college credit?
lol they got to succeed at something raptor.
My 9th plat, platted in a single day… hardest challenge would be Egg Roll 3.
need help? psn: weavsxx
I have 4 platinums. uncharted1,2 resident evil 5 and rock band 2.
Hey i want this game !!!!! platinum for the wiin
why do u always say first in ur posts wen u r not the first poster???????
LOL nice