Prison Break: The Conspiracy Trophies
Total Trophies: 46The protagonist of the “Prison Break” game is Company agent Tom Paxton. He is sent to the Fox River State Penitentiary to find out why Michael Scofield (the hero of the TV series), a man without a previous criminal record, became a bank robber. The storyline runs parallel to the first season of “Prison Break”: Paxton encounters several characters from the series and experiences key events from his own perspective.
Unlock all trophies.
Complete the stealth tutorial.
Complete the lock picking tutorial.
First time climbing completed!
Complete the fighting tutorial.
Complete chapter one without getting spotted.
Successfully lock pick or unscrew five doors or grates without being spotted.
Don’t get knocked out in five consecutive fights.
First Blood
Beat your first opponent in underground fights.
Win a match flawlessly in underground fights.
Defeat 50 enemies in underground fights.
All Inked Up
Get tattoos for all six locations on your body.
Lift the weights for at least 10 minutes (accumulated).
Bloody Knuckles
Punch the heavy bag for at least 10 minutes (accumulated).
Win a match flawlessly in underground fights on Shark.
Earn $5000.
Indefinite Furlough
Finish the game at any difficulty.
Lightning Reflexes
Successfully perform 50 reversal moves in fights.
The Best Defense…
Win a fight without blocking.
Insult to Injury
Win a fight using only reveral moves and finishing moves.
Doesn’t Play Well with Others
Beat up more than 100 people on Shark.
The Great White
Finish the game on Shark.
Complete every chapter without being seen.
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
I’ll Pass on this one
lol I didn’t even they were making a game on this..I hope I can play as Theodore
Unless you are a fan, this is kind of a joke.
I’m a fan but I’ll still only rent this, seems like a cash in to see if people still like it.
Yh the show is great but these sort of games are normally a let down but i’ll still rent it though
Will wait till price drop as my wife love Prison Brake 😀
wait till its about £15 that prob be a week after release
lol i guess Shark means hard what a stupid name to call it but on the other hand the game doesn’t look half bad and looks like an easy platinum ish
Well, since the first season was the best season, I’ll give this a look. I’ll give it a rent and try to platinum it straight away lol.
Will probably be terrible though.
Hmmm doesn’t play well with others……thats a fallout 3 trophy name, thieves!!! Never watched it so prob wont be gettin it.
Trophy seem kindda easy.
Though “Shark” sounds really lame…
I might get it when it starts failing :]
I pick this one up if it is $10 but no way if it is $60 it does not look that good of a game. Cant see how they will base it on the show that will be interesting. Definitely a rental or want till it is cheap.
Never seen the show but might give it a go, after all i was hesitant on the SAW game and it turned out to be a soild game, lol I’ll take the bullet and give it a rent when it comes out and report back im
the game is only 50$ on
i think doing every mission without getting spotted sounds difficult
T-Bag was my always my favorite character on Prison Break. That guy rules!
btw is this out in the UK yet I might rent it
no your stupid, clearly u didnt see the show cos in it they call the new ones fish so shark obviously would refer to that …. idiots nowadays
i got the game for 30 i liked prison break…and so far as what i played its pretty easy to get the trophies …and the game you are a undercover cop invisitigating and you do get to see the other players but as of right now i don’t know about if you can play them i only put it in for 15 minutes then i had to go to bed for work