Final Fantasy XIII Trophies
Total Trophies: 36In Final Fantasy XIII, players will embark on a journey through the cityworld of Cocoon and the outerworld of Pulse, encountering and fighting alongside a diverse group of allies. Execute powerful attacks with weapons and magic, and summon the enigmatic Eidolons with an evolved Active Time Battle system. Experience seamless transitions between real-time gameplay and in-game cinematics. Do you have the courage to face your destiny?
Ultimate Hero
Acquired all trophies.
Commando’s Seal
Mastered the Commando role.
Ravager’s Seal
Mastered the Ravager role.
Sentinel’s Seal
Mastered the Sentinel role.
Saboteur’s Seal
Mastered the Saboteur role.
Synergist’s Seal
Mastered the Synergist role.
Medic’s Seal
Mastered the Medic role.
Instrument of Fate
Took the first steps toward challenging an unjust fate.
Instrument of Dissent
Survived the Purge to confront a greater peril.
Instrument of Tragedy
Strode into danger’s den and paid the consequences.
Instrument of Flight
Slipped through the net and lived to fight another day.
Instrument of Vengeance
Resolved to be more than a victim of circumstance.
Instrument of Survival
Evaded pursuers, though memories of the past still gave chase.
Instrument of Rebellion
Made plans to infiltrate enemy-occupied territory.
Instrument of Shame
Carried the burden of guilt to the end of the line.
Instrument of Wrath
Took the fight to the enemy’s door.
Instrument of Truth
Recognized the true threat to the world’s future.
Instrument of Hope
Traveled to the world below, seeking a way to alter fate.
Pulsian Pioneer
Took over 10,000 steps on the lowerworld surface.
Gysahl Wreath
Discovered buried treasure with a little help from a chocobo.
Kelger’s Cup
Completed all low-level Cie’th Stone missions.
Xezat’s Chalice
Completed all mid-level Cie’th Stone missions.
Limit Breaker
Dealt 100,000+ damage with a single attack.
Adamant Will
Felled a heavyweight of the lowerworld wilds.
Master’s Seal
Fully developed all characters.
Instrument of Faith
Defied destiny’s charge and embarked on a different path.
Triumphed over undying lowerworld souls in seven fierce battles.
Toppled a green terror and cut an oversized succulent down to size.
Natural Selector
Passed Titan’s trials.
Dorgann’s Trophy
Completed all high-level Cie’th Stone missions.
Galuf’s Grail
Completed all Cie’th Stone missions.
Treasure Hunter
Held every weapon and accessory.
Discerned the full attributes of 100 enemies.
Instrument of Change
Witnessed the dawn of a new crystal legend.
L’Cie Paragon
Earned a 5-star ranking for all Cie’th Stone missions.
Earned a 5-star ranking in the battle to determine the world’s fate.
Yes and you won’t need to. The boss is easy. I got it on the first try. When you beat the game it saves it before the boss like you never beat him, so you can fight him as many times as you want.
so much left after you beat it.. so much to collect… so time consuming for the plat. I love FF and all, but I’m ready for GOW III
I already got the platinum for GoW3 in about 3 days, so I’m back to FF13. Only problem is that it freezes all of the time for now for some reason and I can’t play it. 😛
Yep. FF13 ruined my disc reader. Can’t play any games now. Looks like I am one of the many that have had this issue now. 😛
slim or old console?
Older console. I’ve heard people having troubles with slims and even 360s, but it seems most of the problems are with the older ones. Mine was made in March 2007. Never had any issues until I switched to an HDMI cable and started playing FF13… the only game that ran in 1080p.
well FFXIII is amazing an i got Final Boss trophy 1st try just stagger him an do devastation /aggression you’ll kill him no time. i’m not touching another PS3 game til finish FFXIII 100%
yes i got platium! Ubergeniesen!!
Adamant Will???? What does this mean…….. i killed like 6 adamantioses/Tortiosus and it still wont give me the trophy
Did you kill the huge one with chains on it’s feet? I think that’s the one that it means.
you have to kill a stronger version of them in one of the missions – long gui
after cieth mission 62 at sulvie spring adamtoise turn in long gui!
atm at 53% of the game… just finished the main storyline today…
Man I want to get this 100% trophy as a Final Fantasy fan but…I gotta say…that I’m at the last 3 bosses (the end) and I can’t stand the game to the point that I don’t even want to finish it. I only am because I’m so close it’d be annoying not to. Plus I really want to get to the hunts again, but ugh…my game experience has been a 7/10 at best. I hope Versus XIII is much better.
This game is lacking character development, character depth, story, plot, FUN. I mean seriously the funnest part of this game for me has been leveling up in Chapter 11. The game is repetitive…ugh. I’m sorry, this really isn’t the place to rant but ughh…
Anyway, I’m like 28% with the trophies. I’m got to the 2nd of the 3rd final fights and was blown away, wondering if I need to train even MORE than I already have. Or maybe I’m not adding enough defensive equipment? My characters have all pretty much maxed out level 4 in their main three categories, is that not enough to beat the end?
Well, actually, the game isn’t that hard and the only really INSANE boss is the 2nd boss ,after barthandalus, this guy is pure insanity if you don’t know how to handle him… search it up on the internet and you’ll finish him off before he says hi (got myself a 5star rating)… for the very last boss, I suggest you let him stagger ASAP! then you switch to the most damage you could do (probably relentless assault)you can get a 5 star rating then (that gives you an additional trophy).
After you beat him you’ll laugh at the fact you couldn’t do it before… crystarium 4 for the 3 mains should be enough, don’t worry
good luck
good luck
you have to beat the game and then go back the central plains and fight it
When I kill a boss. Can i take him again after a while and get the 5 stars?? Or is he / she dead for ever ??
don’t worry… you can kill him as many times as you like
u can upgrade twice? inever knew that ive been using lvl 25 the whole time . im on the 2nd boss in ch 13. mabey upgrading the weapons will help
you can upgrade your weapons till you reach lvl 99 of your 3rd evolve (after a certain amount of XP, you can use a catalyst to transform your weapon into another weapon).
3rd weapon lvl 99 = max
do u need to do that to all weapons to get the Treasure Hunter trophy?
nope… every character needs 1 ultimate weapon
Do all the weapons/accessories need to be collected in a single game to receive the Treasure Hunter trophy, or can it be across multiple games? I only ask because I sold my frost rings and now I can’t upgrade to get the highest form of it.
ive had ff13 for a while i have about 20 missions left and i beat the game but it takes so long to develope ne easy tips to gain more experiance at all neone? and who do u think would be the 3 best characters to use currently i use snow hope and lightning…ne helpful comments/tips email me at [email protected]
I like that now ur talkin FF7 PS 1 status
my 3 consoles were ripped off because off.My 1st (the old console),the 2nd (the slim type) + 2 more that SONY replaced because of the guarantee.Anyway the slim type is apiece of shit.And all that for the treasure hunter.Thanks
Im just getting into chapter 12 now – shocked that i havent been grinding (im 29 hours in) and every character has 3 maxed level 4s + at least 1 level 1. Also noticing that people who dont like final fantasy (like me) really like the game, while final fantasy fans consider it a betrayal. sounds like SE made the game for casual gamers to turn them on to the series – not for the hardcores.
I only have 5 missions to five star (beat all of them but didn’t get *****) do you need every level of every piece of equipment or just the stages of the items? I’ve been using UC R (Ultra-Compact Reavtors) and Green Needles and been skipping so many levels of my weapons. Could some one tell me befor I continue doing this. I’m half done all of the items you can get via the stores. And can someone help me Five-Star the Gigantar.
(Does anyone else know Cactars grow if you don’t attack them
(Cactar (Grow) Giant Cactar (Mature) Cactar Prime))
you need to do this if you want a 100% Datalog.)
I disagree, I got into FF when I got X from my bro. and I thought this was a great game, I thought FF XII was a betrayal it didn’t have the normal ATB and I thought the Enviroments were kinda crapy.
How do you get the Gysahl Wreath Trophy? I spent several hours on my Chocobo (I call the one I ride by a nickname (it depends on what I’m thinking of when I hop on it’s back)) Where is this one Treasure?!?!?
What’s Devastation? I had (Fang-Light-Snow) Tri-Disaster (Rav-Rav-Rav) [Stagger] Cerberus (Com-Com-Com) wait two turns and Highwind.