Tom Clancy’s HAWX Trophies
Tom Clancy’s HAWX Trophies
Total Trophies: 51Thrust into the cockpits of incredibly powerful and technologically advanced jet fighters, gamers will benefit from hi-tech piloting assistance, providing comfort, security and enhanced perception.
Validated aspirations
Acquire all the Bronze, Silver and Gold trophies.
Operation Ghost Rider
Finish the 1st mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite difficulty setting.
Team player
Complete a mission on coop mode.
Operation Adder
Unlock and finish the 2nd mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Cobalt
Unlock and finish the 3rd mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Blacklight
Unlock and finish the 4th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
OFF certification
Unlock and finish the 5th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Glass Hammer
Unlock and finish the 6th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Backfire
Unlock and finish the 7th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Ulysses
Unlock and finish the 8th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Stiletto
Unlock and finish the 9th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Red Eagle
Unlock and finish the 10th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Torchlight
Unlock and finish the 11th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Iron Arrow
Unlock and finish the 12th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Backhand
Unlock and finish the 14th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Thunderbolt
Unlock and finish the 15th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Wildhorse
Unlock and finish the 16th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Javelin
Unlock and finish the 17th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Operation Twilight
Unlock and finish the 18th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Practice makes perfect
Spend 1 hour flying in Assistance OFF mode.
Fly faster than Mach 2 for 1 hour in campaign.
Campaign Complete: Normal
Complete all the campaign missions on Normal difficulty.
General of the Airforce
Become “General of the Airforce” (level 40).
The hard way
Complete all the campaign missions on Hard difficulty.
Extreme challenge
Complete all the campaign missions on Elite difficulty.
TDM rookie
Win a Team Deathmatch game.
Support ace
Call in every support element at least once.
Cannon ace
Destroy 50 enemies with the cannon in multiplayer matches.
Joint Strike missile ace
Score 135 kills with Joint Strike missiles in multiplayer matches.
Multi Target AA missile ace
Score 100 kills with Multi Target AA missiles in multiplayer matches.
Radar-Guided missile ace
Score 75 kills with Radar Guided missiles in multiplayer matches.
All Aspect missile ace
Score 75 kills with All Aspect missiles in multiplayer matches.
Deflector ace
Deflect 150 missiles from friendly planes.
Wing ace pilot
Remain the Team Ace for a total time of 20 minutes.
Wing leader
Be the Match Leader for a total time of 20 minutes.
Versatile pilot
Obtain an end-match award 20 times.
Kill 100 opponents using the same plane in multiplayer matches.
Participate in 100 Team Deathmatch games.
Not safe enough
Kill an enemy with a missile while being jammed in a multiplayer match.
Score a cannon kill while having Radar Suppression active in a multiplayer match.
Repair 90 hp by using a single Repair Drone support.
Score a kill with the Cannon while the enemy has Missile Suppression active.
Avoidance ace
Dodge a total of 100 missiles without using flares in multiplayer matches.
Counter support ace
Complete all counter support challenges.
Score 5 kills on an enemy Team Ace using Radar Guided missiles.
Win 25 Team Deathmatch games.
Sitting ducks
Kill 2 enemies with Multi Target AA missiles while they are affected by your EMP strike.
Point blank shot
Hit a target that’s closer than 3000m with a Radar Guided missile in multiplayer.
Test pilot
Play Team Deathmatch games using 30 different planes.
Risky stuff
Recover from stall at an altitude of 30 meters or lower in Team Deathmatch.
Evasion ace
Dodge 10 Radar-Guided missiles without using flares in multiplayer matches.
can’t wait for this game!
trophies look ace!
online flying and coop! hehe.
Long time since I played a flight sim but this one sounds pretty good. Its Tom Clancy for Gods sake!
I have been looking forward to this…. great trophies.
cant wait to play online!!!
i’m not a big fan of tom clancy’s games besides splinter cell..if this is a game about jets then maybe ill get it..
I had to wipe the dust off my 360 last night to play the demo of it…
very impressed. Graphics are ace, controls are awesome, my surround sound was pushed to the fullest, love it!
online and co-op will be awesome. 😀
not long now.
needs more golds
Whats up with people complaining about the amount of Bronze, Silver or Gold trophies. For GOD SAKES PEOPLE all the games have the same value of trophies. If they had more golds, there would be less trophies overall.
As for HAWX’S i can’t wait to see how it plays. Depending on the reviews i’ll either rent it or buy it. Co-op in these games sounds amazing. Teaming up with someone, having a friend get a ‘boggey’ off my six! Hopefully it lives up to the hype.
I also really like how they do the cities and ground. Most games that I have played had crappy ground artwork. This is a step above.
forget about them ranting about how many bronze,silver,or golds they want in a game..they cannot understand any other language than trophies..since they themselves are having a hard time getting them,all they can complain about is how they want their
yeah some people seem to be goig a bit over the top with trophies. ive got a fair few, and they dont mean anything, pretty pointless really.
but yeah… HAWX!
its going to RAWX!
see what i did there? 🙂
cant wait looks blumin amazing
looking forward to it trophies look gd aswell
played demo.
not bad.
great visuals.
i’m more of an Ace Combat fan, but pretty similar in alot of aspects.
really not bad, i might just rent for trophies.
totally dissapointed in the demo.
WAY to arcady, graphics arnt very good (the screenshots are very deciving)… just really dissapointed. The far-out view is the most embarrasing thing ive seen in the game. Felt like i was playing R-type or something.
tom clancy goes arcade… lovely.
i liked it, but ill stick to killzone 2 ! 🙂
i only have one problem with trophies and thats the platinum trophies they are to hard to achieve requirements for them are stupid i dont care bout bronze silver or gold i just get them as i go along
overall hawx does something ace combat cant its made flight sims fun its excellent in every way go to and look at both 360 and ps3 reviews it will make you all laugh and probably angry in someway
does anyone want to play for trophies sometime?
if so send me a message over PSN, along with a friend invite, saying HAWX trophies. my psn is stormtooper
i heard this game wasnt as good as it was supposed to be, when u fly near the groun its apparently like they’ve pasted google earth on the floor with a few blocks sticking out the ground lol; but thats only what i’ve heard
sidge: i read that too , but honestly i cant see it. then again with killzone 2 i havent had much time to play HAWX…which i think is great so far.
graphics arent gr8 2 be honest n u dont feel yur in a real plane. 6/10
on the other hand , iiDinkster …. you’re NOT in a real plane. (lol)
having said that , i like HAWX but i dont like flight sims , maybe this is too arcadey-easy-access for some people. i’d give it a 7-7.5/10
but anyone thinking about this game should just try the demo on psn. actually everybody should check the demo…as i said , i’m not into flight sims.
Hey gang. I rented this game. I will be able to play it tonight, tomorrow and part of Saturday.
if anyone wants to boost some trophies with me give me a shout. We can get a few Silver and a gold without too much effort.
PSN: Thickbrow
hey i got this game on release day , but havent really played much because of killzone and fifa trophies , but got back to it and HAWX is mint. u can do the campain online , the deathmatches are fun (even though i never find a Ranked game) , and to those who wondered about it , you dont have to play much in OFF mode.
Started playing this last night. I really like it. Flying in Assistance OFF mode is fun as hell in my opinion. Once you get the hang of it you can make your plane do some crazy stuff. It’s not as good as the Ace Combat games I’ve played but it’s a nice somewhat new take on the flight game.
Changed my mind about this one. The Assistance OFF crap was fun when I was hammered but not so much afterwards. The levels weren’t very fun, same thing over and over again. I sent it back to gamefly without even getting through the campaign.
dude who want 2 get a ranked and jus spend like 2 hours getting all the trophies my PSN is Sherlando im renting the game 4m gamefly and jus wanna get all trophies and move on sooo send me a friends request and lets get 2 it
need help to get the sitting ducks trophy, last one i need. PSN mikejr222
anyone want boost online trophies?
add me PSN: Grazhvis
another easy platinum that would make it 8…
hey looking for some one with a mic to boost some of the trophies and in game medals PSN BRWSTA
i have been playing ps3 almost every day for the last month – i love the whole trophy business – makes it more fun to play – but non of my friends have ps3 and that is a bit sad – i would like to have some ps3 friends so it’s more “social”
sounds a bit pathetic to ask for friends but when you have somthing in common then it’s always fun please add – my ID “Lefalaja”
^ if you are still after them i can help.
anyway, ranked online seems quiet lately, i played the game alot for a half year ago untill i decided to play a different game, i picked it up recently to finish some trophies but without many other players it will take me months just trying to find them:(
I have the hawx and i’ll like it… Gameplay & co.op play is good so… I think it’s a good game and im about 2 get hawx 2
I’m in need of trophy boosting. My name is ArticSoldier. Just type what game so I can accept