I got my PS4, guys! Shit's hype as ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE***!
I got Lego Marvel for it (probably the best Lego game as of now) and I platinumed it. Then I grabbed the plat on the PS3 version because I knew where everything was. I've also been playing a lot of AC4 and I tried Resogun, both impressive. I usually go right into a Party regardless of what console I go on though, gotta love the cross game chat, right?! The mic is ass though.
I'm looking forward to playing the “Definitive” edition of Tomb Raider because I really enjoyed the singleplayer part. So in preparation, I've been grinding the multiplayer part of the trophy list on the PS3 version. I JUST finished grinding all the XP and salvage, which only took 2 days actually, and now I have to look for boosting partners because the online is DEAD. I managed to get a couple of the trophies legit but there was only a max of 3 people in a mode meant for 16 and I couldn't even find a single lobby for the last 2 ranked modes so…
Do any of you happen to have a copy of TR and want to help me out? I'd get you all the trophies but no xp boosting. I'd prefer to do this with people I trust but it looks like I'm not going to get much of a choice… It'd probably take a maximum of 4 hours, probably'll take much less. Consider it, dudes!
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