Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 74In Battlefield: Bad Company 2, the Bad Company crew again find themselves in the heart of the action, where they must use every weapon and vehicle at their disposal to survive. The action unfolds with unprecedented intensity, introducing a level of fervor to vehicular warfare never before experienced in a modern warfare action game.
Bad Company Elite
Obtain all Campaign and Online trophies
I knew we’d make it
Campaign: finish Operation Aurora
Retirement just got postponed.
Campaign: finish Cold War
It’s bad for my karma man!
Campaign: finish Heart of Darkness
They got all your intel?
Campaign: finish Upriver
Salvage a vehicle.
Campaign: finish Crack the Sky
Alright, here it is.
Campaign: finish Snowblind
Nobody ever drowned in sweat
Campaign: finish Heavy Metal
Ghost rider’s here!
Campaign: finish High Value Target
Sierra Foxtrot 1079
Campaign: finish Sangre del Toro
Thanks for the smokes, brother!
Campaign: finish No One Gets Left Behind
Save me some cheerleaders.
Campaign: finish Zero Dark Thirty
Turn on a light.
Campaign: finish Force Multiplier
P.S. Invasion cancelled, sir.
Campaign: finish Airborne
It sucks to be right.
Campaign: finish Airborne on Hard
New Shiny Gun
Campaign: find 5 collectable weapons
Guns Guns Guns
Campaign: find 15 collectable weapons
Link to the Past
Campaign: destroy 1 satellite uplink
Communication Issues
Campaign: destroy 15 satellite uplinks
Complete Blackout
Campaign: destroy all satellite uplinks
Ten Blades
Campaign: 10 melee kills
Campaign: drive 5 km in any land vehicle
Campaign: destroy 100 objects
Destruction Part 2
Campaign: destroy 1000 objects
Campaign: demolish 1 house
Demolish Part 2
Campaign: demolish 50 houses
Assault Rifle Aggression
Campaign: 50 kills with assault rifles
Sub Machine Gun Storm
Campaign: 50 kills with sub machine guns
Light Machine Gun Lash Out
Campaign: 50 kills with light machine guns
Sniper Rifle Strike
Campaign: 50 kills with sniper rifles
Wall of Shotgun
Campaign: 50 kills with shotguns
Multiplayer Knowledge
Online: reach Rank 10 (Sergeant I)
Multiplayer Elite
Online: reach Rank 22 (Warrant Officer I)
Assault Expert
Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Assault kit
Engineer Expert
Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Engineer kit
Medic Expert
Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Medic kit
Recon Expert
Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Recon kit
Battlefield Expert
Online: obtain all unlocks in any kit or all Vehicle unlocks
15 Minutes of Fame
Online: play for 15 minutes
Mission… Accomplished.
Online: in a round do one kill with the knife, the M60 and the RPG-7
Pistol Man
Online: get 5 kills with every handgun in the game
Online: roadkill an enemy with any helicopter
Et Tu, Brute?
Online: knife 5 friends
Demolition Man
Online: get 20 demolish kills
Careful Guidence
Online: destroy an enemy helicopter with a stationary RPG
The Dentist
Online: do a headshot kill with the repair tool
Won Them All
Online: win a round in all online game modes
Squad Player
Online: obtain the Gold Squad Pin 5 times
Combat Service Support
Online: do 10 resupplies, repairs, heals, revives and motion mine spot assists
Award Aware
Online: obtain 10 unique awards
Award Addicted
Online: obtain 50 unique awards
DLC Trophies:
SPECACT Assault Elite
Get all SPECACT Assault awards
SPECACT Engineer Elite
Get all SPECACT Engineer awards
SPECACT Medic Elite
Get all SPECACT Medic awards
SPECACT Recon Elite
Get all SPECACT Recon awards
Onslaught Co-op DLC Trophies:
Valpariso Veteran
Successfully complete Valpariso in Onlsaught mode on Hardcore difficulty
Isla Inocentes Veteran
Successfully complete Isla Inocentes in Onlsaught mode on Hardcore difficulty
Atacama Desert Veteran
Successfully complete Atacama Desert in Onlsaught mode on Hardcore difficulty
Nelson Bay Veteran
Successfully complete Nelson Bay in Onlsaught mode on Hardcore difficulty
Valpariso Conquered
Successfully complete Valpariso in Onlsaught mode on any difficulty
Isla Inocentes Conquered
Successfully complete Isla Inocentes in Onlsaught mode on any difficulty
Atacama Desert Conquered
Successfully complete Atacama Desert in Onlsaught mode on any difficulty
Nelson Bay Conquered
Successfully complete Nelson Bay in Onlsaught mode on any difficulty
Vietnam DLC Trophies:
Can I Go Home Now?
Achieve a team victory on all Vietnam levels
Every Gun has a Silver Lining
Get silver stars on all primary Vietnam weapons (Veteran weapons not included)
Ecstasy of Gold
Get gold stars on all primary Vietnam weapons (Veteran weapons not included)
Doing the Rounds
Get a kill with all Vietnam vehicles
Cantankerous Chauffeur
Get 100 kills with Vietnam tanks
Ride of the Valkyrie
Get 50 kills with the helicopter
Would you Kindly STFU?
Destroy a Hannoi Hannah propaganda speaker
Great Balls of Fire
Get 20 kills with the flamethrower
Just Because I Can
Finish 1st on the scoreboard on any Vietnam level
Hidden Trophy
😕 does bad company2 has better graphic than bad company1?
im gunna be picking this up this wkend so im will need people to play with for online trophies after i get my ps3 back from sony for YLOD for the SECOND time, so if anyone would like to add me please do, should be back online monday
Whats ur psn name and ill add you.
Just got the platinum #32 good multiplayer game
add me berformet. need these also
Got PLAT !! luv it lol nearly got heavy rain PLAT aswell will b my 8th 🙂
is this game better then modern warfare 2
Alot better than modern warefare
any1 interested in trying 4 demo 2.0 kills??? add me
Almost got 8 ‘Demoltition 2.0’ kills!! Killed 5 guys by the building falling down and 3 guys with the C4.. Man hilarious shit, an entire team got their ass handed to them by.. ME! xD
Bad company Is LOL Like MW2
I think so, yes. Improved animations, and better overall look and feel. Just buy it, you’ll like it.
what is the (+) trophies? D:
this game is terrible! it’s way too addicting! however i have exams atm so my playing time has ben significantly cut
@YakuzaShot=the (+) trophies are to indicicate that there obtainable only in the add on content (dlc) thus are not needed for platinum
BFBC2 is a cool game got like 76% of the trophies.
Still need a few others airkill,demo,et tu brute..ect.
If anyone else fancies having a game add me
ADDME to play in squad ,im a starter 😀
I’ll add you, I should be picking it up tomorrow.
I only need Destruction 2.00 kills and I’ll have play but it’s sooooo hard 🙁 do team kills count coz I’ve killed like 5 enemies but like 10 teamates while trying for the trophy
need help for this demolition 2.0. PSN: nachocheesetower
i want more trophies added. finished the game and the add ons. if there is any game id want more of it’s bfbc2.
I’m sure the game is very good i have it but i did play it.
it like mw2. Help me to have the trophy’s thank’s (elfman30) psn.
for those stuck on the demolition man thingy:
note that you must be at lv18 in order to do this trick, it makes it possible to level a 2 or 3 story building with one blow.
Kk everyone add psn if u need help or somebody to play with 🙂
add upp!!
Just got this game today. I have been wanting to rent it but Game Stop is selling it for $40 sale with other good games. If you haven’t played this game you need to. I have only played the first five missions and it is very very good. I can’t wait to start on the online soon after i’m done the game.
hi all, i need some boosting help with the demolisch kills :s
add me on psn: Diegostyle69
Level 33 “first seargent”. If u want to be in a great squad add me as a friend. My PSN is Bull_City_Beast
DEMOLISHON MAN ,et tu brute trophy boost add me humpalotj
Hey, Just got the platnium and it took me 1 and a half days just to get demolition man. Thats probably the hardest, but i have %80 of trophies because i havent got the SPECACT and Onslaught yet. But when i get it im gettin those trophies no matter what.
Need Help With Et Tu Brute And Demolition Man. Anyone Wanna Boost?
hello everyone, im hoping sum1 can help me. im getting bfbc2 at the weekend but also getting a new 500gb hdd for my birthday in 4weeks. i just need sum1 to let me know if the save files are copy protected, im currently trying to finish ufc 2010, sam & max: devils playhouse and call of juarez so i dont lose those saves wen i have my new hdd, and i dont want to start bfbc2 if im just going to have to start from scratch in 4weeks time. thanks in advance if any1 helps me
Yes you can copy data
easy plat its so easy if u dont have plat then u must be retarded by the way it is my 80th platinum trophy
Anyone want to boost. I need demolish kill trophy and et tu brute. Add me my psn is gameonhard
dude ill add you i just need the et tu brute and demolition man tropies
nothing compares to Bad Company 1 or 2. blows CoD out of the water theres 10x more stuff to do in BC1 and 2 than CoD period
only trophy i need is teh stpuid air kill trophy i hate driving helos, anyonw know if itll work on harcore by doing a team kill? or does it have to be an oposing team member?
i net help et brute pless hilp me 😕 …
🙄 help me pless add me
Hey. I just got the Onslaught DLC. Add Me so we can tackle the maps on hardcore. PS i have the platinum now XD. My PSN is gameonhard
Does anyone know what the Vietnam hidden trophy is?
Hidden Vietnam trophy is get best squad award on Operation Hastings
80th Platinum? Why don’t you try having sex once? With a woman
I’m sorry but I was too busy trying not to freeze to death on Snowblind to look for all of the M-COM stations in that level. Also, I was trying to survive the nearly endless onslaught of enemies in either Zero Dark Thirty or Force Multiplier to be looking for those things. However, now that I have finished the game and am nearly done with the multiplayer ones, I will be going back for those and the rest of the guns that I missed. Does anyone know if the Platinum trophy can be unlocked with just the original content, or if I have to purchase the DLC and get those trophies too for the Plat? Anyways, add me on PSN. PSN ID=tinman135, just put Allps3 in the subject line.
anyone still need demo 2.0 kills please add me
I just got a ps3 and this game, if anyone wants to boost some trophies add me up, I also got killzone3 and blackops, I have a mic too.
Looking For Some Squad Mates For Rush & Conquest Add Me If Interestead On PN, I Have A Mic And Rank 22
Thats A Zero BTW Lol
The Easiest Thing To Do Is Get The UAV And Get A Air Kill Thats What I Did And It Works Alot Easier Then Trying To Kill Em With A Full Helo
hey everybody, you want to play with me boosting trophies in the game? if u wanna then add me PSN: LegendJumpeR.
Ay I need help with earning some online trophies,plz add me ASH_UNDEFEATED